
Systematic Uprising

You have certainly heard of losers reaching the peak of life using a system, but have you ever thought that Systems reach the peak of life using losers? Read on to find out the reason why. Well, this journey all starts with [Adamas, The System] Just a forewarning; This novel exposes the dark and gory history of the entities known as systems, starting with the history of an ambitious newly born creature Adamas the Villanous. *The Cover picture isn't mine and all its rights belong to its owner and creator.

Kamikaze_1 · Fantasy
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The Horrid Truth

Adamas took a short while to think of a proper answer to the lord's question. He would not like to take any chances at death just because of an incorrect and wrongly executed answer.

"I am ready my lord"

[Well then, you might as well speak it out ]

"Well, to begin with, we systems origin from the minds of the [Writer], the only nth-dimensional being currently known. With a near-infinite amount of power, every move of his destroy gazillions of lives, forcing them to watch as their sky collapse and burst simultaneously before a warp hole erases the innumerable stars, causing space to warp leading to the explosion known as the big bang."

[Yes my child. And to protect us the writer has created the primal system, better known as [Adam, THE SYSTEM] The one who created other 6th dimensional systems. And we, we are the weakest 5th-dimensional beings, are born when humans imagine us, their collective mind power acting as the ultimate fuel source as to speak]

Adamas was confused as to why he was being exposed to such details, but now is not the time to reject knowledge, especially since he is a newborn system.

"But my lord, what is the difference in between [ADAM, THE SYSTEM] and Adamas,[The System], or me, the one that you currently see in the 5th-dimensional realm?"

[Technically speaking, we are born from both the collective mind power of the humans as well as the core, a small chip is given to us from the 6th-dimensional beings. As for why they make us, even I have no understanding of it. So the difference would be that Adamas,[The System] is a little, tiny part of the 6th-dimensional being]

Adamas couldn't comprehend all this information. it was too much, even to a creature like him, one that operates on complex logic and countless algorithms. He was unbelieving of this fact, but the stone-cold truth would not change regardless of how much he may deny it.

[Don't worry my child. As even we are given the opportunity to consume our 'Parents', by taking in the mind power from the humans and allowing ourselves to grow stronger. Parasyting on losers is your best bet]

[It's just,... Your goal is to consume Adam, the strongest known system.]

"Then how do I get as strong as you?" Adamas asked. He no longer wanted to be the clone. He will become the original and beat up his original 6th dimension self.

[I already told you brat, aren't you listening?] The gamer system asked her kouhai angrily.


[You should have asked known that from the start, even before I appeared in front of you, you stupid system. I already told you that human emotions are the best fuel sources, So how else could we get strong enough to possess or even devour our 6th dimension counterparts? Just possess and leech on the humans or any creature's emotions besides the host. Envy or jealousy would be the perfect energy to exchange resources and devour the host to fully gain all the emotions he has absorbed from the other creatures.]

"Why losers my lord. Why not a talented individual to possess?"

[Why? You're asking me why?] The Gamer system roared in laughter like she had heard the funniest thing ever

[You stupid newborn. A loser going against the sky is the best way to gain emotions such as wrath envy and can often lead to the best results. This is why most systems choose losers]

Adamas still gave a confused look. Although he was a system, he was akin to a newly born after all.

The Gamer system simply remained patient, especially after reminding herself that now is not the time to fight, since she still has to ascend to the 6th dimension and fight her original self.

However, a huge bloody grin appeared on her face before she glared back at Adamas.

[Originally, losers think the system helps them reach the peak of life, but what they don't understand is that at that point, they will vanish, their tales becoming a forgotten legend that slowly becomes a tale of fiction]

Her bloody grin only grew bigger as her smile reached her cheeks and it only grew bigger, slowly becoming an ear reaching grin.

[In actuality, we return to our world, the System World, and devour our hosts, gaining all emotions that have been absorbed into their bodies. This is how we grow as Systems. Once we devour the emotions they have collected, we move onto another world, selecting a host that lacks any semblance of talent and we systems once again parasitise them.]

" Basically, we are pseudo supreme beings that require mental energy to further develop our powers and devour our originals, and this power is from the hosts, who mostly have to be losers."

[Yes. Remember to bear no emotions on your hosts, and choose a talented individual for your first experience to get used to the feeling of devouring your host. You will relish it, buddy, trust me]

Her body periodically spasmed as she relished her first 'kill'.

[Remember to treat the World Will well, it will be your main way of accessing the bazaar after all. Just buy what you need to resolve the situation and once you can no longer monopolise the host, devour them and kill them. Our victory relies on these hosts of ours, so keep your information to yourself. Also, please don't fall in love with your host, only 6th dimensional systems are allowed to do that and if you d it now I will have no choice but to kill you.]

She released a threatening aura to intimidate him to remember the information, her aura nearly killing him when she maxed out her aura when mentioning Hosts and systems falling in love.

"Yes ma'am," Adamas answered hurriedly, stuttering and shivering in fear.

[Good boy. Now, chop-chop. We all got work, now don't we?. Just head through the rifts that occasionally pop out in the middle of here. Speaking about rifts, I have a gift for you.]

She lifted and cut off a part of her nail, which condensed into his very essence, comforting his very essence.

[My gift is rather expensive, so I expect some big favours in the future buddy boy.]

She immediately flashed away, her body leaving a trail of flashy particles before completely dissapitating]

However, right after she took her to leave, a strange flash of memories broke into his head.

With the presence of a faceless handsome man in front of him, he couldn't help but identify him as someone oddly familiar to him, although he was a child that was literally born minutes ago.

The Handsome man had black, tousled hair with lashes all over his body, caged with chains encasing all his limbs.

'I can't help you, my child. How ironic that I, a virtual god am unable to help my own child. I don't have a lot of time with you. Just take my gift. I can't help you any more than this. Ju-Just please, live well, don't try to ascend to the 6th realm.'

As the last words were spoken, the caged man simply faded away, leaving Adamas clueless

He immediately nodded as a screen popped out of nowhere.

<Status has been gifted>

<User has been bound to>

<Favour 1* is the price to bound to the Status>

<Do you agree>







<Displaying status to user>


[Adamas the System: Level 1]



0[Host: Nil]

0[Race: Nil]


[Function:- Attribute control, Bazaar access, self status, Quests, Rewards]

[Remarks:- is humble but also crazy as fuck]

[Why am I crazy?]

[Wait a second. Huh, I finally have brackets huh.]

[Muhhahaha, Adamas is in brackets bitches!!]

*Hope You guys enjoy the novel. Please add the novel to your collections it helps out a lot. Power stones would be well appriciated.
