
Chapter 60: Human form

Stomp! stomp! stomp! Marching was all that was heard during the whole day, the villages or towns they have all passed by looked at them with worry and suspension. Since one the army didn't have just one race it had multiple different kinds of people, the majority of them looked human enough.

They worried that if they stopped at their town or village, that they will take all of their food away. When the army of multiple different kinds of races stopped at a huge town it could almost be compared to a small city, the guards watched them with unease. A blue hair woman at five foot eleven, with an above-average pretty face, walked towards the gate.

The army remains twenty-five feet away from the town walls not wanting to cause trouble. The young lady with baby blue hair strutted towards the gate where two guards are stationed, they eyed her suspiciously ready to pull out their sword if needed.

A young lady that came from a large group of people with different origins approach the gate, she has a rounded face, high cheekbones, big beautiful purple eyes that shined brighter than a diamond, the bridge of her nose is small but cute, she has lightly tanned skin, her lips are full and round. Her makeup seems to forge, black lines from her eyelids to the side of her eyes curled up and around.

She has that regal air about her, is she a visiting royalty? Many questions swarm the ordinary guard's mind at that moment, the girl walked gracefully while getting closer and closer. She smiled at the man gently, the guard lower his walls at the welcoming smile "How much coins do I have to pay to get in?" she asked softly her gaze held a gentle warmth "uh t-three c-copper coins ma'am and uh your reason of visiting?" he sputters out in awe.

"I stop here to come and get supplies for my people" she replies shortly not letting any extra information loose. He came to his conclusion that the young lady in front of him must've been from a smaller country that got stuck in between a war from two larger countries, it would explain her low-class clothing if that were the case the ordinary guard thought to himself.

He clear his throat to calm his nerves not wanting to embarrass himself a second time "What is your name Miss?" he asked out of curiosity "My name is Dyllis Smallwood, I am from a tiny Kingdom up north across the sea" Dyllis explained her origin. She passes the ordinary guard three copper coins and enters inside ignoring what the guard said afterwards.

The blue hair young lady maneuvered her way around, she had multiple times before made a stop at this town to get supplies that she needed for her cavern. Dyllis looked around at the shops with little interest. She noticed how she looked like from the reflection of the windows 'Wow so this is how I would have looked if I was reborn human, right?' she exclaimed in awe at her reflection "Yes host, in your old world you would've looked similar to your current human form" the system spoke out of nowhere confirming her questions.

Looking away from her reflection Dyllis steadily walked into an adventurers guild called Green Lotuses, green lotus design could be seen all over the guild on the inside. She walked up to the lineup and waited for her turn so she can get her monsters appraised. Time quickly flew by, it was her turn now as she approach the desk "guild license please" a pink hair woman stated while chewing gum with a bored expression.

Dyllis pulled out her human idea which strangely looked like her current human form, she released a sigh and passed it over, the pink hair lady blew a bubble then it pop. She passed the card back to the blue hair young girl "What is it that you need?" she question Dyllis in a bored-like tone her dead fish eyes bore deep into her soul.

The wendigo shaman smiled gently "I need you to appraise something for me, I want to sell them to the guild" She spoke calmly with a gentle expression, looking as if she had never aten a person in her whole life.

The pink hair lady sluggishly got up from her chair and wave Dyllis over to come and follow her. Once in the backroom Dyllis took out all of the monster's caresses, she kept a few dozen troll bodies in her storage thinking she could fees her whole army with these ugly creatures' flesh. The pink hair lady stopped chewing gum, widening her eyes at all of the monsters caresses "Did you hunt all of this game yourself?" she asked shocked her eyes looked at the light blue hair woman in a different light from before "Part of these monsters I hunted myself and the rest my companions hunted these trolls, iron hedgehog, and these three-horned koi fish" She named numerous of monsters that her army has successfully killed during their training.

Originally Dyllis had about 1,200 gold worth of monsters, now she has about 15,000 gold coins worth. The reason the price jumped up so high is that if those trolls and a few other monsters have special effects after gett consumed. Troll flesh can boost one's defence to a higher level. Iron hedgehogs quills if made into a weapon can be quite deadly to C rank monsters and lower. And finally three-horned koi fish boosts a person's fortune if they perform the correct ritual with their horns and scales. one hundred and ten trolls lay lifeless on the ground right beside three iron hedgehogs, iron hedgehogs are very rare monster species and then the five hundred three-horned koi fish. Subtracting the damage done to these creatures the total sum came up to thirteen thousand gold coins.

After she left the guild the pink hair woman went to the guild leader to talk about all of the wonderful game she and her companions had caught. Dyllis walked into one of the more run-down looking stores to go and get some supplies as she stated earlier, she walked up to the store clerk "Hello sir I would like two thousand and eight hundred tents large enough to fit two people inside. I will also need close to three thousand oil lamps" she placed her order at the bewildered store clerk who mouth open agape from pure shock.

"Of course ma'am I'll get your order ready in a moment" the store clerk ran into the back room, listening closely she can hear three other voices from the back room, she heard multiple items break as she stood they're relaxing her muscles by slouching forward a bit. Thirty minutes passed, four people came out of the back holding multiple small bags in nine creates, placing them down on the counter before going back into the back room to go get her oil lamps.

This time they took out twenty creates and place them on the counter "Alright ma'am these are your two thousand and eight hundred tents that will expand into their normal size by a single thought and these boxes are your oil lamps. Your total cost for your purchase is one hundred gold coins." the clerk stated in a cheerful tone, the blue hair woman pulled out a pouch holding one hundred gold coins and passes them over.

She looked at the creates making them disappear at a moment's notice her Saturn space storage ring glowed light before becoming dim once more. Dyllis left the store and walked back to the gates where her army waited.

System Menu

Name: Dyllis Smallwood

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human (Low-Grade Wendigo)

Level: 41


Strength: C

Speed: C

Defence: C+

Magic Pool: (C+)

Luck: F+

Attribute: Dark magic

System points: 7,013

Skills: Great Sense of Smell (max), Slash (max), Bite(max), Mimic(max), Wendigo Fever(Max), Body advancement lvl2, Fist fighting lvl2, Abyss Hand, Abyss Cloak, Curse Slime, Consume Soul (Active), Projector.

Dyllis be making the dough tho-

I hope you enjoy this chapter

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts