

what happens when a kid who is tired of the world gets reborn with the ability to create talents and bless and curse people will use his powers for good or bad watch as he travels the multiverse and does anything out of his interest first world :DxD

Shemoy_Simon_4839 · Fantasy
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People normally ask what is the afterlife like what happens after you die, do you go and see God or do you go straight down is there even an afterlife is it full of hugs kisses love cheers well well the concept is good but is it really or is it nothing nothing exists nothing happens nothing will happen. funny story when you die things just go blank you're still conscious but you're blank .

He could hear nothing he could see nothing he could understand nothing yet he knew he was there, he couldn't feel his limbs it was dark and too quiet didn't know how long he had been there but seem to have forgot the concept of time recollecting his paws he started thinking.

(MC's Pov)

*How long has it been, since I died people would think the afterlife would be where you met God or went to hell though he didn't think people expected this absolutely nothing he thought as he recollected how l died.*

he was not a good person nor was he a bad person he goes far to say he was neutral in all things not afraid to do what he wants to get what he wants nor was he afraid of helping people it just depended how he felt though even he had his morals he refused to kill a kid he refused to see a kid suffer and do nothing the grown ass man could die for all he cared.


It was an average monotonous day for a middle-aged teen working day today dropped out the school at the age of 16 for bad grades not because he was bad at the subjects knowing for well if he actually tried he could have become well something he just didn't care he found the world too boring life living day to day was just too monotonous his name was Ace.

One day while I was walking home I saw a kid playing in the street with the ball as I saw nothing wrong with that I kept walking but when I took a few steps I heard the sound of a speeding car I looked around to see the child in the middle of the road bouncing his ball and had not seen the car though I really couldn't care if it was someone else I couldn't really let a child die so I turned around and run towards the road jumping in the middle of the road and pushing the child out of the way do I regretted it instantly I mean I'm not a good person as I said before and if I knew it would have happened that would have happened I would not have help the child self preservation came first to me and I just threw the whole philosophy of the window for some reason as I jumped in the way and got hit while in the air spinning I saw my life before my eyes and only thing I could say was boring nothing more nothing less for that was all my life was a boring mass of monotony I love down anime, manga and webnovels which was my only entertainment in this world I love my mother and my siblings but even they couldn't fill the board my felt I especially loved is a isakai genres. though I only had one regret and that was my relationship with my father which is something I don't want to get into I close my eyes and thoughts well guess this is the end I just wish there were more entertainment something I could do more something that I enjoy life was not really living it was just surviving from day to day dealing with struggles I just wish I had none of it just going to live my life as me and me alone no one to tell me this no one to tell me that just a simple freedom of being me well that's what she was thinking as my consciousness finally slipped away on my heart stopped to beating

~~flashback end~~

As I came back from my reminiscing I focused again on the absolute nothingness around me this really is this really how everything ends in absolute nothing if I knew this was going to be after life I would have kept living ,I wonder how The immortal say anime how death is a mercy and the peace they would like to gain to me it's just boring torture would never understand them I said what I thought was a amused smile wouldn't know can't feel a damn thing.

suddenly I saw a small dim light like a Faraway light and I heard a small yet powerful voice are you finally done with your musings The voice told me if so let's get down to business on the light group brighter and swallowed me fully.