
Chapter 2

The class has been going on for about half an hour when the door burst open startling everyone. In the door way stood a teen panting. Suki saw who it was and then sighed looking at the person angrily.

"Mr. Mori is this the time to come to my class?!" asked Suki with a raised tone.

"Ah I'm sorry Ms. S I over slept this morning" replied the teen.

Suki just sighed and shook her head.

"Just find an empty seat and keep quiet ok?" asked Suki.

The teen nodded at her and then walked in the class sitting down in the only available spot was next to Yuma. He took out the text book and then looked over at Yuma and sent him a grin raising a fist up for a fist bump.

"Yo man the names Jun Mori nice to meet you" said Jun was a happy smile.

"Yuma Ren nice to meet you to" replied Yuma and gave the teen a fist bump back. That's when Yuma finally looked at the teen appearance. He had spikey blond hair that had obviously been dyed as a bit of brown was starting to show at the top of his head. He was also wearing a denim jean with a pair of ankle high red basketball shoes. On the top half of his body he had an open green hoodie that was on top of a neon blue shirt that had the word Funk in bold letters. He has soft green colored eyes that shown slightly.

After Jun made his appearance in the class it resumed with no further delays. The entire day soon passed very quickly as all the topics the teachers had been discussing he had already previously covered making him just stare blankly out the window again. As he was walking out the school ground someone shouting "Wait up" drew his attention causing him to stop and look behind him. There running towards him was Jun his hoodie flowing in the wind as he ran towards the pinkette.

"Damn you walk fast man" said Jun painting softly.

"You need something?" asked Yuma looking the green-eyed teen in the eyes.

"Nah I just heard from Ms. S that you're a new student so you probs don't have any friends yet!" said Jun rather happy about the fact that Yuma didn't have any friends.

"Yeah that right" said Yuma nodding his head.

"Well you can count me as friend number 1" replied Jun grinning.

"Why?" asked Yuma surprised.

"For one you didn't look at me like I'm some piece of trash on the street, and didn't ask me about my dyed hair" said Jun.

Yuma had noticed through the day the fellow students have been giving Jun glares and looks of disapproval which had made him curious to ask but he thought he would be seen as to nosy if he asked.

"Sure, we can be friends" said Yuma with a small smile.

Jun's smile got bigger and then he wrapped his arm around the teens shoulder as they walked a few feat forward. While they were walking, they saw a buff sport guy bump into a girl causing her to cry out in pain as she fell on her behind pretty hard.

"Tch watch were you going bitch" said the man rudely.

"Hey what did you just say"!? shouted Jun as he ran over and helped the girl up.

"Oh, look it's the criminal's son, don't act if you the hero." spat the man out.

Jun grit his teeth as he glared up at the man causing the man to glare back at Jun who was a head shorter that the big man. Just as the two were going to throw down Yuma appeared and placed a hand on Jun's shoulder causing the teen to look over to his new friend.\

"His not worth it" said Yuma calmly.

"I'm not worth it? Fuck you pinky!" shouted the man as he threw a fist towards Yuma.

Jun tried to push Yuma out of the way when he and everyone else was shocked, Yuma quickly reacted and dodged out of the punches way only to spin on the palm of his foot and deliver a spinning round house kick in the man's face causing him to be knocked out in one hit. After the man fell on the floor everything was deadly quiet everyone looking at Yuma in shock.

"Shit" whispered Yuma and he quickly ran away out the school, as he ran on the walkway to the musem he heard a set of footsteps behind him and he saw it was Jun and the girl running up to catch up to him. The pink haired teen slowed down as the duo caught up panting hard.

"Dude that was awesome!" shouted Jun happily.

"Yes, Chase disserved that!" shouted the girl.

"Uhm who are you? "asked Yuma causing the girl to scratch her head embarrassingly.

"Right I never introduced myself" said the girl standing up straight.

"My name is Akame Tengu nice to meet you guys" said Akane.

The girl was 18 years old and she was average height. She was a bit chubby but that could have been just her baggy grey parka and baggy black sweatpants she was wearing that made it seem so while having a pair of brown ankle high heel boots. She had cute round cheeks that appeared as if she was blushing that complemented her hazelnut brown eyes that had a pair of white rimmed glasses in front of them. She had black hair that was made into a high pony tail.

The two boys introduced themselves causing her to smile say thanks to them.

"Hey can I ask for something?" asked Akame looking down at her feet.

"Sure" said Jun

"Can we be friends? I don't have any" muttered Akane looking sadly at the floor.

"I don't see why not" replied Yuma causing Akane to look up at both the boys with shock seeing Jun had a big grin on his face and Yuma had a small smile on his face.

"Awesome!" shouted Akane.

Yuma looked at his phone and saw that it was 2;30 pm half an hour until his dad talk started at the musem.

"Look I have to go to the White oak musem do you guys know where it is?" asked Yuma.

"Oh yeah I can show you the way" replied Akane.

"Why don't I go with you guys beats going to an empty home" said Jun happily.

