
Survive the Demon Apocalypse? No way! [Discontinued]

What would you do when the world was suddenly flipped upside down in one day? When blood thirsty creatures come after your life and consume anything in their way. Would you stand and fight? Or would you except the inevitable end? Follow our protagonist as he tries to survive the Demon Apocalypse!

KuroiDangan · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1

A soft groan was heard as the sound of Curtains being pushed open echoed in the room. The sudden assault of sunlight caused a figure who was wrapped in blankets to roll around in a single bed.

"Time to wake up Sport you don't want to be late on your first day, do you?" asked a mature man's voice.

The man appeared to be in his late forties as his once black hair was slowly turning gray on the side, he was built like a body builder wearing a flannel white shirt that had blue blocks on it over a plain red t-shirt. He also wore denim jeans and hiking shoes while his eye color consisted of a soft brown.

"Five more minutes" said a groggily voice that obviously belonged to a teenage male.

"Nope!" said the older man cheerfully as he took out his mobile phone and pressed on the screen quickly as the annoying sound of an alarm clock blared in the room on full volume.

The teen groaned as he unfolded himself from the blankets and gave the older man a semi heated glare causing the man to laugh slightly quickly putting the alarm sound off.

"Be ready in 10 minutes ok?" said the man as he walked out the room.

The teen sighed and then stood up fully.

"Sure, Thing Dad" said the teenager.

The man's name was Ryu Ren. Ryu looked over his shoulder and grinned at his son closing the bedroom door behind him. The teenager was 18 years old and was currently wearing a plain black vest that showed his toned body which obviously wasn't to heavy built like a beast but instead like a lean athlete. He was also wearing a grey short that reached his knees. He had messy dark pink hair with black highlights that reached his ears, while having a soft golden yellow eye color. This was Yuma Ren.

Yuma sighed once again as he turned on the palm of his foot and started to make his bed again. With the new addition of the bright sun light his room was revealed. It was a simplistic room that had a few book shelves that had multiple text books about various topics such as "The history of Mayans" to "Basic styles of Kenjutsu [sword fighting]" you know normal teenage books. There sat a laptop at his working desk that had a few papers around it showing he was obviously working on them. His bed was a single bed that had beige colored sheets and had a brown oak wood frame supporting the mattress. After a few minutes the teen made his bed and walked over to the bathroom build in a part of his room. Yuma closed the door behind him and walked to the glass shower turning the water on and tested it with his hand which was too cold for him so he quickly turned the other valve open which was hot water.

While the water was slowly warming up Yuma went over to the basin and looked at his reflection. His pink hair was very messy as he just woke up, while his lips were very a light pink and looked very soft no cracks visible, his nose wasn't to pointy or to flat being a perfect ratio to his face as his jaw line was also visible. Honestly, he was as all the high school girls said "Hot as Hell" but Yuma didn't think much of these girls he just wanted to focus on his studies as he knew these girls were only after his looks nothing deeper than that.

The water was finally to his liking as he tested it once more and he quickly striped of his clothes dipping in underneath the water. Yuma sighed happily as the warm water latched on his body easing all the stress, he had moving schools in his last year of schooling but his father Ryu assured him he was already smart enough to enter university so he shouldn't worry about the last year. After about 6 minuets of scrubbing himself with soap and washing his hair he wrapped a towel around his waist and climbed out the shower.

While he took another towel to dry himself off, he started brushing his teeth. After everything was done, he walked back into his room and took out a new pair of clothes from his clothes cupboard. The teen quickly put on the fresh set of clothes and started to blow his hair dry. His new clothes consisted of black jeans and a pair of white sneakers that had blue laces, on the top half of his body the teen wore a simple red t-shirt and over that was a Magenta colored hoodie. When he was done with his hair which was styled into a comb over style, he grabbed his bag which was full of normal books such as AP math, science, biology, etc. and he grabbed his phone and wallet closing his bedroom behind him.

Yuma walked a steady tempo as he walked in the house hall way picture frames were decorating the wall here and that's when the smell of cook food entered his nostrils causing him to quicken his step. When he arrived in the kitchen, he saw 2 plates of food was sitting on the oak and glass table a few feet away from the granite cooking surface. His father was just taking a seat when he saw his son walk in the room.

