
Surviving in A Novel That is Destined To BE Doomed

What if you found a way to unknowingly escape the Matrix. But what awaits you after the Matrix is something Far beyond your Capabilities. What if Matrix is something that is meant to protect us from the hidden mysteries from the whole universe. This is the story about a guy who brought upon apocalypse to the world. And suddenly found him self transmigrated 800 years in to the future. To a novel World he read that is destined to be doomed.

APA_Tarun · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Tamriel 1

 It has been two days since I came back from Isolation. And currently, we were standing in front of the portal that leads us to the Tamriel Continent. After the unity between Elves, Dwarves and humans, The humans gifted them with their own continents which is by time transformed to resemble more like their previous respective worlds. 

 Elves named their continent after their mother world, Tamriel and Dwarves named their continent after their mother world too, which is Oakenspire.

 As I stepped inside the portal, I felt the the familiar feeling of falling. And the next second, we were greeted with the scenery of buildings, created with the Art nouveau architecture. these buildings characterized a stylized versions of leaves, flowers, vines, insects, animals, and other natural elements That enhanced the beauty of the elven continent even more.

" Cadet Avion, Step aside and made ways for other cadets to enter. And also go help Freya with making sure that all the cadets are present here in the Tamriel continent. That's the least you could do as the class representative, right? " As I was mesmerized by the Eleven Architecture style, I heard the irritated voice of Professor Aurora Coming from behind me.

 But this time I didn't answer. Ignoring her remarks, I went towards Freya, who was looking at the holographic tablet in her hand near the portal. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the menacing look of professor Aurora directed towards me. But, I wasn't afraid, A professor can't hurt a student. No matter how high her rank is, There is always someone higher, Whom even she cannot go against. The headmaster.

" Hello Freya, Long time No see. " I said while walking towards her. She wore her usual expression of indifference as she briefly looked at me and said,

" Hi. " Then she got back to the work of counting and registering the cadets who entered through the portal in the holographic tablet on her hand.

" Any work for me? " I asked while briefly smiling.

" Count the cadets present and tell me, to make sure my count is correct. " She said while looking towards the cadets and tapping on the screen.

" Sure "

" Alright cadets. First, let us visit the hotel we will be staying in. we will talk about the rest of our plans there. " Professor Aurora said as she walked towards a near by elven guard and showed him a mail which had the red seal of a phoenix. 

 After a ten minutes walk, we were in front of a huge elven building which had almost five hundred floors. From their we each received a key for our respective rooms which we will be staying at for three days.

 Although from outside it looked like a elven building, From inside it resembled a modern hotel which had elevators and a big ballroom that could accommodate more than a thousand people at once.

 Most of the elves in the area had silver hair and long pointy ears which added up to their charm. And they were pretty welcoming towards the cadets as they prepared a grand feast for the cadets of phoenix academy.

 After all the cadets were done eating the late breakfast, professor Aurora announced our plans of the visit. The first day will be for students to go around and sightseeing by themselves. And on the second day we were to go visit the prestigious elven academy of Tamriel and participate in a VR mock war which I'll be looking forward to. The third day will be a huge ceremony which will be held in here. The Grand hotel Of Irilon. 

 It was about Twelve in the Noon as of now. After the brief speech of Professor Aurora about our plans, The cadets scattered up in groups to go visit sightseeing. And only I, Me and Myself was left in the dining area of the hotel with some Cleaning robots and a Female Elven hostess who was looking at a holographic screen. 

" Excuse me, Can I know Where to find the best Salon in this area. " Putting on a polite smile, I asked the Elven hostess after approaching her. She had green eyes and silver hair which she was wearing like a bun. And the black cocktail dress and her Elven pointy hair only added up to maximize her charms even more.

" Hello Cadet, Currently the best salon in the area I know of is the Salon of Eilae. I visit there Frequently. I can confidently say that she will do a good job in enhancing the beauty within anyone. " The hostess said in a polite tone.

 It took me only ten minutes walk from the Grand hotel of Irilon to Eilae Salon Which I was standing in front of. The salon was somewhat different from the typical elven style architecture. It was a building in between human and eleven architecture. And the name of the salon could be seen written in big letters on a wooden board.


 As I Opened the door, The bells attached to the door rang informing the visit of a customer to the owner of the Salon.

" Welcome, Please take a seat I will be right there with you. " I heard a sweet voice of a female coming from behind a closed door.

 After an almost two minutes, An elven women who looked like she was in her Mid twenties greeted me. She had long golden hair and a pair of ice blue eyes. She was wearing a long Sky blue dress with flowery patterns which complimented her beauty even more.

" Hello Sir, My name is Eilae. How can I help you today. " She asked in a sweet voice while putting on smile.

" Hi, I'm Avion. I was looking to somewhat shorten my hair to my shoulder length. " I said while untying my hair which was tide in a pony tail as it cascaded down. 

 After she saw my hair she came near me and touched my hair while analyzing it carefully.

" I got the right haircut for you. Come and sit here. " After a minute, she said enthusiastically with a beaming smile.

 After a thirty long minutes she was done cutting my hair as she presented me with a mirror to check on myself. Before, I had a messy hair which resembled a wolf cut. But now that I have the real thing I couldn't help but be mesmerized by my own beauty.

 She perfectly cut and styled my hair in to a wolf cut which paired up great with my ruby like red eyes giving me a wild and free spirited vibe.

" How is my work? Do you like it?. " Seeing me admiring my own beauty, Eilae asked me in proud voice with a beaming smile.

 " Well, I can't say I don't like it. This is the best haircut I ever had. You are a real life saver. Thank you. " I said with a genuine smile while preparing to pay. 

 But just as I was about to pay, The door bell rang as the door opened and a Little Elf With black hair and black eyes entered the Salon with a tired Expression.

" Hello dear, How was schoo- " as she was in the midst of speaking, the little elven boy came and hugged her While sobbing nonstop. 

 And from the the outside came the cursing and giggles of a group of young elves who looked like they were ten at most.

" That's right. Cry you cursed elf. haha. "

" You don't belong here. Go away. "

" Are you trying to curse us too. "

' Are they cursing him because of his black hair and black eyes. '

 Chances of elves being born with Black hair and black eyes are one in a million. In the old elven stories, There is a one which revolves around a elf with black hair and black eyes who brought upon a curse of drought to a whole big land due to the grief of betrayal by his own people. Elves are beings who live and die worshiping the beauty of nature. And they consider the Drought as the biggest curse of all. Because of these stories dumb kids considers Elves with black hair and black eyes are cursed.


 While I was in the midst of thinking about the situation, I heard the sound of glass breaking as a stone came crashing towards the Black haired elven boy, Only a few inches away from hitting him.

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These days I have little time to wrire, but i will try my best to upload at least one chapter a day.

Thank you for reading my novel. ^_^

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