
Tales of Muna

Muna a 15yrs old girl who was forced to marry an old general for power. She had the desire to become a lawyer and bring freedom to the women of their land. She fell inlove with a Noble worriors son, who brought civilization to Muna and tried to help her excape from the village to the United kingdom with him when he was elected to be one of their armies.. Would he be able to over power the general Mina's husband and would Muna become a lawyer? Find out

Christabel_Benson · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Brat of a brother

I woke up and shifted in my bed, I recalled my dream and a quick blush I appeared on my face. I saw him in my dream once again this time around I dreamt about us getting married he treated me right and was the best husband I could ever wish for.

Suddenly I got distracted by sounds of yellings and quickly sat up on my bed. I looked around and strained my ears I could hear Zainab voice. She was crying. Climbing down from the bed I put my robe on and quickly walk to the door.

Some maids and guards gathered in the hall, arguing about something. I could see fear in Zainab eyes she was trembling with her hands behind her back.

"What is wrong?" I whispered when I walk close to her. she showed me her trembling hands I was baffled, she had with her brother's sword, glued to her hands.

"How?" I asked worriedly.

" This so called father's wife of mine tried to kill me, if only I had not woken up in time and caught her." Brother yelled out and the and everyone screamed in shocked. 

"I did not do it please believe me" Zainab cried out.

"Don't you dare talk while am speaking you s****, you tried to get pass at me, if not that I am responsible and wouldn't go about sleeping with my father's wives. Father must be so disappointed to have you as his wife." Brother said once more and all our brothers agreed with him.

"Take this woman to the cell!" This time it was lukman who yelled out to the guards. He was Serena's first son.

"No, no, I did not do it." Zainab cried as the guards approached her.

I have no idea what father would do to Zainab if he heard this, I both pitied and feared for her. She might have her hands cut off or worse be executed. I did not know which sounded worst. Attempted murderer was of course not okay but knowing Zainab I knew she would never do such a thing.

I know my brothers very well and I knew they had planned this. Some weeks ago Zainab told me my brothers had tried to sleep with her but she refused and threatened to report to father. My brats of a brother could have not been able taken to the shame of being rejected by a woman and he planned to get back at her. 

"No! You guys don't you dare touch her let go of her right now!" I ordered. They all stared at me with surprise look plastered on their faces.

" And who are you to order my men?"Brother  asked

"I know zainab, she would never do this!" I ignored him and said. And it happen in a second brother grab me by the hand and yank me to the wall.

"How dare you, Muna." He glowed

"Stop it Lucas!" I heard mother cry behind us " your hurting her she's your little sister."

" You don't tell me what to do mother! You haven't trained you daughter well, don't you know women don't talk when men talk. "Lucas glowed again 

"And who said women are not supposed to speak, dear brother?" I said in a challenging tone, mock sweetness coloring my voice. Lukas stilled. He raises his incredulous gaze up to my eyes, clearly surprised by my outburst.

Suddenly brother raised his hand to my face. I quickly closed my eyes waiting for him to strike me but it did not come. Slowly I open my eyes and I saw him Kunshi' he held brother's hand.

" I am sorry, his highness told me to keep an eye on her and that includes not letting anyone touch her." He said nonchalantly.

"let's go of my hand right now!" Lukas demanded after staring intensely into each other's eyes for a while, Kunshi' finally released his hand.

"No one touches anyone until the king is back. The Kings order!" Kunshi' said stiffly and brother sent him a look. Anger, hatred?

"And who are you to give us orders!" lukman sneared.

" The Kings commander !" That was his short reply " And Muna is right, her highness wouldn't have tried to murder you if you had done nothing wrong, that if she even did it." We watched him dumbfounded, as he walked up to Zainab ND freed the sword from her hands and took both of us with him out of the hall to my chamber.

He was so fearless no one has ever talked to my brothers like that. 

 In my entire life no one has ever stood up for me like this beautiful young man did. I know sometimes mother does but not like what he had done today. A man who barely even knew me.

" Are you all right?" He asked worriedly as soon as we reached my Chamber.

"Yes yes." we both smiled sweetly at him. "Thank you." I said feeling butterflies in my stomach.

He just smiled. " You did well, your father appointed me to watch over you while he's gone he will be back by next week." He said. " Call on me if you need anything at all I'm outside." With that he walked away...