
Staying the Night


Custard Face:...

Mia:.. You sure you don't have an umbrella?

Custard Face: No, I do. It's just invisible.


I sigh looking at the heavy rain while standing outside the restaurant. We're already halfway to my house. If we go back to the grocery store to get one, we're going to be drenched. I don't want him to get soaked and be ill with cold because of me.

Mia: You can go to the train station. I'll figure something out.

Custard Face: What? I can't do that. I told you that I'll assist you home, didn't I?

Mia: That's true but...

Another reason why I don't want him to come with me is because I just had my hopes crushed. If I keep spending time with him like this, I'll never get over it. Also, though I have a crush on him, he's almost a stranger to me; I just can't lead him to my house. And like the nitwit I am, I'm only thinking of this now. However, he's not backing down. He's not a bad person but, I'm being overly conscious of him now. I look over at him. He's wearing a jacket and I, a cardigan. I know what could work.

Mia: This may not be the best idea but, it'll protect us from the rain.

Custard Face:..?! What're you doing?

I start peeling off my cardigan and he turns away for some reason.

Mia:???.. You should remove your jacket and cover your head.

Custard Face:.... I see.

What was that long pause about? Wait a second, is it only me or are his cheeks a little rouge? Nah, maybe it's the colored lights. We both wear our over wear over our heads and speed down the streets. Soon, we find ourselves at the entrance of my apartment building and take shade under a television shop's sun shield. I look out at the streets. It's really pouring, how's he going to go back? Oh, I know!

Mia: Do you think that you can call a cab to the railway station here-

TV Announcer: Due to the down pour, the trains and other transportations will not commence further.


Why? Why did this have to happen?

Custard Face:... Is there a hotel anywhere near here?

Mia: Yes! But it's a little far. I'll go fetch you an umbrella.

Custard Face: That would be-

TV Announcer: There is a possibility of a rain storm so, citizens are advised to stay indoors.


Ugh, WHY?! Now the blame's on me! He came here only so he could help me! I shouldn't have let him help me. But, now where will he spend the night?! I wrack my brain but only one solution comes to my mind. What if I let him stay at my place? I'm almost about to tell him my suggestion but, Mini Me stops me. No!! What's wrong with you?! How can you let a stranger stay at your house?! I know that but,- No buts! What if he does something to you?! Do you know him that well to trust him blindly?!


That's right, I don't know anything about this guy; not even his name. How can I crush on someone without knowing who they really are? Or is this how it all works? This revelation hits me like a lightning bolt and guilt surrounds me. I got over Jason, cried and did what-not for him and I still don't know him. I look at him and feel an unknown emotion in my chest. I don't even know what to call this feeling but what I do know is that it hurts. How did this happen? I've only met him a handful of times and yet... As I'm battling with my newfound emotions, he speaks up.

Custard Face: Would you mind if I stayed at your house until the whether clears?


As soon as these words leave his mouth, it feels as though time has come to a stop. I know for sure that nothing will happen between us because he already has someone in his heart. I have to refuse but, before I could come to my senses and answer rationally, I'd already stepped on my own foot.

Mia: Okay.

You idiot. Mini Me mocks me again but I don't listen to her. I'm not let you control me anymore. I know it's not her fault but I still blame the uneasiness I feel on her as I lead him to my apartment. I open the door and I as I do, I instantly realize what Mini Me actually meant. Come to think of it, when we first met, he said that he had some business with me. He's never brought that up afterwards. From the very start he's been taking initiative of everything; he took my phone number, asked me to meet him, made me wait for him him to respond, came to my workplace to meet me, asked me out for food... He's been controlling me all along! How did I realize this just now?! What if he convinces me to do something more since we'll be alone? We both walk inside and as I shut the door, I can't help but feel incredibly nervous...