
Boosters Are Actually Useful...?

"Huff...Huff...Phew! W-Wood...I finally got all the wood I need to make a house! Thanks to the effect of this wooden axe, it only took around 3 days!" Sayer continuously cut down trees for wood or 3 days straight, though this time he made sure to take short rests in between.

As much as he didn't want to admit it, the wooden axe was outstanding. Its effect was amazing and made things much easier for him, basically reducing the total workload by around 30%.

"I need to make weapons and tools with of uncommon rarity, but with my own effort!" He said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Sayer had already figured out the best spot to build the house, which was next to a small lake that he saw a few days ago. There were no monsters that went near it so he chose that spot.

Sayer took a short rest and immediately began building the house. Not only did he get tons of logs, he also got tons of vines, which he had to make sure were sturdy enough to keep the logs together. It was a grueling process to others, but it was only a bit of a challenge to Sayer.

"Okay, let's start!" Since he didn't have a shovel, there was no point in trying to make a foundation for the house, and the ground was already even. Sayer stacked the logs on top of each other and tightened them together with thick and sturdy vines all the way until it was nighttime. A few monsters could be seen lurking around, specifically slimes and what seemed to be bugs that glowed every now and then.

The only problem Sayer had with them was how big and annoying they were. Not only were they have his size, he was 5 feet, but they also had stingers and glowed bright enough to blind him. Sayer had trouble dealing with these bugs for the past 3 days yet he didn't attack any of them.

"If any of you monsters come attack me tonight, its gonna be different from yesterday. You're gonna be my dinner!" If one took a look at Sayer, they'd notice that he look almost unnoticeably malnourished. This was because he had to live off of plants since there were no weak monsters that contained meat on their bodies.

As Sayer finally finished building the house and was about to sit down to take a break, he heard an annoying buzz from behind him and instantly turned around.


"Not this time!" He fearlessly brandished his wooden axe in a slicing manner at one of the bug's arms. Just as he did this, a screen appeared.

[The effect 'Sever' has been activated.]

Suddenly, Sayer felt as if he was slicing through butter, not the tough chitin of an other-worldly monster. Without warning, the arm lifelessly flew off of the bug's body as it let out a weird noise.


It seemed like the bug was enraged as it unleashed multiple attacks at Sayer with its stinger. To its surprise, Sayer had played multiple VRMMO games back in his day so his fighting capabilities were way higher than the average person despite his stats only being at 10.

"Such predictable attacks! Hahaha, do you want to lose another limb?!" Sayer laughed maniacally as he swung the wooden axe continuously at the bug. It let out multiple helpless screams as deep gash marks appeared all over its body. It wasn't even given the time to counter-attack at Sayer before it bled to death from multiple limbs being completely severed.


"Under the skin should be the meat, hehe!" Just as Sayer was about to heartlessly dismantle the body of the bug, another screen appeared.

[The skill 'Basic Axe Mastery' has been acquired.]

[Booster acquired! Basic Axe Mastery Rate +10%]

Sayer's eye twitched slightly as he immediately dismissed the screen from his view. He had a slightly disgusted look on his face, as if he was looking at dog poop that he stepped in.

"I don't need the help of boosters..." He grumbled as he stared at the incoming bugs that were flying at full speed. They were emitting their bright blinding glows directly at Sayer, causing him to look away for a moment.





There seemed to be 4 silhouettes of bugs enshrouded in fading light. Sayer tightly gripped his wooden axe as he took a stance from one of the RPGs he played.

"Come on!" He said as he made a gesture with hands, as if telling them to come to him.

His provocation seemed to have worked as the bugs made angry-sounding noises and reached Sayer's position within seconds. They all unleashed a flurry of stinger attacks at him in one single moment.

"Damn! You idiots thought you could surround me?" Sayer said as he blocked two bug's stinger attacks with his axe and tried his best to dodge the attacks of the bugs behind him. He never fought this kind of battle despite playing games for so long so he felt like it was unfair.

"Not FAIR!" Sayer swung his axe furiously in a circle, hitting all of the bugs in one go, and luckily the 'Sever' effect seemed to activate on one of them.

[The effect 'Sever' has been activated.]

Sayer didn't waste any time and followed up his previous attack with downward slices to the heads of the bugs, who were all slightly stunned at the fact that one of their brethren was gravely injured by a wooden weapon.


[The effect 'Sever' has been activated.]

With a single swing, Sayer sliced one of the bugs into pieces as its green-colored blood leaked out profusely. Slicing through the body of such a large bug was still unusual to him so he hesitated slightly as he turned to face another bug.

"Only 3 to g-Agh!" The bug that he turned to face seemed to have already been prepared and blinded Sayer with its annoying light. Sayer was momentarily stunned and the bugs didn't waste this opportunity to attack him. Multiple stingers pierced Sayer's body and felt as if someone was stabbing him with a burning jumbo pencil, it was extremely painful and uncomfortable.

"Y-You pieces of garbage!" He said as he tried to recover his eyesight. After a second, he could finally see, though his eyes were rather strained. Sayer was about to lose control of his emotions as he recklessly swung his wooden axe all around him, deflecting more than half of the attacks coming from the bugs.

They were simply astounded.

Before they could react with a counterattack, one of the bugs felt a chill on their abdomen as they saw the wooden axe slicing through their body like butter.


The bug was slightly directly in half and fell lifelessly to the ground. Sayer didn't pay any attention as he shifted his focus to the last 2 bugs and began attacking them immediately. He didn't give them any time to use their stupid blinding lights again as multiple slash wounds appeared on their body.

The 'Sever' effect kicked in again and sliced the arm clean off of one of the bugs, blood ran like a river out of its body. By now, Sayer was already covered in the slimy green-colored blood of the bugs but he didn't care. His body was in extreme pain and it was extremely painful to swing around the wooden axe at such high speeds.

He was afraid that if he stopped for even a moment, he would pass out from the pain.

'Damnit! Hurry up and die already!' He thought to himself.

Slowly, his swings got slower and slower as he finally got rid of one of the bugs. The last one was already bloodied up just as much as Sayer. All Sayer needed was the 'Sever' effect to activate one more time and kill the bug in front of him so he could rest.

"Activate already! Sever!" As if calling out the name of the effect worked, the 'Sever' effect actually activated and cut the bug down diagonally. Both halves of its body fell to the ground as Sayer finally stopped swinging the wooden axe and fell to the ground as well. His muscles felt so strained and ached so much that if he moved them again they'd probably rip apart.

His eyelids grew heavy as he used his torso and legs to move like a caterpillar into the house before he passed out.




"Agh! My body is so sore! I wasn't made to fight such devilish monsters when my stats were at 10! If it weren't for that wooden axe being uncommon rarity and having such a good effect, I would have died. And if it weren't for that stupid booster increasing my crafting luck, then I probably wouldn't have made such a useful item..." Sayer came to the realization that boosters weren't just for taking the easy way through games. They actually helped out a lot and could prevent unnecessary events from occurring.

"Fine...I'll accept that..." He reluctantly said as he went back to sleep.