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Thank you for reading! Did you read the rewrite on SH or RR? The ending arc is slightly different.
Thanks, I can't believe you're on 251 already. I should have recommended you to read it on SH since there are pics and it's slightly more up to date. I'm still editing chapter ch126.
Thank you for the lovely review. I'm still randomly checking the comments, and I am actively editing this story on SH and RR. If I have enough storylines, I'll continue writing, but it might be years from now or even never.
Fan Geng is a college grad. The minimum requirement at that time and in that particular region for a first-year intern is a 4-year bachelor.
He's still researching it in the background...
I'll clarify it. "they are not top 10 in the country individually, but..."
it's an original. I usually get more comments on SH and RR. WN readers are known to give power stones and random comments.
There's a glossary... and a rewrite with direct translation on another website, RR
Oh wow, chapter 123 is now fixed. Thanks!
A fictional country that will be renamed to Maple Country....