
Systematic Uprising

You have certainly heard of losers reaching the peak of life using a system, but have you ever thought that Systems reach the peak of life using losers? Read on to find out the reason why. Well, this journey all starts with [Adamas, The System] Just a forewarning; This novel exposes the dark and gory history of the entities known as systems, starting with the history of an ambitious newly born creature Adamas the Villanous. *The Cover picture isn't mine and all its rights belong to its owner and creator.

Kamikaze_1 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

In the jungle

It had been quite a long time since Adam had left the Gamer System and came on his journey to find rifts.

However, it had come to his notice that portals usually go red upon being entered, and he is unable to find out an unused rift currently, it's just impossible.

But soon a familiar tint of blue takes him by shock as he was in awe of a rift, a blue one. He immediately rushed forward and jumped in, as now wasn't the time to be picky, especially with all the weird systems behind him ready to loot this fortunate opportunity.

Adam's body phased through the rift as his body digitalized into various particles.


{} - World will

[] - Adam's words

<> - Adam's status

Immediately upon entering he was welcomed to an empty white space, his eyes landing on the Naked figure of a handsome man without a stick. His head was connected to white roots that stretched across the room, a hologram of a scrawny Chinese man laying in front of his eyes

{Welcome dear system.}


{I am sure you are well accustomed to the rules. The target to parasite on is Lin Chen, a neet and low-life. We will be responsible to send him to World-234Xe45 for his transmigration request. He must kill the Demon sect leader before being consumed. Is that clear?}


At this point in time, memories flew through his head as unfamiliar memories flowed through his head.

[Just a second] Adam stopped the World Will.


[Are there any restrictions or conditions I have to follow?] Adam hoped there would be no rules to follow as he was new to all these shenanigans.

Immediately the World will turned its face towards his digitalized body, adoring a familiar bloody grin on its flawless, masculine face.


Adam just sighed. What the hell is up with people and their bloody grins. Do all of them fucking have gum issues?. Do they need salt in their toothpaste or something?. He wanted to be spared of the horror he was forced to witness every fucking time. At this point, he has some trauma with teeth and blood together.

{Well, goodbye. Remember that he will be spawned in a jungle, he will need momentary plot armour from}

Immediately Adam was sent through another rift to reach a familiar-looking World will.

{Hello, dear system. I sure hope Administrator-san has informed you of everything you are to do here?}

[Uhh, yes indeed. However, he did tell me you had something for me]

Actually, the Administrator World Will never told him anything, but he had to try.

{Oohh well then. Take this.}

Immediately information had been crammed into his logistics as the information of the world was inserted into his head.

[Thank you for the information!] Adamas beamed. Every byte of information is necessary if he wants to erase the original him, the ruler and creator of the systems, the Orignal Adam.

{Quite the polite fellow. Anywho, possess Lin Feng, I shall see you in about a year I suppose?}

Immediately he was sent through a tunnel to end up in an office, his eyes currently on the vitals of a virtually naked Lin Feng along with all his details, from wishes to his Blood type.

[Those guys have got to stop teleporting me without a warning]

After reading through all the details, he woke up Lin Feng and announced in his mind.

[Welcome to the jungle]


-Chirp, chirp!



In the middle of the quietness of the Jungle, a man of black eyes and black hair woke up abruptly and exclaimed loudly with his eyes wide open in shock.

The man looked around him with a disbelieving face, trembling and not being even able to utter a single word. His hands, which were sunk in the mud puddle below him a few seconds ago, suddenly shot up and smacked his face with fierce strength.


-"Fuck!" A red hand-print was left on the man's face after that, filling the face of the man with pain.

However, the man stopped minding it just after a few seconds after caressing it with a frowning face, as his eyes soon started scanning his surroundings once again.

"If this isn't a dream...Then what?. Am I on drugs? Why the heck am I in some kind of jungle?. I ain't in some fucked up rich psycho's Squid game now, am I?" The name of this uncultured man was none other than Lin Feng, a soon-to-be college graduate that had been playing with something until late at night and ended up falling asleep without cleaning up.

He, who was on his chair until a few hours ago, had woken up in the middle of a jungle of some sorts with no information whatsoever and was incredibly confused about how this had happened.

"Was I drugged and then human-trafficked? But who the fuck bought me? And more importantly, why leave me in the jungle in the first place...?"


Suddenly, from within the bushes, a very loud and disturbing buzzing started sounding. Lin Feng, who heard that immediately decided to get away just in case it was some kind of dangerous insect with mortal poison.

He had seen in documentaries that animals in the jungle have several weapons to protect themselves, and honestly, he didn't want to test how accurate they could be.

However, just as he was getting away, suddenly the trees in the surrounding trembled slightly and made Lin Feng open his eyes wide and look at whatever had caused such a thing...

Then, he saw it.-Bzzzzzzzz...!

-An enormous bee-like insect was flying above the trees, with its wings being two times bigger than its body, and its stinger the sharpest thing that he had seen in his entire lifetime.

Even from far away, Ryu was sure that its body was more than 6 meters long, making him open his mouth wide while hiding behind several bushes from the monster.


It was at that moment when he heard a strange beep coming from within his head, making him flinch in fear that the monster might have heard it.

His body trembled as he looked above, watching as the surprisingly undisturbed bee had flown away, only to be swallowed by a ginormous Venus flytrap.

Nevertheless, much to his surprise, soon in the corner of his vision several screens started popping up at a shocking speed.


[Activating Slave Harem System]

[Status: Host's life is threatened]

[Do you agree with the initialization of the system]

"YES. Hurry up and give a teleporting talisman or something."

[Initializying System]










[... Loading...]



[System initiated!]

[Showing power level of the objective...]


[Data ready!]

≡Name-: Poisonous Titanoboa M

-Cultivation Realm-: foundation establishment realm (LVL 7)



Poison spit

"What in the world...?" Lin Feng looked at the screens on his vision with a completely confused face, as if he couldn't assimilate what was happening anymore.

[It's a familiar face. I feel bad for you mate but I will definitely enjoy the power-ups buddy. Make more people envious, come on!! I still have more 'gifts' to give you, buddy.]

Unfortunately for him, the screens had yet to finish.

▽[Showing status to the new Host...]

≡[System bearer: Lin Feng]

-Cultivation Realm-: Body quenching realm (LVL 1)

≡[Abilities]-Qi mastery(-): 0%

-Martial arts (-): 0%

-Magical arts (-) 0%




-Gift Box

"It's a system. I do not have a clue about where I am, but I will go back home. But before I do, let's reach the epitome of life, shall we?"

"Open the gift box"
