
System Anime-Game-Univers (COMPLETED)

A normal young student living with his parents dies. After meeting God, he goes to the world of One Piece to live the life of adventure and freedom he has always desired. This is translated into English by Google translation. I write this fan fiction to improve my writing for my first novel. So if you see any mistakes or have any advice tell me. Good reading.

achile · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

The shock of friends

The bodies of World Government agents fall to the ground with a hole in the heart. The blood spills out quickly, creating ten small blood pools that form a large pool of blood. The warrior swings his spear to make the blood that is on its fall.

"Plic Ploc" drops of blood run down the spear and fall to the ground creating a slight noise.

The king turns to his guards. "It is time to force our way, the honor of you." said the warrior, gesturing to them.

The women nod and look at each other to find out who is starting hostilities. The blonde gives way to the brunette the first movement. "To you the honor, Robin." Robin smiles. "Thanks, Kaori."

Robin nods to Kaori besides thanking her. She crosses her arms.

"Illimited Fleur: King Kong" She ends her words and a giant monkey 104 feet or 32 meters high. The Monster lets out a powerful, bestial roar that resonates throughout Mary Geoise and her surroundings. The roar is also heard worldwide, but very faintly, and only people with excellent hearing hear it. (AN: Here's Kong's cry for a better stage of imagination. Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4z414idTTU)

"RRROOOOAAAARRRRRR" Kong extends his arm before throwing it at the wall surrounding [Pangaea Castle]. The wall breaks like a lego creating a huge breach. The wall is projected into the castle, riddling it with holes on all levels. An alarm sounds alarming an invasion.

"Illimited Fleur: Dispersion," said Robin. Kong then explodes into thousands of gorillas dispersing throughout Mary Geoise to create immense chaos. Seth, Kaori, and Robin hear several explosions happening in Mary Geoise.

"Let's go." Seth declares as he walks towards [Pangaea Castle], leaving a few blood drops in his path. Robin and Kaori follow him and together enter the final resting place of the world's rulers.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

In a room of [Pangaea Castle], a discussion is taking place with Kong, the GM Commander-in-Chief, and Kuzan, the Fleet Admiralthe Marines.

"So what are we doing for Seth?" Kuzan asks.

"Fuu. I don't know, the elders want to shoot him down to prevent him from gaining more power, but we've already tried to sabotage him, infiltrate him, sow discord, and many other things. But nothing. It didn't work. I don't know what to do anymore. They are becoming more and more insistent to the point that it wouldn't shock them to decide to demote me and put someone else in my place even if they don't. There is no one to take it. " Kong said with a sigh before and after his sentence as if nothing but talking about Seth thirsts for him.

Kuzan is surprised by Kong's words. He would never think that Kong, a callous man, is tired just by doing paperwork and not going out in the field anymore.

"And the assumption I made to you last time, did you take it into consideration?"

Kong recalls Kuzan's hypothesis before responding.

"Yes, I have thought about it, and I will always stand by the side of the World Government."

"Can I know why," Kuzan said? Kong nods. "Of course, because of what's going on in the world, you have a right to know why I am staying on the GM side, even with all the atrocities they have, are going on and are going to commit. . "

"The reason is simple. I owe one of the five elders all my life. He saved me and trained me, making him my master and my adoptive father. Therefore, I have to pay him back. " Kong said with emotion in his voice.

Kuzan says nothing and silently laments, making his friend an enemy. The two know what's going to happen and that it's time for them to become enemies. They know that at the end of the day, only one of them will be left alive, the murderer of his friend. The two contemplate the memories they have together.

The others didn't notice it, but Kong and Kuzan had been good friends for several years, long before Kuzan became the Navy's, Chief Admiral. We can say that Kong is the second master of Kuzan after Zephyr.

"RRROOOOAAAARRRRRR" A powerful roar brings them out of their reveries and signals the start of the fight between the two friends.

They do not exchange a word. They have all said to each other with their looks and expressions.

Kong throws himself at Kuzan and throws his haki-covered fist at Kuzan's chest.

"Ice Wall" Kuzan creates several ice walls to stop Kong's attack. As Kuzan intended, Kong passes easily break his ice walls, but this gives him enough time to launch his own attack.

"Ice Age" A wave of ice spread rapidly from Aokiji, freezing the area for several kilometers.

"You know your ice cream doesn't slow me down. It's pointless." Kong declares, attacking Kuzan again.

"I know you're faster than me and stronger physically, so I have to use my trump card." Kuzan dodges Kong's assault and retaliates him with his Ice Sword.

"You will die before you can use it." Kong breaks Kuzan's sword and attacks him in the heart.

"Kong Style: Piercing Fist" Kong's fist fills with haki and, using Rokuogan pierces Kuzan's chest. Kong's first cross Aokiji's chest right through and holds the latter's heart in his hand.

"Goodbye, friend," Kong said before crushing his friend's heart. Aokiji runs into Kong.

"Fuu, I am too old for this job," Kong says sullenly. Suddenly he feels a pain in his stomach. He looks down, seeing the corpse of his friend. Lower down, in his abdomen, an ice sword covered in blood.

Plic Ploc, drops of blood, drops of blood fall on the ground, freezing in contact with it. Aokiji's corpse in his arms shatters into thousands of small pieces of ice.

Kong turns around and sees Aokiji behind him. He then kicks him, which throws Aokiji into the wall and makes him travel several tens of meters.

Kong looks at his wound, which has already finished bleeding, thanks to frostbite made by Kuzan's sword.

He crosses the broken wall of his office and jumps into the void. He lands in one of the many gardens around the castle and is now in front of Aokiji.

"Ready for the sequel."

"Ready to teach respect in the mind of a youngster like you."

The two are throwing themselves at each other. Kong uses his fighting style, which is a mixture of melee, khaki, and Rokushiki.

Even injured Kong pushes Kuzan back and injures him. But Kuzan manages to hurt him. The two have inflicted numerous injuries on each other, but they are only minor.

Kong blocks a blow from Kuzan before receiving another blow that leaves him with a finished cut on the cheek. He walks away and wipes the cut, which is already no longer bleeding. In front of him are ten Aokiji.

"So you managed to awaken your devil fruit." Kong then understands how he could have received injuries from Kuzan even if he was aiming at another location. Awakening the Hie Hie no mi allows you to manipulate the ice in the area. That's why Kuzan covered the place with ice so that he could use his devil fruit everywhere. He can turn his environment into ice and manipulate it as he pleases.

"Let's get it over with." The Kuzan and his ice clones attack Kong, leading their fight to his final phase.