
Tama: The little dragon

Gale was living a normal life until he found a dragon egg...Now the dragon thinks Gale is his mother and decided to stay with him...but Gale doesn't know anything about dragons... Can Gale take care of the dragon with all the troubles and evolution it brings!?

ImoNat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Entry 6: Training [1]

So it seems Tama can breath fire now but he can't control it on his will....now Tama remains quiet and doesn't open his mouth for anything except eating

I can't let it stay that way so I have to train him how to control his fire

I revised my notes and opened my 'How to train your Dragon' and began reading it searching for ideas how I can fix this problem

I kept reading until I found the topic about controlling fire and showed me how I can help Tama to control it....for that I need to find a place which is open like plain fields

But there I encountered another problem too....it seems before teaching Tama how to control his fire...I need to teach him about basic behaviour like how to respond to calls, how to treat him well and taking care of his health and hygiene like brushing him on regular periods....

Now that I think about it...I really haven't taken care of Tama at all have I? All I did was just command him what NOT to do and gave him his food....oh god looks like I will be busy for a while this week

For now I decided to create a list of things I will need to take care of Tama's basic hygeine

I need a bathtub, a brush, a towel, and something to measure his temperature..

I can already take care of first 3 things by buying it just from this town and for the last thing I will study more about dragons so that I know what he feels currently

And so I quickly head out to buy the three things I require and stopped in front of a hardware shop where an old man in his 50s was opening his store..He was in his 50s, had white hair and had wrinkles on his face. He was married and had 3 kids...2 sons and 1 daughter. The 2 boys went to the royal capital to try out for the army while the daughter helps him at the store. He had a wife who died 5 years ago due to health problems. His family suggested him to retire but he refused saying that this store is the only memory left for his wife and he wants to keep it running until he finally dies. This showed his devotion to his wife and how grateful he was to her, for that I respect him from bottom of my heart.

"Goodmorning Mr. Clark."

The old man turned back and smiled seeing me

"Hello Gale, what brings you here today?"

"Umm Mr. Clark, I would like to purchase a few things from here..."

"Go on, tell me what you need!" he answered enthusiastically

"So I would like to buy a small tub, a brush for cleaning and a towel."

"Sure these are available at the store...are you training a magical beast?"

"Yeah. Something like that."

"Alright then." he continued "ALICIA bring us a tub, a towel and a brush to the front!!"

"Alright dad" A young pretty voice answered

And so a young lady with blonde long hair, and brown eyes, quiet slim with around to be age 21 came to the front bringing those said items...

"Oh Mr. Gale, was it you who requested these items?"

"Yeah, thank you for bringing those!"

"No problem!! Well that would be.....around 50 Gouls"

And so I paid them the money and head back to my house to give Tama a bath..

* * * * * *

And so first things first I need to give Tama a bath in a hot tub because it says it seems to be good for his health

And so I prepared a hot tub of water and called Tama...but there was a bit of a problem

It seemed Tama doesn't like hot water, he seemed to be struggling to get out of my hands.

It was hard for me too...carrying a dragon who was struggling NOT to take a bath and moving around jolting

"Sorry Tama, but I can't be too soft on you....you have to take a bath!!!" I can't let you be sick in first few weeks after your bath so endure it!!

Tama seemed to be crying but I had to put in on hot tub of water...the moment I released my grip...Tama ran away...

"Oh for the love of...."

Good thing I locked the door before hand so that Tama can't escape and so I started chasing him....but Tama seemed to be quiet agile and I was struggling for a while...

So I decided to use my plant magic to capture him.

He was running in a straight motion so I adjusted my magic and used at an direction where he will appear and threw 5 vines at him....it was a success. I managed to catch him and lift him up

Tama was struggling to get out but he couldn't so he started crying....but it that one cry he released his flames towards me....

"Oh GOD" I can't let it hit me so with my other hand I created a shield to protect me from the flames

It seems Tama flames wasn't that much powerful because I was able to block it

Knowing it was my victory I put Tama back to the bathtub and washed him..

Tama was struggling but I still somehow managed to make him take a bath....

Phew, it was exhausting...

And so after the bath, I used the towel and brushed his scales and skin

Tama seemed to like it alot and was rather quiet during the brushing part....and so he went to sleep right after it

Now was time for the final part....his checkup

I had to know if he was fit or not...if Tama's head was burning hot and his claws were sharp....he was fit for the next stage of training but if he seemed to be cool...he was feeling unfit and so I checked him out

Luckily for me his head was hot AND his claws were sharp.....and so after he wakes up I will train him some basic commands and take him to plains so that he can control his fire.....

This week was going to be a lot busier than I expected

I sighed at the end thinking what and how to do the next things....