
Tales of a Dimension Traveler

The air was filled with the stench of blood and the sounds of battle continued to penetrate into the small hut where I hid. My clan was on the verge of destruction and a few moments later I died at the hands of my own mother -------------------------------------------------------------- Chen Mo died and has been reborn as Noah Gelios son of the heir to the great Sun Clan. In a world of monsters, dungeons, magic and science, Noah has to uncover the secret of his rebirth and origins while trying to reach the peak in a world where all the odds seem stacked against him. ------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, this is my first novel. For fans of systems, dungeons and somewhat OP MC's then this is the place for you. Hope you have as much fun reading as I did writing :)

mogboella · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 1

My first memory in this world was of the disdainful glare of a beautiful woman. She was pale and her icy blue eyes lacked life, same as her matted black hair that she put up in a messy bun. Despite her messy appearance, she gave off a sense of grace and sophistication in her movements. Later on,from the conversations of the people around me, I was able to identify this woman as my mother.

After three months in a cradle and listening to bits and pieces of gossip, I was finally able to grasp my general situation. From what I had gathered, I was born into one of the six great clans in the continent - The Sun Clan. My mother was the daughter of the previous patriarch of another great clan, The Poison Clan. She was called the Ice Witch because of her absurdly strong ice powers and her genius use of poison coupled with her noble and icy demeanor. From what I heard as the maids whispered amongst themselves,contrary to my mother's icy appearance she fell in love with my father, one of the heirs to the Sun Clan, at first sight. She used her poison knowledge to control and sleep with him to give birth to me in hopes that my father would accept her. However, I was born with a weak heart that was unable to store 'mana' - the basic requirement for magic. It didn't help that I was born with a peculiar appearance that bore no resemblance to her or my father. My silver-blonde hair and blood red eyes were attributed as side effects of the strong and unique aphrodisiac poison she used on my father for my conception. She deemed me useless but still presented me to the Sun Clan in hopes that my father would accept me and take responsibility for her.

Her plan worked to an extent, after a bloodline spell confirmed I was indeed a descendant of the Sun Clan, my mother was moved into an abandoned side house. My mother, who was hailed as one of the greatest genius magicians of her generation had also lost all her magical powers the moment she gave birth to me. The embarrassment from being ignored was the last straw for her. She began to blame me for her pitiful life. She was a terrible parent as far as I was concerned. My father wasn't any better, I hadn't seen him since I moved in as a new born.

I didn't place much importance on my family situation. I was more interested in the reason I couldn't use magic and a way to become a mage and gain independence. The first reason was that I truly had a weak heart. My soul is too powerful for my body so I had to strengthen my body. I died and was reborn as Noah Helios, abandoned son of Irina Lance and Isaac Helios. I could only remember vague memories of a previous life but I was full of knowledge of magic. My knowledge of magic as though it was ingrained in my very soul. It seems I was a powerful magician in my past life and my previous power was putting a burden on my young body. The second reason was because I hadn't awakened. To explain I have to begin with the history of this world.

The world I was originally from was a world of swords and magic much like the one I lived in now. In this world and my last, mana was the basis of life. Humans have the largest population. All living things had mana and with mana they were able to perform magic and as humanity developed they continued to develop their magic and also magic tools or machines that helped them with daily life. However, five hundred years ago, this world didn't have magic. The world I was previously living in was far more technologically advanced as magic had been available for millennia. In this world, magic was given to them by what they called the six originators. The six originators were called The Sun King, The Moon goddess, The Scholar, The Snake, The Blacksmith, and the Demon King. Five hundred years ago, when a tear in space occurred in an obscure corner of the planet and from there countless beasts and monsters flooded the world. It became too much for humans to handle. The Six Originators went into the tear to find it's source and save humanity but came out with a method for humans to manipulate mana and become more powerful than the beasts. It was magic. They discovered the ability to feel mana and awaken amazing skills. Although they spread this power, the tears in space continued to occur so they formed clans and trained their descendants to fight the foreign invaders and gave them the special task to be protectors of their world. The humans named these tears in space, dungeons and for them to use magic they had to awaken by sensing mana and activating their System. The System was a universal interface that people would gain upon awakening that allowed them to view general information about themselves and their skills, allowing them to quantify their power. This was another difference between the world I was in previously and this new world, there was no System.

People often tested their children's potential for magic at birth because the heroes that protected the world from dungeons became known as Hunters and they were at the very top of society.


Most of my days were spent in solitude, eating, sleeping pooping and listening to my surroundings to gain as much information as I could. As such four years passed in the little side house I lived in with my sour faced mother and her two maids .

On the morning of my fourth birthday I woke up to the sound of my mother pacing up and down the little house, directing the maids to clean. She usually spent her days in silence and solitude sitting in the garden or her room, it was even speculated that she had lost her sanity as she was not allowed to move about the rest of the estate or even go to her own home. This is why it was surprising to see her out and about. For a split second I held on to a hope that she had actually remembered my birthday and would join the celebration. I threw away the notion almost immediately, for my past birthdays I only ever received a whisper of well wishes from the maids that had raised me in passing as they feared incurring my mothers wrath by mentioning the day she dubbed as the 'worst day of her life'.

I had been forced to live as quietly as a mouse in order to allow my mother 'forget' about my existence. I stealthily got off my bed and crawled into the corridor making sure to avoid everyone in an attempt to discover the cause of the noise. I grabbed on to the skirt of June, one of the maids who raised me.

"Noah what are you doing here ?" she asked picking me up and moving me towards my room. I noticed that she was tense and it was also suspicious the way she was taking me back into my room instead of for our usual breakfast.

"Is mother coming for my birthday ?" I asked in the most childlike voice I could. Although I knew it was close to impossible for my mother to show any interest, I knew it was the only way to probe for information while trying not to alert them to the fact that I was intelligent beyond my years.

She placed me on the bed and responded to my question while trying to put me back to sleep, "It's a secret Young Master Noah."

I noticed that there where more footsteps than normal outside and tried again to probe June for answers.

"Is there a surprise for me, I want to see," I said putting on my cutest face while inwardly shaming myself for acting like a child. The commotion had only gotten louder and there where suddenly footsteps outside my door. Before I knew it a large man with a domineering and clean cut appearance barged into my room. June was already on the floor and the next words that came out of her mouth left me in shock,

"This servant greets Patriarch !"

Hello, welcome to my webnovel. Hang in there I have a lot of interesting ideas for this story and if you have any ideas or thoughts to share ? Comment it and let me know.

mogboellacreators' thoughts