
System overdrive

An age where gods rule the world. People are blessed by the system. Only one man isn't. This man, however, will change the world and the destiny of many lives.

Hi_am_idiot123 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 7

Death. Death. Death. It's something someone like Uzma nearly avoided multiple times and felt it. So after a while. A person gets bored and damaged mentally after a while, along with other issues. So for a long time. He rarely fears death. Even now, figthing against a fallen deity.

[Special system!]

No wonder he was deep into his thoughts. That man froze time. He already knows what to do. He looks through the way this "special system" works. As he is dodging attacks. There is a shop and he can see all his skills. About it, so this is pretty good.

"He probably has one, too."

The deity looks at him with frustration.

"You ignoring me?!" It gives out blood lust.

"Yea, and? What are you going to do about it?

The deity tries to cut him in half with its huge blade. It would have made Uzma scared if it was his first time experiencing this. He grabs the blade and shatters it with his bare hands. He speeds up. He looks closely at the language imprinted on the armor.

"So this is the so-called Chinese?" He blocks another sword swing by summoning his own sword. He blocks and parries it.

"So, let's get serious now."

The deity can feel it. This human, if you can call it that. Is about to give it the best time of its life. It goes up to him, with one sword in hand. The sword is tall as Uzma. He stares back. Both back away, and they let their blades do the talking.

Back at the tree. Anax is in a tight situation. Instead of facing one tree guardian now, he is facing all three. Each has the strength of a top player, to some extent. Anax sighs. Should he get another Pillar to help?

Usually, they summon a guardian depending on the threat. He supposes he is that special. They are made out of the same stone and roots as the dragon. He makes his guesses as he is dodging a heavy sword strike. He is facing one mage, one dragon, and one swordsman.

He wants to try out something. He opens the shop. He takes out something to spice things up. One use only sadly. He appears suddenly behind them and releases a bunch of smoke bombs. He runs up, but the dragon and mage catch up.

"Damn it," He sees that he actually has to try. He yawns. "Fine, I will try."

He snaps his fingers, and multiple weapons come out. Lances, spears, and more. He uses the last bit of money he has left and buys swords.

[Masters touch]

He breathes in and spins his blades. Holding two long swords in hand, he charges. The mage unleashes lightning, fire, and ice at him. He dodged the fire and took the lighting stike. Even where stuckled by lighting, he dodged the ice shaped like blades. While at the same time fighting the dragon.

He doesn't speak through all of this. He stays silent. The swordman tried to cut his arm off. He dodges and kicks the blade. It cracks a bit. He grabs the swordmans left arm and throws it.

It destroys most of the tree branches. The dragon tries to bite his arm off. He grabs its jaws and stares at it. The dragon gets a shiver down its spine. It understood something. The killing intent is expected. But, it realized something. It's his skill.

[Dragon slayer]

"It's been fun!" A large ball of fire hits him. The mage is shocked. It doesn't understand. It thought he got hit.

The dragon is seen being carried by the jaws as a shield. He smiles at the mage. The dragon gets impaled by the swords he bought. It flies off his grasp. It weakly flies away. The mage freezes his limbs.


The dragon shoots its purple flames. He extends both of his arms. After the flames disappear, Anax's arms are burned up. The flesh showing, his skin peeling off. It's the same for his body. His abs are now mostly muscle. Half of his face is healing from the burns. His leg is all flesh and muscle.

"I am getting excited now!!" He shows them his hands. The mage notices the swords are gone.

"You melted the damn swords," The rest of his sword surrounds him clockwise. "Time to have fun."


"You're strong." The girl spits out a bit it blood. Her whole arm was broken.

"I can say the same to you." The knights left side of his armor was broken. Parts of it were sticking to his skin.

They both stare at each other. They have to finish this now. He charges in with his blade. She dodges it, and then he spins around. He slashes her. Her pink hood is colored with blood now.


She spins around 360 and grabs his face. She throws him to a nearby building. Then she jumps to him and unleashes deadly blows to his body at superhuman speed. He takes them all.

"It seems I need to hurry up now." Agapios appears behind her and grips his sword tighter. A beautiful light comes out of the sword. He breathes in and strikes her.

[Holy sword]

He almost splits the country in half. He looks at her cropse. The holy sword skill burns anything in contact. Especially if they have anything demonic in them. Without him knowing it. He killed half the demons in the country. At least in the area, he unleashed his skill.

"You almost got me." She tries to heal her body. The only thing that's taking time is her rib cage.

"How!?" He looks back and doesn't see her corspe anymore. Was his mind playing tricks on him?


Her eye mask is about to come off. Her pink hood almost burned off. She smiles at him, and then he starts bleeding. She does a jab at him and destroys his helmet. She then does an uppercut. Each punch of hers could have made anyone's esle heads fly off.

She tries to give a cross, and he catches her fist. He spins her and slams her into the ground. She tries to get up, but he grabs her arm and throws her into the air.

"Got you." She gets him into a leg lock.

Agapios starts thinking. Didn't he just throw her into a building? Didn't he kill her? Is this a skill? What's going on?

He stands up. She flies a little in the air, and he slices her into little pieces. He looks somewhat sad. If only she wasn't a villain.

"What!" Blood leaks out. He looks at his stomach and sees huge holes there. He looks behind him and sees the pillar.

"I was about to really die there!" Her leg is cut off.

He almost heals himself, but she grabs him. She throws him into the sky, and she goes up. She grabs his arm and throws him into the ground. She sees the same beautiful light but multiple times. She dodges most of them gracefully. She gets her left arm cut off. But that doesn't matter.

The clouds get cut as well. She keeps dodging until she reaches the knight. She grabs him and crushes his head with her bare hands. Blood spills.

Agapios looks at her. Didn't he just die? He felt his head being crushed. She stomps his head. He opens his eyes and sees her standing still. With the same injuries.

"How did you do this, girl?"

"I am not a girl, I am just short." She kills him again. But he still is alive.

How did she do this? How? He already died multiple times. He lost count. They are fake deaths, but they feel real. He is trying to find out how she is doing this.

"So death doesn't completely break you." She finally moves. After what feels like hours.


"Don't get angry at me for something you don't understand."

He uses his skill again. He somewhat destroys the area around him. Some buildings are left. Wait, no one left the area. So why aren't people nearby or running away?

"No use trying to hide it anymore. I am almost running out of mana." She snaps her fingers.

Agapios screams in fear. His eyes tearing up. His armor is splattered with human guts, his sword covered in blood. Burned corspes, people cut in half. Body parts everywhere. It's like that scene six years ago.

"Did you really think people didn't die?" She scoffs at him.

Wait. So, how many deaths? Why hasn't Alvia told him anything? What's going on? She smiles at him. Expect this smile is a smile of a winner.

"Try to piece it together."

Agapios goes through everything that happened. There were no deaths, nothing. not even a scream. Now that he thinks about it. His skill should have done more damage to the area. So why? It's like it's been fake..

"How did you do that level of illusions?"

The reason why everything adds up, even his "deaths," is because the pillar can do illusions. Everything so far makes sense. Seeing his reaction. She spins around happily.

"Now, let's do the real thing, shall we?"

Now the question is. For how long has she been doing this for? This haunts him even while flashing fists with her.