
System of a Wendigo

This story is a GL aka Girl love also known as Yuri. For Dyllis it was like every other day just walking home as strangers sneer at her for no reason whatsoever.  Dyllis has always felt insecure about her face, she has been called many names, all of which hurt her feelings. That was until she died a tragic death by saving another from a group of thugs. Who would have thought an ugly girl like her was pitied for a second chance?

Bao_Karen · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 61: Home

The scene before the Wendigo shaman's eyes shocked her a bit, a large group of twenty adventures were harassing her people. Dyllis swayed her hips as she walked over towards the commotion "What's going on here?" her voice boomed with authority, Shawn stepped forward and got onto one knee "My lady these adventurers are trying to stop trouble with us" Shawn answer, she raised her eye 'how dumb or ignorant can they be to provoke a party of 3,301 soldiers?' the blue-haired young miss furrow her brows knowing that her soldiers couldn't lie nor betray her.

Her gazed focus on the party of twenty, her gaze colder than a blizzard, looking at the adventurer's group like they have already died and gone to the void, the leader of this arrogant group of adventurers took her gazed head-on "So you are a leader of this hoard of abominations?" he held his chin up high while speaking those words 'so he is one of those kinds of people. How distasteful" the blue hair girl thought her expression contorted into a frown, black lines can be seen on her pretty face.

She let out a mocking chuckle at the man "Says the one who is running a clown show" she mocked the man for his stupidity 'Who is insane enough to provoke a group of over three thousand? the answer is this dibshit before me' she amuses in her mind. His rough-looking face turned into a scowl, yellow teeth, brown lips and magenta colour hair and eyes.

"No one can speak about my seaweed adventure group like that!" his face turned red as an apple because of his anger, he raised his hand to slap her. The blue-haired girl with pretty purple iris glared at the hand that wanted to smack her unfortunately for him she wasn't a pushover. She grip his wrist and squeezed until she heard the bones making a crunching sound. Only then did she let his hand go "Take that as a warning scumbag" Dyllis stated coldly, turning around towards her loyal soldiers turn Wendigos.

They had the look of awe on their faces eyes shining brightly for the more beast-looking ones, the humans looking wendigo lips were part open, if they had iris or pupils she would assume that their eyes would be sparkling.

She waved her hand in the air "Let's move out" her voice boomed again, she remained quiet throughout the whole journey. The army of over 3,300 soldiers jogged for the rest of the day until sunset. They took camp on some plains multiple tents set up with some to spare if any of the tents got ruined.

The blue-haired young lady remained in her human form sitting up into a lotus position with her eyes closed she was not sleeping just mediating to help freshen up her mind but that's not all. A dark shadow sneaked around till it was outside of Dyllis's's tent because of this 'shadow' she knew that someone or something had been following them.

Earlier when they were setting up the tents Dyllis spread her mana to keep on an eye on the uninvited guest. The moment that they enter her rent Dyllis was already on top of them, pinning the individual down. The person made a purring sound, the blue-haired girl with purple iris landed on the fellow, he had the traits of a white tiger.

His face is currently red as a tomato from their situation "H-hello miss Dyllis we meet again" the tiger beast human stuttered and his face turned into a deeper shade of red. She raised her arched eyebrow at the white tiger beastkin trying to place a name on his face.

'He was the one who took care of me while I was staying at lord Blizzards clan for a bit, I never got his name the Wendigo shaman thought, her purple pupils turned into slits "How could you tell who I am despite my face being different?" she asked not moving off of him, wanting some answer so that in the future she can fix whatever mistake that she made "Your smell, you smell like maple sap" he stated his voice going quieter by the end.

She let out a sigh "people usually say I smell like a decaying corpse, so I am assuming me smelling like maple sap it's my unique smell, correct?" She spoke her thoughts, the tiger beastkin nodded his head, purring loudly like a cat that eating catnip She let out a sigh in annoyance "what is your name?" she asked just to be a polite plus if she saw him in the future again it would be good to know his name at least.

Acting like a shy maiden he spoke softly "My name is Trevor Blizzard" he murmured wanting to cover his face from embarrassment, then he remembered that he was currently being pinned down by Dyllis.

The wendigo shaman smiled and got off of him landing him a hand to help him up "Well it's a pleasure to see you again Trevor, what is your reason for tracking me down?" she spoke sternly with a serious look on her face. Trevor scratch the back of his head "Well lord Blizzard-"

Two whole weeks passed by quickly Dyllis would stop every so often to distribute food among her kind to keep them fed and happy, she didn't want another accident to happen again because one of them was hungry.

Crunch!, crunch! the snow under everyone's feet made a crunching noise as they passed through the woods, fighting some lower-ranking monsters on their way to home base. Forty minutes of walking Dyllis and her army approach the cavern entrance "Follow me inside" She ordered, climbing in through the entrance and carefully taking steps not wanting to slip and fall.

Walking her way into the main cavern that was attached to many other tunnels, thirteen Wendigos children stood in a battle position. The water fae stood in front of them holding a solid water sword, their eyes landed on the blue-haired young woman with purple iris who looked at the water fae lovingly.

The pretty blue hair young lady's face started to melt away then reforging itself, her once tanned skin bubbles and pop revealing ashen skin. Her once beautiful Egyptian face, morphed into a scarred face with bits of flesh hanging off, her small nose crooked with a deep gashed, her big round eyes had no pupils or iris's, her lips remains round and full.

Tobca lowered her sword, Dyllis felt lonely from her time apart from Tobca, she wanted someone to cuddle late at night, someone shoulder she could cry on when feeling overwhelmed by everything happening around her, someone to tease lovingly and to be teased. Black bloody tears welled up at the corner of her eyes, she throw herself at the water fae indulging in her familiar smell.

Tobca hold Dyllis closely rubbing her back, she didn't want to admit it but she misses the little cannibal, the water fae often end up finding herself kissing the pillow where Dyllis's head would usually be in the morning. Sniffling sounds echo off of the wall till the young female calmed down with a clear conscience.

"Wendigo children meet your new older brothers and sisters, please show them a room they can stay in" Dyllis order the children looking at Wendigos before taking Tobca by the hand leaving the main room towards their bedroom to spend much needed time alone. They locked the door, a few minutes later giggling noises sounded out in the room.

System Menu

Name: Dyllis Smallwood

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human (Low-Grade Wendigo)

Level: 41


Strength: C

Speed: C

Defence: C+

Magic Pool: (C+)

Luck: F+

Attribute: Dark magic

System points: 7,013

Skills: Great Sense of Smell (max), Slash (max), Bite(max), Mimic(max), Wendigo Fever(Max), Body advancement lvl2, Fist fighting lvl2, Abyss Hand, Abyss Cloak, Curse Slime, Consume Soul (Active), Projector.

I ain't gonna write on how they did the nasty ( ╹▽╹ )

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts