
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs


Portia was in her room when something... someone was thrown through the window.

She screamed and ran to Aeric, who didn't seem very injured, but tired and traumatized, he did.

She asked what happened then he said in a coarse but urgent voice,"Can't explain...check my brain."

She did and found nothing wrong and when she told him, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Aeric, what's wrong?"

"...I confronted my father."

"What?! But you know..."

"...that Skylar deserves justice! And if I don't find it for him, you would, right?"

She had no other choice than to nod.

She was called for dinner and Aeric tried to fly out of her room to his but stumbled.

Portia offered, then demanded to help him, and made a path of his own feathers to his room window and he hesitated slightly then when she asked what was wrong he said,"I don't know if these are even my wings anymore."


"Never mind."

He left, then she went to change then through the door to the dining room.


Skylar ran the entire distance back to the castle, but the man stopped him in his tracks then said,"You do realize the demons are supposed to torment you, not the other way around, right?'

Skylar looked around, to the army of hideous and enchanting creatures gathering around him, then back at the man, then said,"I just wanted to know if I could make a deal with the devil himself."

"And what could you offer me that I do not have?"

"Power and lots of it, just send me into any dimension then I'll get it for you, ancient artefacts, powerful individuals, whatever you choose."

"You do realize my demons can do the exact same thing, right?"

"But they can't get everything...the most important things."Skylar said.

The man seemed to be considering as one of his minions said,"But master..."

He raised his hand to silence them, then placed it down for Skylar to shake it and when Skylar did, his hand got burned, leaving a symbol on it.

Skylar looked at it as the man said,"You have a deal, Bird brain."

Skylar looked at his arms as a blood red liquid like aura started flowing around and into him, then he looked at the man and vanished.

One of the demons wanted to chase after him but he said,"He's on his first mission, let him be."

Skylar appeared in a small town in Mexico, which he knew for one thing...

"Father, I need your help."He said.

The priest looked at the young boy he once knew, confused.

"Skylar, my son what happened to you?"

"It's a long story but I need you to pray for me, give me a silver crucifix, a Bible and some holy water, please."

The priest nodded then said a silent prayer for him and Skylar felt like he was being weighed down by a tonne of weight and his skin burning.

After the priest went to collect the supplies, Skylar took a deep breath, he couldn't die anymore, but that man knew how to torment people for all eternity, which was worth than t

death, Skylar just had one chance at this.

The priest gave him all the things he needed and he heard a scream- Mother Francisca.

He wanted to go closer to her and comfort her but she brought out her crucifix and prayed on it, using it against him.

He felt like he was burning then vanished as the priest ran to her to explain everything, it wasn't his doing.

Skylar appeared in the midst of several demons then looked at the man sitting on his throne, then the man said,"Make him wish he never died."

They all are at him with their weapons then Skylar broke the bottle of the holy water and dropped some of it on the crucifix, placed it in the Bible, then on the floor.

They all screeched in pain as fires burned them from nowhere and the man stood up then cursed and got enveloped by a thick black aura then turned into a dragon which darted at Skylar.

He mumbled something to himself, sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.

The Bible became a long sword, scraping the ground as the dragon darted down then breathed scarlet flames at Skylar, then he yelled,"And have the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one!"

The flames were bashing the shield and curving over, still scalding Skylar.

The moment the Demon Lord stopped, Skylar began to run as it chased him then hid behind the burned corpses of some of the demons as the dragon breathed fire, yet again.

The corpses were turned to ashes in a second then Skylar said the last thing he could use,"For God has not given us a spirit of fear...but one of power and of love and of self-control."

He kept repeating this scripture till a bright white light enveloped him and the dragon didn't get where it was coming from, then widened his eyes when he saw Skylar, with six large, white wings behind him and a long white tail, healing everything that was destroyed.

The dragon roared then blew flames at Skylar but his wings deflected them, then he effortlessly caught the dragon by the neck, then threw him to the ground, several meters down.

The Dragon slowly arose from he cracked ground but Skylar slammed into him and kept punching him in the face, till he turned back to his humanoid self then grinned and said,"If you kill me, you will rule this hell of a place."

"I'll take my chances."Skylar said.

Then he punched him one last time, breaking his jaw.

The gem on his chest began to glow as his body disappeared into it, then it floated onto Skylar's neck, then turned black and white.

He turned back to see the legions of demons bowing to him, then one asked,"Master, what may we do for you?"

Skylar then said...