
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantasy
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49 Chs


As I went deeper inside the cave, I met and fought more merm man. They got more stronger as I went.


Their weapon skills weren't as good as Armor.

"Who was he before Lucy put him into a living armor?"

Even his skills corroded due madness and time, he still had best weapon skills.

"A god?"

That answer was something I didn't wanted to think. If Lucy was strong enough to put a God into that position… Stopping her would be harder. I just hoped that I could slap some sense into her.

"No. She deserves more than a slap."

Human part of me wanted to correct her. Still wanted to be close to her. However, my demon side who seen destruction she caused wanted to punish her.

"But first, hello there."

"Are you one that causing problems in my area?

He had a deep, masculine voice. His body was around 50 meters. Biggest I seen. Azure scales as hard as diamonds covered his entire body. It had 4 webbed legs. All 4 ended with sharp claws bigger than me. He had whiskers, something I found amusing.

"Are you a dragon?"

He snorted.

"I am a God, you puny-"

"Bruh. You are not a God. I met with a Divine Beast before. You have some divinity in you but not to level of a Go-"

Blue streaks of lightning fell where I was standing. Creating a shield with my flames, I blocked them.

"Insolent, tiny creature! I am a God!"

I sighed. My body morphed into my battle form. Due my skill reaching MAX level, now my form was around 4 meters tall. I was muscular. I looked even more fiercer than ever with natural weapons covering my body. Using my mature wings, I flew towards his head. I became a bullet with lightning boosting my speed more. My spear also grew with me to around 10 meters. Covering it with aura, I slashed his neck.


Water blocked my attack. It suddenly surged around me and sweeped me.

"I am Mizuchi! Guardian deity of water!"

He boasted. He also released lightning into water. I closed my eyes and focused. Absorbing his lightning, I replenished my magic power.


Blood red energy surged out of my body. It was so hot that it vaporized water around me.

(All abilities are being enchanted by 500 percent for 10 minutes.)

This was Wrath's real power. Only downside was…

(Mind of Steel became level 2.)

I also felt rage inside me swell. But no. I wasn't going to sweep away by those feelings. If I was going to move with feelings, it would be with my own feelings. Not something brought to me by some skill.


I flew to his eye level once again. He again tried to manipulate water to drown me. Seeing how his magic moved, I predicted how he was going to move the water. I dodged waves of water trying to shallow me.

"What the hell are you!"

"Name's Nox. Beast of Calamity. Owner of Wrath. You have two choices: Obey or die."

He probably manipulated merm man to do his bidding with that "I am a God." Bullshit. But I was different.

"You are… Lucifer's Herald!"

Lucifer? Wait, hold on.

"Lucifer…. Lucy. Shit."

"Even in thousand years, I am not going to obey him!"

"He is going by she, nowadays."

"I don't give a shit! That betrayer is the reason I lost my divinity!"

Betrayer. Both Armor and Mizuchi called her like that. If she was really Lucifer, that wasn't a suprise.

"But Lucifer is a demon. How she became a God?"

A laughter filled the are we were in.

"By stealing and tricking others, of course!"

"Yeah, that sounds like her."

He opened his mouth. Sparks of electricity overflowed from his mouth. He gathered serious magic power there. I can't block it. I have to dodge. Using my lightning to speed up, I transformed into a more faster form. I sacrificed even my strength for getting faster.


I read his movements and magic power to dodge at correct time.

(Sonic Flight became level 5.)

"Holy shit!"

I looked at the hole he created using his breath. It destroyed the cave to point water started to flood in.

"It probably reached to the air."

I had to dive down around two days before reaching this cave. I also walked around 1 day to reach him. Yet, his breath had the power to reach there. He wasn't bluffing about being a previous God.

"You pest! You dare to survive."

"Calm your non- existing boobs. I am not Lucifer's Herald. It is opposite. I am against her."


"Do you know about the contract she made with another Gods?"

"You know about it?"

"I was a human. Her descendant, if you want to be specific about it. I died and she lost her shit. I am trying to stop her."

"You are his descendant?"

His tone told me that he was shocked. Then he started to laugh.

"Good. Now I have a chance to get revenge. Too bad, demon. Blame your ancestor!"

He threw me lightning bolts. I sighed as I dodged.

"Hey, I can help you!"

"You can help me by dying!"

He was serious.

"I am trying to stop her!"

"I am trying to kill you!"

I remembered one of my dreams.

"Gods stay the way they are for eternity."

He was a prideful God. Even after he lost most of his divinity, that still remained.

"I am going to make one more offer. Join me."

I said as I caught one of the thunderbolts with my hand. I absorbed it casually.

"I am not going to join to his descendant!"

"I can help you get your revenge."

"Liar, just like your ancestor!"

Very well. I raised my spear.

"Black Abyss: Dark Moon."

Swinging it, I created shape of the moon with my aura. My aura destroyed his scales. He howled with pain. I didn't pitied him. I already gave him enough changes.

Eyyyyy, big reveal! As if everyone didn't predicted that.

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