"C'mon and eat the food Yuma before it gets cold" said Ryu smiling when he took a bite of his toast which had some strawberry jam on it.

The breakfast consisted of 2 pieces of bacon and a sunny side up cook egg with a piece of toast that had jam on it as well. Yuma nodded at Ryu and took a seat at the other edge of the table quickly starting to dig into his breakfast. While the pair was eating Yuma looked over into the living room at the Tv that was on displaying a news reporter.

"Good Morning Everyone my name is Lin Grep and I'm live here at one of the latest strange murders that's been happening this past week" said Lin as she held the microphone close to her mouth her pearly white teeth almost blinding the camera man.

Lin quickly looked to the side and gasped causing the camera man to turn the camera to the side showing a pair of Paramedics carrying a body that was covered in a blanket in the back of the Ambulance, multiple other bodies soon followed after the initial one.

"May these poor souls rest in peace" said Lin as she bowed her head, someone clearing their throat caused her to open her eyes and she saw the head of the police department stand there. The man appeared to be in his late 50's as he had very little white hair that was cut into a short spiky style while still keeping his bushy white mustache on his upper lip. He had soft blue eyes that were looking Lin in the eyes, this was Thomas Brink.

"Who said you may film here" said Thomas glaring at the news team.

"The people have the right to know what is going on with these murders!" shouted Lin not afraid of the man in front of her.

Thomas sighed and then looked over at the house the murder took place which was covered with police crime tapes and the police cruisers were blocking any view of the house.

"A person could not have done these acts" mumbled Thomas to himself.

"And why do you say that chief?" said Lin quickly starting Thomas who thought he was talking to softly to hear.

"Look all I can tell you is that these are more animal attacks than murders ok" said Thomas quickly.

"An animal attacks? How we are in the middle of the city and the closet Forrest we have is at the edge of the city" said Lin.

Thomas sighed and then he walked away quickly.

"No more questions" said Thomas as he walked away.

Lin looked at the back of Thomas as he walked away further and further away when he wasn't in view anymore Lin put a smile on again and looked at the camera.

"Well that was certainly very strange but that's enough about that this is Lin Grep signing off back to you Jim" said Lin as the camera feed was cut back to the main news man.

Ryu took the tv remote and turned the tv off as he took his and Yumas plate to the wash.

"This place is really going down huh" said Ryu as he saw Yuma stand up from the table and fix his bag.

"Well as rare as it is a rouge animal could find its way back in the city" replied Yuma as his gold colored eyes grazed over his clothes fixing any spots that were wrong.

"It's a possibility" said Ryu as he walked to the front door of the house car keys jiggling in his hand.

"Do you think you can walk back home today I got to speak about the new exhibit at the musem today" asked Ryu with a sigh.

Ryu Ren was the world's leading archeologist in anything ancient, need to know why this sarcophagus was filled with dried blood? its due to it being a torture device, what's up with this old piece of wood found in the skeleton hands of a dead Mayan preist? It was used for rituals to ward of bad spirits. So as a child Yuma traveled all around the world with his father going from Dig site to dig site, this made Yumas own taste in the ancient relics of the world bloom into fruition.

Today Ryu had to give a presentation to a bunch of university students and prodigy Archeologists at the White oak musem that recently opened about the latest find in the Exabition which was a lost tomb found bury deep underneath an old pyramid no one knew existed.

"Ok you want me to pick up dinner on the way back?" asked Yuma as he walked out the house his eyes readjusting to the blazing morning sun.

"Yeah thanks that would be great you could always make a turn around to the musem the things they found are simply amazing they said to me over the call" answered Ryu as the duo walked over to the car which was a simple sedan that was colored white.

