
Swapped Lives (Magnus Chase fanfic)(dropped)

Mina doesn't know where she is or who she is. Last thing she remembers she was in a car. When someone else in her body shows up things take a turn for the worse. By the way, most characters in this story are from Magnus Chase. I do not own them. I however did come up with the main character, Mina.

Genderfluidcat37 · Book&Literature
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6 Chs


I woke to find me standing over myself. Wait, that didn't make sense. I saw the person who wasn't me but looked like me standing over me but I wasn't me I was Alex. You know what screw English. You know what I mean. She had my short red curls which hung in her blue eyes. Freckles dotted her fair skin and she was dressed in a plain t-shirt and shorts.

"What are you doing in my body?" She asked

"I'm asking myself the same question. You must be Alex."

"Yeah and you're Mina. I hate this. I feel claustrophobic when I can't transform."

"Listen, I didn't want to be in this situation either. I would rather be back in my own body and on my merry way but no I had to get stuck in someone else's body. A dead person nonetheless."

"You're dead too!"


"Yeah you idiot. How else would I be here? Just stay away from Magnus."

She turned and left and I realized Magnus had been laying next to me the whole time. I slowly got up so as not to wake him and headed to the room marked Alex. The room looked almost identical to Magnus's other than the small potter's wheel and shelf of pottery in the corner. There was a wire of some kind laying on the bed. It had a strange red tint to some parts. I reached down to touch it and it cut my finger. I remembered that Alex used this as a weapon and it was extremely deadly. I carefully moved it off the bed and sat down. I wasn't really tired but I fell asleep almost instantly.