

what happens when a kid who is tired of the world gets reborn with the ability to create talents and bless and curse people will use his powers for good or bad watch as he travels the multiverse and does anything out of his interest first world :DxD

Shemoy_Simon_4839 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

reincarnation and wishes





~~(general Pov)~~

As the bright light died down he could suddenly see, hear and feel. Confused he look around and he had to say the place he was at now not much of a difference from where he was at before, white endless expanse in all directions.

Looking at himself he saw his body was a humanoids mass of darkness , other than that his feature indistinguishable. Wondering what was going on he tried to discern his feature in the inky Blackness, remembering the voice he heard from earlier he once again looked around in the vass expanse of white he saw a table on two chairs in my opposite sides and one side that show empty and the other side of what could be described as a small boy red eyes. white hair a small chubby, face pale glossy skin as they found a blushed by reality and world 4 ft in height I want to seemed to be seamless white robes.

As their eyes locked a small smile appeared on the boy's face "it seems you finally noticed me took you long enough you mortals take a lot of time to get what they need done well case soul in guess, I don't really have much time to deal with you have a long list of souls I must ferry across so let's get this show in the road, tea"as ace process these words he nodded I'm proceeded to walk over to the table and sat down.

The boy proceeded to talk well "as you know you are dead, where in the memories should have been erased you should be proceeding to a cycle of reincarnation not knowing who you were before or you lived before"as the boys spoke Ace couldn't help but listen to inkaduates of what he said where and he said should as if that was supposed to happen but it's not going to so politely interrupting s voice is curiosity "I couldn't help but realizing you said should, does that mean that something different is happening instead of the norm"after hearing Ace's deduction the boy could not help but smile a broad satisfied smile and nod with an approving look in his eyes and said "nice deduction skills looks like this is going to be interesting for once

~~~MC pov~~

I sat across from this kid though a dog he's a kid saying my situation, I see explain to me but should have happened in reincarnation I probably interrupting and voice my doubts as he confirmed my guesses seemingly approvingly he then said to me "yes that's what should have happened but here's what is going to happen I'll reincarnate you at 5 wishes along with your memories and to any world you wish, these from the fiction you've seen or just a random world and you do not have to wish for the world"hearing all this I thought this is too good to be true there has to be a cat's something isn't right why would it be like this do a service to me like this, I was suspicious I mean many main characters of those white novels and fanfiction aren't but come on I'm a normal decent guy with a brain cell who doesn't ask questions or something like this happens for all I know I'm making a deal with a devil. I looked at him for a second wondering how to ask my question about seeming rude I mean if he's doing this for his own benefit I don't mind as long as the payment isn't too high I take the thing with a heartbeat, but if the payment is too high I just rather disappear I don't care how boring my life is it's better than slavery and I refuse to become someone slave so I decided to come straight out and ask "not that I'm not excited about this but I can't help the feeling that you're not doing this out of the goodness of your hearts, I mean as you said before the normal reincarnation cycle happens thousands of times you did nothing to stop that meaning for you to stop this one you want something am I wrong"hear my question his smile widened and said "no, no you are not wrong I do get something out of this entertainment you see there is my picture was because we're not that different we're bored with life with the constant monotony the never ending repetitiveness that bores us out of our minds, we both want the excitement and therefore I saw chance, in you. Why because unlike you I can't leave my position but I can observe they forgiving you power and then opportunity then observing what you do for it be highly entertaining think of it as this I give you the opportunity to be entertained while you entertain me, so how about it what do you take the offer it would be ashamed if you don't because I don't I'll find a soul like you again"and it was at that moment I took the time to appear into his eyes and I saw it the eyes I see everyday looking at me in the mirror hollow bored eyes, sick of the constant repetitiveness I understood and at that moment I made up my resolve to take the offer "I'll take you offer but I do hope I can get some privacy" I said with a blushing face, as if understanding what I was implying he smiled with annoying face I shortly look at me at that time.

