
Tales of Muna

Muna a 15yrs old girl who was forced to marry an old general for power. She had the desire to become a lawyer and bring freedom to the women of their land. She fell inlove with a Noble worriors son, who brought civilization to Muna and tried to help her excape from the village to the United kingdom with him when he was elected to be one of their armies.. Would he be able to over power the general Mina's husband and would Muna become a lawyer? Find out

Christabel_Benson · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

My personal body guard

"We have a problem!" I heard father's voice from behind his chamber's door, I was listening to his conversation, it was something I never do, but since father had started looking for a suitor for me, I become to eagar, I wanted to know who he had plans to marry me off to. Father was back a week ago just as Kunshi' had said

" What is wrong father" Lukas asked. 

Brother had made sure not to mention what happened between him and Zainab to father, because the truth was finally out.

"War is coming, our men are not enough to fight this, the decresh wants to take over our kingdom!" He said with a hint of worry in his voice.

"We are going to loose this war and I know it!"

"What makes you think so father? Your now a king remember you could get anything done" Jamel said, he was my step brother from one of fathers wives.

" The decresh kingdom is one of the biggest Kingdom in the entire empire and they have too many solder at their disposal" father stated in frustration.

" But father, how about you ask general Gandhi for help?"

"I already did that and he said he couldn't invest in a war he would lose" 

" What?" It was unbelievable, why marry Timi if he had no plans to help after the marriage.

"Why marry Timi then." Brother finally said what I had in mind.

" How about you marry Muna off to him this time!"

" Yes give her to him. She's the only option for now" They all chorused

I couldn't believe my ears.

And father agreed. I ran out of the corridor,  to the garden, everyone were staring at me, shocked because it was unladylike to run, I didn't care. I just couldn't imagine father wanted to marry me off to Timi's husband!!

I fell on the garden floor and allowed my tears to flow freely down my chest.

" What makes you cry so my lady" I heard Kinshi's voice behind me, I quickly sat up and cleaned my tears.

" Nothing am fine." I said shortly, he stared at me, giving me 'I don't believe you look.'

" Can I asked for a favour?"

"What favour is it?"

" Take me outside," I said, I had no idea why I said that, I knew very well he wouldn't do it... Father had forbidden that a long time ago...

I just watch him stare at me for a while.

"Is there any place you would like to go?" He asked surprising me yet again.

" Anywhere is fine,"

" Can you ride a horse"

" No !"

''okay you will ride with me!"we both walked to the horse and we rode off in the night . I have never felt so free in a long time. 

We went to the market and walked among common people, it was so refreshing and peaceful to be there again.

"You seem to like the market?" He asked

" yes I do, I find it peaceful" I said 

" I see," then he rode me into the woods 

" What are we doing here?"

" I want to show you something," he said, we came to a place in the woods where many small Yellow lights were flying over the whole place.

" What are they?" I asked while he helped me down from the horse.

" They are fireflies. When I was a little boy, I wouldn always run here and make a wish when ever am sad," He said. I looked at him dumbfounded. I never knew things like this existed.

" Wow, they are really beautiful." 

"Why don't you make a wish?" he said then I quietly closed my eyes and made a wish...

" What did you wish for?

" To be free" I simply said, I turned and our eyes met and like everytime I look into his eyes, I felt a force pulling me towards him, making me forget every other painful things...