
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


Illusa had been sleeping in her mother's warm embrace, no, this was a dream, one she had made on her own, her mother had died when her home was attacked and her father had left a long time ago.

Illusa felt something moist on her cheek then opened her eyes to see Griffin licking her.

She smiled then caused an illusion which it saw, Mr Squiggles, who was more than happy to play with the young creature.

Griffin kept breathing fire and shooting feathers and its tail at its imaginary friend, but he remained unharmed.

When Griffin saw this, he got even happier and began jumping around happily as Mr Squiggles followed, playing their little game of tag.

Uncle Cloud came and said,"So there you've been you trouble causer."

Griffin hissed at him and burned him with his black flames when he touched it but when Illusa picked it up, it used its white flames of healing on her.

She took him outside the mansion to the field where he could play with the creature Uncle Cloud was ignorant of its existence.


Aeric stood behind his father, who turned to face him, then asked,"So, how may I help you, bastard son?"

Aeric hated it when he called him that, it was true that his father didn't get married to his mother before getting him... because he raped her, but threatened her to keep it a secret then married her to keep the cover, but never touched her afterwards.

"Hello? I havea busy schedule and have to leave."

"I came here to end you like you did my brother and your son."

"First off, I didn't kill him and second, bring it on."

"Then you could have saved him you bastard!"

Aeric brought out his six wings then flew towards his father who grinned as several feathers were dispatched at him, burning and electrifying the air.

His father just stretched his arm and the feathers stopped moving, to Aeric's surprise.


"I have an even greater ability to control your own feathers than you, because of my nearness to my true form and I'd advice you to run while you still can."

Aeric got angrier as his wings flapped and he was thrown at his father like a bullet.

His father simply tilted slightly to the side and Aeric flew off.

Aeric shot two feathers which sliced through the tree his father had been in.

The tree began to crumble but his father was able to escape the collapsing prison without his wings or arms.

Aeric's eyes began to burn with golden flames, then he yelled as a phoenix made of pure gold flames formed behind him, then it darted forward, letting out and ear splitting screech as it burned everything it flew over.

His father stood his ground as the bird collided with him, but he remained unharmed, much to the surprise of Aeric, then he said,"Now its my turn..."


Portia was watching a horror movie with Kofi when she squealed and hid her face in his chest and he smiled warmly at her then said,"Don't worry damsel, your night in shining armor is here."

"Ha, ha, really funny."

He scoffed then asked,"Won't you continue watching?"

"I'm sorry, it was a mistake bringing me here, I'll ruin it for you."

"No, you won't, give me your hand... better?"

She shook her head then he said,"It might help if you opened your eyes.

She opened one eye after the other,.as he gently placed her head on his chest and she heard the steady, brave and calm heartbeat within it.

She smiled and took a deep breath with her eyes closed, then continued watching the movie and all of a sudden, it wasn't so scary anymore.

Portia stretched her arm to take some popcorn and ended up touching his hand.

They looked into and were lost in each other's eyes for a moment, then both turned away and Kofi said,"You can have the popcorn."

"And make you the selfless hero and me the selfish zero? I don't think so, you take it."

"Ladies first."

"Men were formed first."

"Girls mature faster than boys."

"Age before beauty."

"You know what? Let's share it, it is half the bag anyway."

"Best idea you've had all night."She said, taking a seductive bite.

They watched the movie together, then went for a walk on the beach.

They were walking under the red, sunset of a sky when Portia tripped on a rock and fell, but Kofi caught her and spun her smoothly, asking if she was okay.

She smiled then booped his nose, then he dropped her on the wet sand, and she was instantaneously covered.by a wave, him, laughing his head off, till a wad of mud flew right into his mouth.

She also began to laugh till he started chasing her and she laughed as he speared her down and they fell and we're covered by water a moment later.

They sat on a rock, watching the golden moon rise and Portia wondered how Miss TT gave the moon such colours.

She then looked into the night sky, and for once, thanks to her new abilities, saw all the constellations as they were named.

Kofi walked her home and she kissed him on the cheek before leaving.

Kofi, hands in his pockets, was about to leave when Uncle Cloud stood in front of him and looked at Portia as she left, then said,"I need to speak with you, alone."

"Okay, what about?"

He remained silent then said Kofi should follow him.

They walked through the garden then Uncle Cloud said,"I just wanted to thank you for your help, Portia was devastated when Skylar died, but then you came in, you are the only thing that has kept her going and I owe you my thanks."

Kofi then said,"You don't have to thank me, Portia deserves all this and much more, she is an amazing girl."

"And you have my blessing to be with her."


"You could be with her."Uncle Cloud said,"I know there is something greater than friendship existing between you two."

Kofi nodded nervously as Uncle Cloud said,"You don't have to worry, it's perfectly fine, I'm sure Skylar would want the same..."

"Thank you, sir."

"Please, call me Cloud."


Skylar was gripping onto the cliff for dear life, the smell of blood and sulfur intermingled in his nostrils as he threw one of the chains about the cliff, then climbed up it, forgetting the pain.

He got to the top and saw several pools of lava and fire, where people were being burned alive, dead...but why wasn't he there?

Skylar killed one of the creatures torturing the people and took its weapons and armor then set his journey for the castle in the middle of the flames.

It didn't take long for him to get there but...how was he going to defeat that man and possibly get him to take him home?

He literally ruled that place.

Skylar then got an idea, but it wasn't a good one though...