
Tales Of Creation - Omega Trismegistus

A new age is born and with it a new godhead along with fresh challenges,characters and truths. An age of trinity, one which the fate of everyone and thing lies in the balance of Three People. who will it be? The Devil, The Messiah or The God?. A drama of tragedy, action, supernatural, depression, weakness, helplessness and powerlessness isn't that just a wonderful play one in which the savior shall break,shatter and pull himself to reach the height to break the chains of the Devil and discover the Truth of God. So Come Ye Outsider Let Us Watch The Tales Of Creation Together!.

AkumaXl_Star · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 1.6

Tribulations and Discussion Among King And Queen.

Have you ever felt a sensation that compels you to do certain things that you yourself wouldn't have done before?

And yes I'm not speaking about mundane instinct.

Something that take over all your five senses even the sixth?, Are you still confused? then take this. For instance...

"I want to eat this food."

"I feel like wearing this dress."

"I don't just like this person."

"I want to get in bed this woman."

"I want to become rich."

"I want to buy this car."

All these are aspect in all living things that runs deeper than a sense of "Desire", that holds control superior to that of instinct in all reality these are simple facts and logic that dictates the actions of an individual.

"Yes. I have." A few words that leaked out infallible amount of power was spoken by the one that is known by The Devil as he sat down on a throne which was covered with the flesh of the damned and forged from the skull of humans and animals alike.

Of course someone like you — No — A beast like you would have experienced this type of craving of sort before.

But. would you say that this is what is driving you towards this self destructive goal of yours? After all you were once a man who had ambitions of incomprehensible magnitude.

<After all, "ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened" I find those statements to be some sort of delusional Deus Ex Machina to delude the masses. The true nature of the universe decides that isn't the case>

"No. The sole thing that is driving me towards my goal is undeniably diabolical but it is also as simple in concept ''I want to bring an end to all these facades'' that is a part of the reason for my goal."

Ah, Yes I know that already but what I seek is the Truth behind your goals , Ambitions, Dreams etc.


Those words you just uttered just ignited a fire within me. Yes the art of destruction is very painfully simple isn't it the act of annihilating an item,person, concept or law. I still fail to see the complexity in such a Truth of yours.

"Hermes Trismegistus; My dear, elusive sorcerer don't you get it?. Truthfully I would have expected someone of your sheer divine and glorious status to understand. Destruction is just the end product of my actual "Truth" the fundamental aspect of my actions is Conflict that would bring upon an End which in my case is Destruction.

"Destruction might be simple but it holds the might to topple all things no matter their complexity whether nations,planets,stars and even the universe itself can be brought down through the wiles of destruction."

Of course, how foolish of me only someone as.... Unique like you would ever enlighten someone like me in such an exotic way. Yes. I understand 'Conflict' is needed to birth Destruction and it is also needed to bring forth an End.


"Such beings like us shouldn't worry about such notions like Destruction right? well that is wrong. if God is outside of the scope of Conflict And Destruction then I— The Devil — shall simply drag Destruction into the scope of God himself. It is as simple as that".

"After all isn't it the job of God's Antithesis to oppose his very laws, actions and even his existence."

You never fail to baffle me, my dear beastly companion only such as you the great Excellency 'Der Führer' of Germany who as seen countless victories and losses, caused the greatest of war would be able to bring forth such an insight.

"Let me now ask you a question, did you ever doubt my 'Schutzstaffel' or the Empire and my loyal soldiers to win the war against those Soviet allies, did you trust me to orchestrate such a grand war that shook the depths of history?."

Of course I did—

"Then you shall also know that conflict may be started by a single individual but it takes the masses to drive it on. I was a firm believer of the great slogan of 'One Nation, One Empire, One Leader'."

"That is why I need subordinates who will act as extension of my very will in reigning and assuming the absolute power of Destruction and the authority to bring it all to an End."

"You already know that i hate the prospect of something lasting forever as all things have to truly End! I comprehended that at the time of my birth that is why my loss and the End of the war and my life gives me great satisfaction."

Interesting a sense of Apeirophobia — Fear Of Eternity — but in this case Fear Of The Beginning what an interesting and hilariously ironic situation this is.

Bringing all the laws of the universe to an end by dragging it into Destruction would undoubtedly ascend one to 'Transcendence' a unique and exotic method which holds self destructive and insane truth.

You, my friend is someone who truly deserve the title of The Devil.

"Hahahaha, The blood of forty million people are on my hands, their souls never escaping my grip who else would deserve the monicker of the Apoptosis of God except me — The Devil."

"Hahahaha, your words hold truth to them my friend". "To think that someone like you decided to shed away your mortal skin during that very day".

"I remember it vividly, killing myself right at the center of that 'gap' was the only choice I had to rid myself of the constraints of human flesh, I took a bid and it worked simply as my body was burnt to ash my soul was reborn into a superior existence."

"You are truly an immutable beast confined in the shell of this fragile cosmos. The moment you escape it the Descent Towards the true act shall finally begin, until then let us watch the savior that will oppose your journey.

"Indeed the journey of my rival shall be interesting to witness after all the one destined to oppose me should be ambitious enough."

< Only if you knew >

"That is why I have sent some of my Einherjar towards his location, but just in case it all becomes stale I shall call for a first threat to this play of yours."

"Yes that would be wonderful my dear friend — The very first Trial of the Messiah shall soon begin and only some more episodes to go before the first aspect of the final act".


In the corner of a dark night the corpse of multiple victims men,women and children littered the alley and streets their limbs scattered across the cold floor causing a truly gory sight as at the center of this bloody phenomenon was a man?— No — a creature who held a large scythe attached to his very hands.

His? — No currently its abyss-like body that took on the appearance of a rotting corpse with stitches all across it's surface along with the necromantic aura around him this beast, creature? — Einherjar — was an immortal ripper like no other.

Its eyeless face scrunched up into a maniacal smile as the information 'Knight II' was written on its face as a kanji of sort.

The reason for the beast smile was clear.

"I have a task for you..."

"Yes... My....Excellency" a crooked voice that sounded similar to a malnourished choke was uttered from its mouth in a manner that showed its inability to speak fluent words.

But in a shocking display its body changed and molded into that of a man of regal appearance. His snow white hair stood out in the abyss black night, his pure black eyes that ironically melded perfectly with the night somberly shone with killing intent as his pale skin gave him a ghostly presence the enscribed Knight II was as clear as they.

Smiling with a euphoric visage his garment that held a swastika was as clear as day.

"I'm counting on you to perform your job"

"Knight II - Jack The Ripper."