Yuma nodded at his father's question as they climbed in the car and slowly reversed out the parking way onto the road next to them. As they were driving to Yumas new school the teen took notice of the blooming trees next to the road, spring had officially begun and this season always symbolized new beginnings in ancient cultures which was quite convenient for the pinkette starting at a new school. The drive took about half an hour which the duo spent talking about random topics to kill the time. When they arrived at the school multiple parents were also dropping their children off, the school was a basic school building that was connected to other smaller buildings that reveled to be a gym where athletes could train and a massive grass field was at the back of the school.

The car came at a stop slowly which signaled Yuma to grab his bag, which was resting on his lap, as he climbed out the door, the window slowly went down as Ryu was leaning on the seat his son was just sitting on.

"You have a good day Yuma don't let anyone talk smack about you ok?" said Ryu with a grin on his face.

Yuma turned to his father and gave him a small smirk.

"I won't" replied Yuma as he walked away from the car which drove off seconds later.

The teen turned on his foot and saw multiple different students wearing different clothes already talking to one another like they had been friends for ever. Yuma sighed a soft sigh as he rested his back over his shoulder and walked into the building. While he was walking to the building people looked the teen over and started whispering to themselves.

"Who is this hottie?" whispered a girl to her friend that was staring at Yuma with hearts in her eyes.

"What's up with this pink freak?" said one of the males which caused the guys surrounding him to laugh.

What they didn't know was that they had really loud voices so Yuma heard everything shaking his head softly as he opened the building door reveling hundreds of students busy walking into different classes with books underneath their arms. Yuma dug a piece of paper out of his hoodie pocket and he looked at it which was a time table at what class he has first and where it is. So, after asking a few people around him were the class was he got a solid response [the girls were blushing messes and could speak in full sentences, and the guys were glaring at him and ignored him], his first class was Biology.

As he was walking to the class, he saw the teacher he presumed herding students in the class. The teacher was a woman in her early thirties, she had flowing brown hair that was made in a high pony tail as she was wearing a tight fitting navy jeans that showed all her curves while on the top half of her body she was wearing a green turtle neck sweater and was holding a coffee in her left hand. She was wearing a pair of black square rimmed glasses that were in front of her green colored eyes. She noticed Yuma walking over with a time table in his hands.

"Excuse me ma'am is this Biology?" asked Yuma.

"That's right are you the new student Yuma Ren?" asked the woman.

"That's correct yes" answered Yuma as he held his hand out for a handshake.

The woman had a small smile on her face as she grabbed ahold of his hand and shook it feeling that he had quite soft skin.

"It's nice to meet you I'm Suki Kai you can call me Ms. Kai" said Suki.

Yuma nodded at the woman and she ushered him inside telling him to sit anywhere he wanted. Once inside the room he saw a few students were sitting on their tables and talking to one another, he walked past all of them at sat next to the window looking out at the main yard still seeing a few students rush inside the building. A loud bell ringing was heard in everyone's ears as Ms. Kai walked into the room and closed the door behind her.

"Alright everyone that's the bell for first period take your seats" said Suki causing everyone to sit on their chairs.

"Now please turn to page 27 we are going to start talking about the heart!" said Suki cheerfully.

Yuma took the book out and opened it on the set page but then he looked blankly over the chapter causing him to sigh he had already done this chapter in his youth.

"This is going to be one boring year" thought Yuma to himself as he started to listen to Ms. Suki.


On the other side of the city in the suburban area a house door was completely ripped off the hinges lying flat on the floor, it was covered with thousands of scratch marks over it, inside the house furniture and all different items layed broken on the floor bloody hand prints all over the stairs and walls. In the kitchen was a figure sitting on its hunches while the sound of crunching and slurping was heard. The figure had ragged torn clothes reveling its blood red skin that had cracks over it like it was a dry crocodile, a massive black horn was sticking out of the side of its head fresh blood coating it.

What the figure was doing was showed as it leaned forward the crunching and slurping getting louder. In front of it was the now dead corpse of a middle aged woman, her entire body was butchered as arm was missing and her entrails were laying on the floor, the figure was busy eating the neck of the poor woman which caused liters of blood to pouring out of the body. While the figure was eating the woman, it started laughing crazily while pieces of flesh were stuck in-between its black shark like teeth its jet-black eyes with red pupils glowed intense as the blood covered its body.