
Too Much Coffee...

"H-Hahaha, look at you n-normies...Can't even stay up two days to g-grind! I-I bet you guys'll probably b-buy b-boosters like everyone else huh?" Sayer said to himself with jittery hands.

He stayed up 2 days straight and consumed unreal amounts of coffee and energy drinks all for the sake of a game. So much so that his eyes were permanently contracted and his hands were shaking faster than certain devices.

Sayer went to grab his cup of coffee with his shaky hands and ended up spilling it on his computer.

"M-My coffee, h-hold on!" Sayer reacted like he was on drugs. He dived down out of his chair and reached out for the cup of spilled coffee that was no on the ground. Instead of grabbing the cup, his shaky hands made him touch a faulty cable that he was going to get fixed.

The coffee just so happened to have spilled on that cable and Sayer saw a small spark before an extremely painful electric feeling ran from his finger into and through his whole body.

"M-My hand f-feels weir-*bzzt* ooh! ow! o-ow! m-my-*bzzt*" Sayer died rather confusingly to most people but also gruesomely. His body was charred black like a thanksgiving turkey cooked for WAY too long.




Sayer painfully opened his eyes and rubbed them.

"Ugh...What happened?" He said as he scratched his hair and looked around. Since he was half-sleep still, his unreal-looking surroundings didn't impact him at all. While he was looking around, a see-through light blue screen appeared.

[Welcome to the world of Altia!]

[Say "status" to see your Status Panel! For more information, say "help"!]

Sayer's body trembled slightly as he was both excited and terrified. He took another look around him and instantly noticed the vast differences in his surroundings. He was surrounded by green and blue trees and strange-looking creatures.

He immediately recognized one of the creatures. It was the face of all fantasy games and novels, the slime!

"A slime! I'm really here?! B-But what about m-my parents? T-They probably don't care ab-about me since they chased m-me out of the house with a piece of bread and called me a d-deadbeat..." Sayer became slightly embarrassed and shameful when he thought about that certain incident.

Such feelings only lasted a second as he looked at the moving blob of translucent liquid. It had tiny slits for eyes and a tiny "." mouth. Sayer felt enchanted when he looked at the little creature peacefully moving around.

Just before he was about to check his status, another screen appeared.

[Making modifications...1%...31%...61%...91%...100%!]

['Permanent Booster' System Successfully Integrated!]

Sayer's eyes contracted as he read the words on the screen in silence. He wasn't laughing, happy, or excited, he was livid. He glared at the slime nearby and suddenly had the urge to squeeze it till it popped.

"Permanent...Booster? Hehehe...HAHAHA AHAHAHA WHYYY! God is too cruel!" Sayer clutched his head tightly as if it would shoot off his body at any moment. Currently, he looked like a crazy person as he stared at the ground and tiny droplets of tears came from his eyes. Sayer took this purely as an insult and bullying, like if you gave a robber your phone that was high-quality, but the police were on the phone and the location was on.

Truly cruel.

"C-Can I delete this? How...This! You stupid slime over there, come here! I promise I won't hurt you!" Sayer said as he turned to glare at the slime with a crazy expression in his eyes. He jumped at the slime with his hands in a claw-like posture, like a feral cat.

The slime shrieked back before it extended a tentacle from its body and gave Sayer a hard slap. Sayer watched as the slime mercilessly slapped him into the ground before leaving. Sayer had an odd feeling that the slime was somehow blushing as it left.

Either way, it seemed like the slime slapped some sense into Sayer's head.

"U-Ugh...What just happened? Status!" Sayer felt like he was committing a crime towards the slime for some reason.

Immediately, a screen appeared.

[NAME: Sayer]

[AGE: 17]

[RACE: Human]

[HP: 100/100 MP: 100/100]

[CLASS: ---]

[LEVEL: 1]

[STR: 10 DEF: 10 AGI: 10]

[MAG: 10 STA: 25 DEX: 10]

[LUK: 0]

[SKILLS: ---]


Sayer tried to ignore the words on the bottom of the screen and focus his attention on everything else. The only thing impressive about his stats was his stamina, though that only made him feel embarrassed considering how he died.

