
System overdrive

An age where gods rule the world. People are blessed by the system. Only one man isn't. This man, however, will change the world and the destiny of many lives.

Hi_am_idiot123 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

People are getting slaughtered left and right. Yet the fighting still continues.




Two men can be seen figthing among these choas. Anax and Alasdair trade blows. Only one is smiling. Both go so fast they can't be seen by the naked eye.

"It seems he finally did it!"

His spear clashes with the sheild. Alasdair hears something break. It was his sheild. It shatters like a clay model. He looks surprised and shocked at the same time, with a little hint of frustration. Anax smiles. Spins his spear like a drill.


"Game over!" He almost slices his head off. Alasdair dodges barely.

Alasdair does a stance and uses his skills. Anax sighs, and he is bored. He has seen these before, so he knows how to dodge them. How much damage they do and more.

"This again."

[Bull rush]

[Iron defense]

[Dragon aura]

[Druken state]

All these skills were boring to Anax. He lets them hit him, though, to pass the time. Normally, if anyone else got hit with these. They will be nothing but dust, but he is different. The only damage he got was a ripped off left arm.

"Noo, how could you.." He screams out in a bored voice. He gets up and goes up to the counfsed man. He let the man have his fun, now its time to end it.

"30 minutes, not bad." With one tap of the spear. The tank blew to pieces. Blood splatters on Anax. He just wipes his face. He looks at the organs that are left over and sighs.

"Thank God I won't clean this."


Uzma watches the destruction at hand. He stretches a bit. He told them before he destroyed the gate. They were screams, of course, but he doesn't care. In order to win, you need to do some things people will consider inhumane. He knows this better than anyone.

"Don't worry, Alvia. The demon king is on our side." He hears no one at the other end. He sighs and hangs up. He jumped off from the building he was in and killed some of the guards that saw him. There weren't many played guards, so it wasn't much of a task to kill them.

He gets the symbol to summon the demon king and puts it on his pocket. He is waiting for the perfect moment. He just can't summon their trump card yet. He looks at the tree. Something is wrong. He realizes what's wrong and flies over there.

He sees it. The fallen deity. The demonic horns, the large brown hair. Almost looking like a lions mane, the large build. It looks around 7 feet tall. The look of it face looks like more of a mummy. If a mummy had been 100 years younger.

"Time to have fun?"

The deity stares at Uzma. He uses his skill.

[Eagle Eye]

He zooms in and sees what he is wearing. It's a language he has never seen, but he remembers what it's called. He is kinds curious about how the deity got his hands on the jade colored armor.

"I should ask him." He shakes his head and rethink that plan. He just needs to kill it! An earthquake hits. He sees the trees root come out of the cracks.

The purple roots appear in the most random places. Even if he expected this, it still made him shake about his first experience going about this. The tree is just trying to defend itself. It knows something dangerous is after it. Out of the tracks, skeleton soldiers rise. Each carrying a variety of weapons.

"Interesting, so a human can leak out this much mana." The deity looks at Uzma. He gets a chill down his spine and smiles with an evil grin.

In this world, because of the system, any living being can use magical energy: Aka, mana, or aura. Right now, the deity is leaking out a mixture of both. Which makes him want to fight it more badly. He never got the chance to fight with this diety.

"Come out!" The deity points at him. They both smile at each other. Uzma takes out his sword and flies to him.


The pillar is killing players. She clearly is bored. She has nothing to do. She was told by Anax to do whatever she wanted. But she is too strong. She is sleepy. She is about to lay down until she feels a river of mana. Not just any, but it feels closer to a vessel.

She stands up quickly. She gets in a figthing pose. Her eye mask is about to slip off, and she takes the time to put it back. She dodged a sword strike.



A knight is seen. The sword and armor reflect the sunlight. Truly the look of a hero. The knight appears behind her and tries to cut her in half. She catches the sword swing. Catching the knight off guard.

"Hi, Agapios!" She waves happily at him. Even bouncing like a bunny. She smiles at him. She looks at him curiously and takes a hit on him.

She does a figthing pose and kicks him. He dodges it. He knew if that landed, his whole arm would have shattered. He knows what she is doing. Wait, no, he doesn't. Every blow they each other, the more they fight.

The more he understands. She is not taking him seriously, no its not that. She is too tired. That's why her movements are sluggish. He feels insulated for some reason. It's like she doesn't care enough to fight 100%.

Blood spills.

"Got you."

She takes an arm. She gives it back to its owner and tries to leave. She gets cut in multiple pieces. The knight notcies something. His arm is actually in place, and his sword doesn't have blood on it. He is counfsed, he doesn't know what's going on.


He feels it. He feels as if he has died over 100, no over one thousand times. Where is she? Someone taps his shoulder. It's the girl. She goes up to his face and sighs.

"It seems you are tougher than you look. Fine, I will take you seriously." She does a kick boxing stance and does a right hook.

He dodges it, and he sees three buildings tumble over. She isn't even 5,5. Her height and everything about her is like a young girl. Yet, her power is terrifying. He can tell. She isn't fully trying even now.

"How did a young girl like you?"

"I am actually.. Nevermind. It doesn't matter."

She gives him a powerful right kick. He tried to block it with his sword, but it broke. He tries to take another one out, and she kicks him into a nearby building. She broke most of his armor. She sighs, almost disappointed.

"Damn it..."

Her arm was cleanly cut off. She looks at the injury, surprised. She looks behind her and sees a beautiful sword. She dodges it.


The sword cut the ground. Almost splitting the country in half. She looks at him more excitedly. She spins around happily and smiles.

"Don't disappoint!!"

They clash one hit and a whole town, and its people blown away. It begins now, the fight that will decide the future of multiple people. The pieces are being put together. And all they can do is watch. Just like how Anax is. He is eating a bag of popcorn.

"This is interesting!" He stands up and stares at the tree. The roots are taking over the country as time passes. "Time for some fun."

He goes and climbs the tree branches. The branches try to attack him. He dodges the attacks beautifully. He even cuts the branches, which makes it grow more roots in the country.

The tree seems to attack back and summons a tree guardian. The ones in charge of taking care of the tree in case of danger, not just any danger. A danger like Anax. The dragon shows up, made out out of ancient jade stone and tree roots. Its eyes glowing purple

He summons his sword from his inventory.

"It's been a while since I faced you!!"


A man sees everything in the skies. If it could be called a man. It seems to be stuttering in its movements, like a glitch. Even standing still in the open sky, it's still glitching. The black and gold hood makes it seem like a person.


It tries to speak, but it can't. It looks somewhat sad about it. It coughs, and a robotic voice comes out. It stretches a bit. Time seems to stop. It can see everything.

"I don't have enough time here."

It went to Anax and Uzma. It taps their foreheads and smiles. It looks at the sky and disappears. Time resumes as normal.