

Though Sia no longer called him ugly or was disdained his haggard look, he still made his way to the bathroom to clean up while doctor Fei conducted several test on Sia.

While Mu Jun was away, Sia secretly asked about her condition as well as the reason for her early recovery. It was only then did she learn that because Mu Jun had somehow got hold of a certain rare medicine was she able to wake up soon.

When Sia heard of Mu Jun's experience these days, she felt a pang in her heart at the same time happiness bubbled in her heart. She had choosen the right person. No matter whether she was ugly or beautiful, rich or poor, healthy or sick, he would never give up on her which was what she had intended to find in her future spouse.

After having a little chat with Doctor Fei, Sia happily waited for the result while waiting for Mu Jun to come out of the washroom.

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