"Everything looks just like I imagined, except for one thing that doesn't belong here..." Sayer said as he glared at the 'BOOSTERS' label on the bottom of the screen. He felt disgusted when he looked at it so he closed his status panel and took another look at his surroundings.

"Sigh...So I'm really in a fantasy world, huh? Not to mention I'm in a forest the prefect spot of farming exp and levels!" Sayer's grinding switch was flipped on as he stared eagerly at a wolf-like creature in the distance. It had red ears and a red tail and 3 white streaks on its back.

It trodded around in an imposing manner as if it owned everything and its gaze was terrifying.

Sayer was already getting ahead of himself. Luckily, he remembered the hard slap he received from that harmless-looking slime.

"Ugh, if a harmless looking slime can give me a slap harder than the one my girlfriend gave me when we broke up, then that wolf would kill me..." Sayer shuddered at the fact that such a powerful beast was nearby. He quickly got up and retreated to a safer distance away from the wolf.

He was used to starting from scratch in RPG and MMO games so his current situation wasn't challenging in the least bit...

After grabbing a few branches off a tree and a few vines from the tree as well, Sayer sat on the ground and looked at the gathered items.

"Do I have to craft everything by myself or will the system help me? I don't mind a little challenge!" Sayer said with a faint smile on his face as he picked up a branch and piece of vine. Just as he began wrapping the top part of the branch with the vine, a screen appeared.

[Booster acquired! Crafting Speed & Luck +10%]

Sayer felt his head starting to ache as he looked at the screen so he just focused on making the items he thought of. After dismissing the message, he felt a qualitative change in the speed it took for him to assemble a wooden axe he was making. It only took him a little under 10 seconds to finish the axe and proceed to the next item he wanted to make, a whip.

This whip was probably the only complicated thing among all the items he made. Still, all Sayer had to do was connect 4 long and sturdy vines to 4 sharp and sturdy pieces of wood. After connecting the 4 pieces of wood, he needed to connect the 4 vines.

Surprisingly, it took less than half a minute for Sayer to complete everything. After finally finishing, he noticed something was odd about the items he made, they all had a strange and faint white glow. Strangely, one of them had a faint green glow.

[Wooden Pike]

[Rating: Common]

[Dmg: 1~2]

[Effect: Pierce - Causes the enemy to lose 15 Hp on impact.]

[Wooden Sword]

[Rating: Common]

[Dmg: 1~4]

[Effect: Bleed - Causes the enemy to lose 3 Hp every 5 seconds.]

[Wooden Axe]

[Rating: Uncommon]

[Dmg: 2~6]

[Effect: Sever - Chance to sever a limb or anything attached to something completely in one attack. The enemy loses 30 Hp instantly. Can only activate during slicing attacks.]

[Wooden Whip]

[Rating: Common]

[Dmg: 2~5]

[Effect: Gash - Chance to deal 4 critical hits at once to the enemy. Causing them to lose 40 Hp at once. Can only activate if all 4 stakes hit the enemy at once.]

Sayer felt a slight sense of accomplishment as he looked at the 4 tools he created. The system didn't give him any assistance at all, well, at least not the intended system.

Sayer picked up the wooden axe and glared at it like a teacher looking at a student she didn't like, outcasting them for no reason. Either way, he couldn't deny the fact that the effect and damage on the axe was surpassing the pike and sword greatly.

He gave a troubled look before putting the axe back on the ground.

"This was definitely the work of that booster..." He said as he inspected the rest of the weapons. The axe in specific seemed to be multipurpose, which was what he hoped and it being an uncommon rarity just made it even better.

But to Sayer, the rarity just made him feel betrayed.

He put his hand in the air as he said, "I will not yield to the benefits of boosters! I don't need them, through hard work and effort, you can achieve anything!"