
System Only Gives Me Useless Gifts (Old)

-Completed- Posting on RoRoad and ScHub a rewrite, I can't post link, so google it. Everything on WN will be kept as the original to track my own personal progress. There aren't any major changes so far, but there are more details. Summary: Li Yun grew up with a system that gave him useless gifts. He wanted a reward that could prove the existence of the system, but ended up with abstract gifts like culture. Without physical proof, he was stuck wondering whether his mind was truly sane, all the while dealing with the reality of life. How will the "useless" system help Li Yun navigate medical school, hospital politics, criminal cases, treasure hunting, farming and cooking? Copyrights of the novel and cover are owned by Chocomug. Novel is free to read and download for personal use, such as offline reading, only.

chocomug · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
272 Chs

105 - Fan

"Dad! Why are we going to the middle of nowhere to see a doctor? A TCM doctor, no less," the young woman, who was dressed sharply as though she was going to work, was annoyed that she had to spend six hours in a train to a city she had never heard of.

Her father, an elder man in his sixties, had a slight limp, and needed assistance to walk.

"You said I shouldn't be going to the TCM doctors all the time, so I have decided to give Dr. Li a visit, he's also a licensed doctor," her father responded.

Juli frowned. "What sort of western doctor open a TCM clinic? Are you sure you're not being scammed?"

Juli had looked up and investigated Dr. Li's Dong Xuan Clinic prior to booking the trip. Her search didn't give her a definitive answer. Although there were generally favorable reviews, she was very skeptical after reading the negative comments. She was the type that always read the negative comments first.

Common complaints were overpriced, unfair, and prejudiced.

-400 +2 : I was there before, and the doctor charged me 10k for just one exam. Unfair and prejudiced. I would sue his ass if there wasn't a lawyer fee. -Anon

1. If Dr. Li charged you 10k, it means you have a rotten personality. I would have charged you 20k. Use your real name if you have nothing to hide. You're afraid aren't you? --Huaisu

2. Blob Negative - BRUH

3. I bet it was one of those rude cheapos. - Mifu

Juli rolled her eyes. Mifu was her father's ZZ Live account name, whose real name was Fushao.

The father and daughter were standing by the front of the store, looking at the Qing style front entryway and overhanging eaves. Li Yun broadcast was always in the courtyard, so they were uncertain if they were in the correct location.

They saw a young trinket seller in front, and asked if the clinic was where Dr. Li worked.

"Are you here to shop?" Rouxi asked.

It was the weekdays, but ever since Li Yun took a vacation, he allowed some consultations for urgent cases.

Bizi worked mainly from the counter to assist the customers. Zuiba had her own incense store to manage on the weekdays, and only stopped by around noon. In the meanwhile, Rouxi took over watching the trinket cart, which she had mixed in with a couple of authentic trinkets she had collected from 1,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan.

She had told her step-parents that she was going to start selling off some artifacts she had gathered over the years. They knew about her company, but they were still curious as to why it was just a random trinket store. Rouxi told them it was going to be her thesis, the antiquity trade market. Since it was like a summer job, they didn't press her to return.

"Can we have a consultation?" Juli asked.

"Dr. Li doesn't open the clinic on weekdays," Rouxi remarked.

"The clinic isn't open?" Juli scrunched in a confused look. 10am was still part of typical clinic hours. It wasn't even noon when some shop owners closed up for their midday nap.

"What sort of clinic doesn't have regular store hours!?"

"It is specifically mentioned on the Teebee app."

"What sort of business are you running? It's like you don't even want to have customers…"

"Ms. Song? This is Mifu!" The elder finally recalled the voice from the broadcast.

"Ah, Elder Fushao, it's you, come on in." Rouxi was naturally aware that Fushao had made a special consultation request in the ZZ Live. She was only trying to give Juli a hard time for the way she was acting.

The woman walked inside and Rouxi gave Bizi a walking finger signaling that they were walk-ins. Rouxi screened people who wanted to consult with Li Yun.

"Then please have a seat inside."

Bizi nodded and pointed to the chairs near the entrance. The father and daughter sat in the waiting chairs. Since there wasn't anyone in the shop, Bizi chatted with the two.

"Where are you from?" Bizi continued asking. "I used to be in Chenda back in the days, but my parents thought I wasn't suited to be a farmer, so we moved here."

Fushao replied that they were from Baodu.

"Wow! You have traveled from very far away! Doctor Li's reputation must be spreading!"

"I'm actually a huge fan of Dr. Li's calligraphy and garden," Fushao replied.

"Ah, you are! I knew Dr. Li had fans, but you're probably the first to visit."

Li Yun appeared by the door. "Elder Fushao? Come on in."

Li Yun escorted the elder into the courtyard.

Fushao was amazed by how well the garden was growing after a few weeks. The plants were healthy and big enough to tell each plant apart.

Although Fushao was not a big gardening enthusiasts, he appreciated any sort of herbal garden.

Li Yun wasn't sure if he wanted to show anyone his greenhouse. The growth pattern was extremely quick. After four weeks, the rhubarb was close to maturing. Rhubarb typically required 8 to 10 weeks.

After touring the courtyard, Li Yun took him into the back room.

The elder immediately took out his phone and started to record his own ZZ Live.

"Here live in Dong Xuan Clinic with Dr. Li!" Fushao introduced.

He was so enthralled by all the calligraphy piece hung on the wall that he had almost forgotten that he was there for a health consultation.

"I can't believe you have an authentic piece by Bian Shoumin," the elder, also known as Mifu on the web, was still in awe of the painting.

Li Yun nodded.

"But your calligraphy has far surpassed the masters, that's what I have truly believed when I saw your live stream. You are blessed with the hand of God."

"I wouldn't go that far. But elder, you should be careful not to drink too many herbal teas with strong stimulants. Tea is all right in the morning, but have regular water instead. You should be able to sleep better at night."

After a quick evaluation, Li Yun gave Fushao a written diagnosis and suggestions.

"That's it!?" Juli watched the entire consultation and was not impressed. He didn't even have a stethoscope, how was he a licensed doctor?

Fushao gave Li Yun an apologetic look, but thanked him for the tour. He knew Li Yun valued his time, and they had already spent more than half an hour chatting. He nudged Juli to head outside.

The elder Fushao nodded. "Are you sure I don't need to pay you?"

Li Yun shook his head. "It has been a long time since I have talked to someone about calligraphy, so the conversation is enough. You have also traveled far, so take it as a gift."

The daughter sneered when he said it. Although it sounded nice, her consultation would have cost 5,000 yuan, so she thought it was a buy two get one scam. She wasn't a complete fool to take the deal.

Too bad for her, Li Yun would have diagnosed her with kidney stones.

Last minute changes... Some of these early chapters are jumpier than usual.

chocomugcreators' thoughts