
Tales Of Creation - Omega Trismegistus

A new age is born and with it a new godhead along with fresh challenges,characters and truths. An age of trinity, one which the fate of everyone and thing lies in the balance of Three People. who will it be? The Devil, The Messiah or The God?. A drama of tragedy, action, supernatural, depression, weakness, helplessness and powerlessness isn't that just a wonderful play one in which the savior shall break,shatter and pull himself to reach the height to break the chains of the Devil and discover the Truth of God. So Come Ye Outsider Let Us Watch The Tales Of Creation Together!.

AkumaXl_Star · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 1.7


After getting up and finally going back to class I just ignored the words of the teacher as I sat down on my chair and stared out of the window in a despairing manner.


Looking outside the gentle breeze that blew upon me in a caring manner and the sky blue sky which gave an Illustrious image that hypnotized my sight failed to calm my now panicking mind.

To be honest my mind wasn't the most stable of places but the threat to my happy days as shattered something within me. all the encounters I had felt like some sort of Deja Vu that had happened but was at the same time hadn't happened.

I feel like someone — No — Something is truly purposely distorting my daily life and to manipulate me into disrupting the stable pillars I had held down.

< Only if you knew >

Huh?!... This time I swore I could hear someone voice or again I might be going insane. Yes that might be it my mind isn't the most stable of places right now.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Class was over as I stopped my thoughts and decided to walk outside of the classroom and not so surprisingly I came face to face with Anne the innocent witch that held on an enchanting smile.

"How was your class Minato-kun~" The she-devil spoke with a sickening sweet tone as her voice told me enough she knew how my day is going.

'Tch. Like you wouldn't know'

"Of course I do. it's just more fun seeing you look irritated~" And there she goes showing her true nature while still holding a cute smile like that. now I wonder how she does that.

I was already done with talking to her as I was about to leave the classroom a force pushed me back sending me flying and hitting the table and chairs in the room.

Anne closed the door as the lock clicked signifying me that she had somehow shut it permanently.

"What the hell do you want with me!" I couldn't help myself as I burst out my frustration as she stared mockingly into my eyes.

"Don't act like you don't know dear Messiah ~" Anne said to me in a brief slip of annoyance.

"Messiah!?..... What the fuck are you talking about?." I was honestly confused. why did she call me Messiah? last time I checked I wasn't freaking Jesus or something.

"Hehehehehe. you really are a crafty one no wonder your Swastika title is 'Faust'." Anne says with a giggle that sent shivers down my spine.

Where did the sweet girl persona go?. She wasn't acting violent before so why the heck is she doing this now.

And she's confusing me with all this name stuff, first she calls me Messiah and now she starts calling me Faust when did I make a deal with The Devil.

'Shit how do I escape from. this situation without kicking the bucket'

"Okay fine you caught me I am The Messiah but before you carry on you will first answer my questions." I swore that sweat was dripping from my face as I struggled to keep a serious face.

"Oh okay ask when you're ready~" Anne answered back in a casual manner surprising me at not only at the change of mood but also at her believe? in the bullshit I just said.

'Cool down and do this'

"What are you?"

"I'm to put it simply a Einherjar~" Anne says surprisingly in a excited way as she stared weirdly twitching.

'Immortal soldiers or undead right?'

"Einherjar?..." I said again trying to get more information on the matter.

"....." Anne didn't say anything again which bumped me out but made me understand I had to be fast with my questions.

And her twitching grew rapidly it was starting to creep me out to an insane degree.

"What do you mean by calling me Fau—

"Did you really think the witch would fall for such an obvious lie".

In an instant faster than the eyes could perceive a terrifying slash permeated the air of the classroom as at my front was Elizabeth who had just cleaved away some kind of shadowy fang that were about to devour me.

"Honestly this was expected. If anyone would try to jeopardize our mission it would surely be you 'mad witch'." Elizabeth appeared in her regal presence holding a glowing blue blade that held on its surface finely enchanted runes directly at the neck of Anne.

"Hehehehehe~, Princess how annoying of you to disturb my date. if you don't have anything to do would you kindly get out before I rip your soul into million pieces." Anne says out with a laugh before releasing a maddening amount of bloodlust that shook the space around me.

Both of the two beasts looked at each other before coming to some sort of agreement it could be seen as clear as they that they both despised each other immensely.

Anne decided to head out of the class not before traumatizing me more. "See you later Minato-kun~, Elizabeth-chan is such a meany but don't worry we'll continue our date later~"

Before she ran out of the class cutely.

Elizabeth turned around to stare at me before also leaving quietly leaving me once again on the floor wondering how my life became like this.