
Tama: The little dragon

Gale was living a normal life until he found a dragon egg...Now the dragon thinks Gale is his mother and decided to stay with him...but Gale doesn't know anything about dragons... Can Gale take care of the dragon with all the troubles and evolution it brings!?

ImoNat · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Entry 7: Training [2]

Alright now that Tama has taken a bath and has been put to sleep...it seems I need to revise what I will do next as well....For the next stage I would like to learn him how to respond to calls

I know Tama is smart enough to understand my words so after Tama wakes up...let's get it started then

It should be easy compared to make him take a bath! I'm sure about that....

The book also said that if the baby dragon is successful in fulfilling one of his jobs...give it some praise or something light for it to eat....because Tama likes meat....I decided for this training I would feed him some dry fish if he is successful.

So I went outside again to buy some dry fish....

Outside the clinic someone called me

"Hello Mr. Gale, how are you?" It was Frisa

"Hello Frisa! yeah I am just going to shop to buy some dry fishes.."

"Oh. If dry fish is all you need, we have some. I can lend it to you." She replied

"Oh no, don't let it worry you. I am alright!"

"No Mr. Gale, you have helped me alot these past few days so I just wanted to repay the generosity you have given me!" She answered smiling

You see, normally I would like to avoid this offer but since I might run out of money soon I should take the golden hand presented to me....

"....Alright then I will take on your offer Miss Frisa!"

"Nice, follow me then." She said it going towards her clinic. I followed her and entered the clinic.

The clinic was decorated very well...it had red walls, red seats, brown counters, black carpets and brown doors which contrasted really well with each other

Looks like I will be taking some inspiration from here

"Mr. Gale, wait here for a second till I get dry fish back!" and then she left to get the dry fishes

I have to admit, the clinic was decorated really well for it being a new store and it seems there is a bakery as a side job at the side of the clinic too...I was moving around and saw a pot and some leaves being churned and burned.... perhaps she was creating some herbs but why was there burn marks?

By then Frisa returned and hand me over the dry fish in a small black box

"If it's not enough you can come here again!"

"Oh alright, thanks" I continued "By the way Frisa...why are there burn marks around here?"

"Oh...uh it's just that....." she seemed quiet embarrassed "there was a little bit of accident on my part..."



"Yeah...how do I say it....it's pretty embarassing...I-uh actually...I..somehow used my magic...and it burnt the entire cauldron!!" She saying it hiding her face

"Magic? Is your magic Fire magic?"

"It's flame magic and yeah I accidently burned it."

"Ooh that must have been pretty hot then...." I said jokingly

"...yeah it sure was....."

There was a moment of silence between us

Was my joke that bad? (Yes it was)

"Uhhh gotta go now, see you around!" I waved her and exit the clinic

"Don't worry Mr. Gale!! I won't tell anyone you are terrible at making jokes!!"

Ehhhh what?Shouldn't it be me who should be keeping things quiet??Why is she keeping up things quiet?

Anyways I returned to my house and decided to finally teach and train Tama...

* * * * * *

"Hey Tama!!" I called him but it seems he was still sleeping

I went to check my room and I was right, he was still sleeping so I decided to shake him lightly and see if he wakes up or not

He woke up still feeling sleepy, he rubbed his eyes and looked at me and called me with his usual "Kyuu" and so I decided to check something

If Tama likes dry fish or not...if he does then I will use it, if he does not I might return it to Frisa and thank her for her generosity....

So I took out one dry fish from the box...kept it on the floor...and waited.

Tama was starting at it....not budging until it moved. He wents towards it and tried to sniff it..and then...he finally ate it and he seems to like it alot

I sighed a sigh of relief...it seems I can finally start the training again

But I still have to decide what I will teach him tho?

Dragons are suppose to be quick learners so I decided I will teach him how to respond to me if I call him and probably how NOT to destroy my house.

And so I told Tama about things he should do and not do

"You see Tama, whenever I call you...you have to respond to me." Tama looked slightly confused by it and so I repeated it by a trick this time...

I pulled out a dry fish and explained things to him again, "Whenever I call you...you will respond to me. Got it?" This time Tama responded

"Alright then, let's try it!"

"Tama, are you here!" to which Tama responded..

"Good job!" and so as promised I gave him the dry fish

Now let's try it without the fish

"Tama are you here?!" Tama responded again

It seems dragons are really smart....it's quiet easy to teach if the child is already smart enough to understand...and so I gave him the fish again.

Now I suppose I should make it a little tougher.

"Tama, JUMP!!" ....but all Tama did was called back. It seems Tama doesn't know the meaning of words like jump, run, fly, etc. so perhaps he didn't understand me

So I told him again, "Listen Tama, whenever I say jump...you have to jump alright!" and then showed him a demonstration of jumping. The moment I say jump, I jump so I showed it to Tama and said "Now you do it!"

"Tama, Jump!!" but Tama called

"Tama, Jump!!" but Tama ran...it wasn't even in the correct action

"Tama, JUMP!!!" but Tama used his breathe fire and almost burned my face....

Now I am not the person I was a few minutes ago, whoever said training magical beasts is easy.....lied through their mouth!!!!

After few more hours...I think I finally managed to do it!!

"Tama, are you there? and Tama called

"Tama,Jump!!" and Tama jumped

"Tama, run!!" and Tama ran around the room

YES!!I finally managed to do it

It was so tiring...let's not forget how many times Tama swapped the orders! Haaah I deserve a rest after that

Overcome by emotions I picked up Tama and praised him. But in return he tried to burn me

Luckily I got used to the attacks and managed to defend myself in time....

Haah. I was so glad to have magic then

And so I gave Tama 3 more dry fish....I am almost about to run out of them....

So I decided to use them for dinner to make pickles, and decide where and how will I take Tama outside tomorrow....

I left that troubles for the tomorrow me...the present me just wants to sleep now

And so I went to sleep.....