I've begun to think about my wishes on about what world that going to *I needed a world that I can enjoy myself in and a world which I could stay hidden in case of emergencies, a world English there's no conflict on the start and I could surely become stronger also needed wishes to support that I love the systems and missions that came from them even I had to admit but sometimes that just got lame do I do like the concept of killing and getting St points to put into stats but I needed something more versatile. So I started thinking about the different anime worlds different ability and power stand out all interesting to wish for but not much worse as hell out of what they are used for as I continue thinking I remember God blessings and stuff like that but still not much versatility as I continue thinking I realized that most of the abilities from Naruto, high School DxD and many other anime, web novels on fanfiction came down to talents and as useless talent seem to be it's much more versatile than it is seeing as the gremeory power of destruction was actually a talent, the lightning release is a talent on multiple other abilities. As I made up my mind on wishing for talents I thought about to the blessings I realize as one track as certain blessings were, multiple of them could cover for that and the more detailed the blessing is the more powerful it becomes same thing with curses with that I found premise to build my strength on for my wishes*.

Then I turned my attention to my last three wishes I started to think *I need somehow I can train my strength without being noticed by stronger beings, just hiding and training them won't do stronger beings in the worlds I may pick may be able to sense me ruining everything I have planned I need somehow to train and I thought about wishing for a subspace to train in in with a normal subspace what about something like the hyperbolic time chamber what would much more time deviation how about instead of a day to a year it becomes one day to 4 years yes that sounds more like it*.

Now for my fourth wish *I don't think I want to stay in just one world if the boys to believe there are multiple of them up there screw the storyline screw the plot, I'm just here to enjoy myself what about making a wish to be able to go to multiple worlds I mean just like jumping to one let's make it more of a challenge okay I know what to wish for for this one. What about going to build to just go to multiple world worlds and jump between multiple worlds, something a marker between two worlds allow me to jump between one or the other with a Time deviation in each I leave in which I can spend one week in one world and will only be an hour in the other, and if I want to go to one but I have not mocked I have to wait 5 years* and that concludes my fourth wish.

As for my 5th *I need way of identification in each world yeah maybe this God or whatever he is with me and identification in the world is about to send it to but what about the others, world like in marvel I can't go spoiling around with no identification that's just asking Fury to jump on my ass which is going to be a pain so why not wish for the ability to create backgrounds and identification in any world I go to and set it whatever I wanted to be yes that should be a good enough wish*

Turning to the child I began to speak "my first wish for the ability to create talents that range from f class to s-class SS class SSS class and finally to ex class, mysecond ability to bless and curse anyone and anything including myself, my third wish is for a personal training space like diabolic time table but instead the time deviation being one day equals one year it is one that equals 4 years my, fourth wishes the ability to travel to multiple different ones including the world from movies and anime, I want to be able to go to work every 5 years and Mark that world with some kind of insignia that allows me to travel between worlds instantly with the time deviation that I can be in one world for a unknown number of time I will allow me to go back either at the exact moment I left or a certain time after as long as it's not longer than the time I've left the world for. My my fifth wish is to be able to create any background or past and identification in the worlds I'm traveling to".

Looking at me with an impressed gaze he nodded but then said"I'll have to put some limitations on some of those wishes but other than that I won't change them for one your first and second wish for your first wish the talents can be created but they will cost you your mental energy the higher the talent in class your talent is and for your second wish the strength of your curse and blessing will be limited by the amount of mana you have that's all so what about the world, oh and I forgot to mention you can choose what a terrain on it as someone or yourself".

I thought for a while then said I would like to be incarnated I was modohama a year before the plot"*you may think I'm making a stupid decision in choosing modahama but if you look at it for my logical standpoint more harmless eyes on him than Issai does and isn't a perfect position to move around on hindered so in my perspective my decision was a logical one.

As if not caring of the world and price not chose to being only nodded and said these words "have a nice life and do entertain me"he smile before snapping his fingers then everything went black.

A/N : first time writing so don't roast me too hard and I'm open for suggestions.