
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Black Lightning

I grunted as I was shocked by sea serpents. My body was convulsed due their lightning. When you combined it with me not being used to moving in water very well, I couldn't defend against their other attacks. Coiling around me, they kept shocking.

"Screw this."

I used Lightning Clad. Using as a mean to manipulate serpent's lightning with Breath of Primordial, I absorbed their lightning.

(Lightning Clad became level 9.)

With that I was no longer paralyzed. Breaking free of their coil, I stabbed my spear to their eyes. To defend themselves, they released even more lightning. But I also was able to absorb them. When I absorbed their lightning, I could feel my magic power filling up.


They had at least 10 meters long bodies. Hard scales and controlling lightning, they were strongest creature I met ever since I came here. Since Devourer also came out of its cooldown, I used it on one of them.

"3 skills?"

It was more than most of the bosses I met. If I didn't awakened my titles real strength, I would be troubled here. All three of them looked good. But I picked the one with cringiest name.

(You gained active skill Electromaster. 2 skills are turned into 0.2 skill points.)

(Active skill Lightning Clad is being absorbed to Electromaster… Denied. Skills are being merged.)

(You lost the skills Lightning Clad and Electromaster.)

(You gained active skill Wrath of the Skies.)

Bzttt. A black spark came out of my body.

"This is…"

Creating a black spear made out of lightning, I tossed it towards the other serpents rushing towards me. Striking one of them, it roasted it. Despite being in water, my mouth was watering. I also coated myself and my weapon with lightning. Feeling stronger and faster, I rushed to slay remaining lightning serpents.

"So overpowered."

This version of my skill allowed me to strenghten my body further. I could also use it to create shields and toss lightning bolts.

"Why black though?"

That was something I didn't understood. My aura, flames and now lightning. All of them were black. It was because of me being a demon?


If that was the case, then all demons would have black colored attacks. None of the books I read talked something like that.

"Black flames and lightning, huh?"

Despite both of them being same color, they had power difference. My flames was just way stronger than my lightning. It couldn't even be called flame. It was just more like a black hole behaving like flames. On other hand my lightning was just a chrome changed lightning. While strong, it didn't had any special properties.

"Maybe that's better."

Truth to be told I was kind of afraid of using my flames. If I couldn't control them… They would just continue to burn while absorbing everything around. This also included water. I tried to use it here. It burned even here. I speculated that only way to stop it, except me controlling it was to starve it. Leaving it in a vacuum without even air should be able to stop it.

"Still that power difference…"

One of them came from a mid-boss and a mob. Other came from a boss and horn of Fafnir. It was no suprise my flames was stronger.


I swum down on the opening I saw.

(Clairvoyance became level 4.)


I breathed with my lungs after spending several days in water. I was in some kind of underground-underwater?- cave. It had air and was relatively dry. I shaked my body to dry. Me spotting this place was thanks to both Clairvoyance and Magic Perception.

(Magic Perception became level 3.)

Since I was here, I couldn't help but to shiver. Magic power in this cave was nothing to scuff at.

"It is almost like cold wind hitting at my face at winter."

Best way I could describe was like that. I walked, opening my eyes and Magic Perception to best of my abilities to detect any tips on the boss or any hostile monsters.

"Like this."

I turned my body to side to dodge incoming attack.


I looked scale covered creature while parrying its spear, no trident.

"A merm man?"

Covered in green to blue scales. Around 2 meters. Standing in two legs with webbed limbs.

"So, you cannot talk."

If it could it would have at least replied to me. It was rare for a creature that used weapons and wore some kind of clothing to not have ability to speak. Minotaurs were an exception due being driven to madness by Asterius.

"You movements aren't half bad."

My body returned to normal version. I also stopped using my lightning and flames. Only aura and my spear. We clashed. Cave was big enough to allow both of us to swing our weapons freely. While I could easily slam it to ground using full force, I didn't do that. I wanted to practice my spear wielding abilities. Only opponent that had high level weapon use was Armor. While some others I faced also used weapons and were stronger than him, best fighter just in skills was him. Remembering our fight, I practiced my spear use.

(Mind's Eye became level 4.)

Even when he started to manipulate water, I didn't used any other skills. At first, I tried to block huge amount of water he used with my aura. But more I blocked more I realized that was a waste. I could just use less aura to parry it. I also compressed my aura and force to one place to break through his stance.

"So, it is all?"

I said as I looked at the merm man who fell to its kness. He was panting very fast. His stamina and magical power must hit the limit. I stepped towards it while releasing full power of Predator. As my feet crushed the rocks beneath me, I could see the fear in its's fish like eyes. I raised my spear.


It just threw its weapon and started to haul ass.

"Hey! We had a duel here!"

I sighed. Compressing lightning and aura, I threw my spear and beheaded it.

Poor Nox. He just wanted to test out his skills.

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