
Surviving By Relying On My Yandere Fiancee

Meet Elysion, the third prince trapped in a romantic RPG nightmare! He’s the ultimate underdog, hated sidekick with a fatal fate. But guess what? Elysion’s got a game-changing plan, after all he is harry and has got his past life wisdom. No more canceling engagements and diving into disastrous endings. This time, he’s sidestepping fiancée drama from the get-go. The twist? The Duke’s daughter, once his top pick, is a powerhouse of possessiveness and obsession – A TOTAL YANDERE Get ready for a rollercoaster of love, survival, and unexpected turns in this RPG adventure! ****** A/N: Though it’s yandere(obsessive female lead) it's not serious, it will be soothing and can except many comedic scenes. Hoping, you will give it a try regardless of your liking to yandere or not.

Stylish_Demon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
118 Chs

The Act

[Shittt!! kindly forgive me!, I don't know how half of the content got repeated, haa...if felt like something was wrong when the words got risen so quickly, I was also a bit upset while doing this chapter since I lost a competition today! kindly excuse this blunder!] 


Did he not understand when I said I was just here to listen? Maybe he's an attractive guy, but he seems a bit lacking in common sense. 'What a pity.'

"If you're willing to cooperate, we, as representatives of the Holy Kingdom... will not hesitate to assist His Highness Elysion."

"We could easily overturn the position His Highness currently holds in the kingdom. We could even help you avenge the humiliation you suffered in the match."


"Furthermore... We received support from His Holiness as well."


Wait a minute!? Why was the Pope involved now!?