
Swapped Lives (Magnus Chase fanfic)(dropped)

Mina doesn't know where she is or who she is. Last thing she remembers she was in a car. When someone else in her body shows up things take a turn for the worse. By the way, most characters in this story are from Magnus Chase. I do not own them. I however did come up with the main character, Mina.

Genderfluidcat37 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


"Alex, wake up!" I heard someone call

I got out of bed and threw on some clothes. I noticed all the clothes were in green and pink with the occasional spot of black or white. I ended up wearing a pink dress and green leggings. I will admit green and pink went pretty well together. I opened the door and found Magnus standing outside.

"Hey." I said

"You ready for breakfast?" He asked looking me up and down "Might want to bring a weapon in case it gets nasty."

I was confused but I grabbed the wire from where I had set it yesterday. I searched my dress but it didn't appear to have any pockets.

"Let me take that." Magnus grabbed one of the ends of the wire and stuffed it carefully into his pocket "You look very nice today."

I blushed "Thanks."

I saw Mina appear out of the corner of my eye. She glared at me and I quickly inched away from Magnus. We got in an elevator which stopped at a floor with a huge tree in the center. It was absolutely beautiful with a mountain in the back with a small stream flowing from it. There were many animals in the tree which I chose not to question. Magnus led me to a table where a few others were already sitting. They smiled and waved as we came closer so I decided they must be friends. There were three of them, a girl with curly red hair, a man with a big bushy beard and messy hair, and a boy with short curly black hair. The girl sat near beard-boy and they were talking. The other boy occasionally added something but otherwise stayed out of the conversation. Magnus sat down next to that boy and they started talking. I was about to sit next to him but Mina pushed me out of the way and took that seat. I tried to go sit next to the red-haired girl but I felt a sudden sharp pain just below my knee. I looked down to see a deep slice and Mina holding a sword out. Suddenly Mina got up and pushed me to the floor. She stabbed at me again with the sword and I rolled to the side. She stabbed again and hit me in the stomach. She twisted the sword before pulling it out leaving me there bleeding. Magnus ran up to me but it was too late. I faded out of consciousness.