So, with his new friends Yuma followed Akame towards the musem. After about a 20 minute walk the trio arrived at the musem. It had giant white columns holding up the ancient red tiled roof meters above the ground. Once they were inside Jun and Akane gasped at all the artifacts and bones of giant old dinosaurs, but Yuma wasn't that impressed he had seen everything before. Yuma asked a security guard where the new exhibit is and the man happily told the trio where it was. They all walked past a sign that led into a massive room were lots of people were walking in and out of, the sign read "The Black Pyramid".

Inside the room were glass casings that held various items inside of them. In one display case was a picture of the pyramid and that surprised Yuma. It was made entirely out of black stones sticking out of the plain beige colored sand.

"Oh, wow it's all black stone!" gasped Akane as she saw the pictures as well.

"It's strange that's for sure" said Yuma softly to himself frowning slightly.

In the other display cases were items that shouldn't have been in an Egyptian tomb for sure. An edo period Tangeshima fire arm from japan, a harvester scythe from medieval Europe, a giant battle axe that had Nordic ruins on it the Egyptian stuff inside the tomb was also different. There was a pitch-black crook that had golden lines covering the entire rod while also having a golden staff that had the Egyptian symbol for like the Ankh and then finally the last strange item was something that subconsciously drew Yuma's attention. It was a Japanese katana. It had a pitch-black scabbard that had purple flames design on it, the hilt of the blade had black leather straps covering it and the pommel was bright purple, what was strange is that it had chains covering the entire sword as if to prevent anyone opening it.

Yuma slowly placed his fingers on the glass case of the katana and started to press forward only to snap out of the trance as he heard his father's voice. He looked to his left and saw Ryu was standing in front of a group of students who had different writing devices in their hands.

"Right I am glad everyone could make it i would like to start the talk" said Ryu as he smiled at everyone.

"You all our probably asking what the heck is the Black Pyramid?, well to be honest I don't even know the hieroglyphs inside of it isn't anything we have seen before" said Ryu causing some people to chuckle.

"So far all we have discovered so far is that the entire pyramid was made from Obsidian which is practically impossible where did they find all this obsidian?' asked Ryu as he looked at a picture of the black pyramid.

"Maybe they traded it with some other country" said a female student.

"Maybe, maybe but what about the different items inside?" said Ryu.

"Japanese, European, and Egyptian weapons and tools, they were as far away from one another than ever!" talked Ryu.

"It makes you wonder who and why did they place these mismatched items in this unnatural black pyramid" said Ryu softly.

As the man was talking a student with the name tag bill suddenly started coughing very loud only to seconds later vomit out black blood. This drew everyone's attention as the people surrounding the male student tried to help him but saw black veins started to spread around on his neck. The closet person to the man suddenly got tackled to the floor as the coughing man shouted like a crazy animal wrapping his hands around the poor persons neck.

All the males quickly reacted and tried to pull the man off but even with all their strength they could stop him from strangling the victim. Security quickly arrived and tazed the man in the neck causing the person to scream in pain and jump away crawling on all floors like an animal. The chocked person coughed crazily and tried to gather as much air his body could.

"What the hell was that!" shouted the security guard scared, his tazer shaking in his hand.

A massive explosion happened outside causing everyone to try and look outside. Bill took this as his chance as he leapt crazy fast on the security Guard biting deep in the man's neck. The poor security Guard screamed out in pain as his flesh was ripped off and consumed. As Bill was eating the security Gard everyone shouted and ran out the exhibit only to see that inside the musem other people were eating people. The group looked behind them and saw Bill stood there blood dripping off his mouth as the security's guards' arm was in his hand. His entire appearance changed as he released a screech that sounded as if a man and woman was screaming at the same time, his skin turned bright blood red and had multiple cracks on it, his eyes turned pitch black as his red pupil glowed. Two black short horns came spurting out his fore head causing black blood to drip down his forehead.

The sound of crashing drew everyone attention as a massive truck came crushing through the musem walls, inside the driving seat a man is seen fighting against a woman who had red skin and a massive unicorn horn jetting out of her fore head. As the truck came crashing through the wall everything went black for Yuma. Seconds after everything went black Yuma gasped as he sat up placing a hand over his face, his pupils dilated to the size of saucers.

"What the hell just happened" panted Yuma who was short of breath.

The pinkette suddenly looked up and saw he wasn't in the musem, instead he sat in a pure white void, the ground he sat on was pure white sand that sifted through his hands as he scooped up some.

"Well guess who is up!" said a soft male voice.

Yuma looked behind him and saw a upside face in front of him causing him to scream and scoot forewords, this action made the figure in front of him released a giggle. The pink head looked at the figure with wide eyes. There floating in the air appeared a petite feminine boy that appeared to be 18 years old. He had long flowing black hair that reached his lower back as he was wearing a purple skin tight vest showing his arms to be deathly pale skin on the bottom half of his body was a baggy white pants that had two chains wrapped around his waist as if it was a belt he was obviously a trap. He had piercing red eyes and shark like teeth that was showing due to him giving a grin to Yuma.

"Who are you?! What happened to the musem?" asked Yuma quickly.

The boy waged his finger side to side the grin still present on his face.

"One question at a time pinky" said the boy.

"For starters your body is still at the musem except your mind is currently right here in the white void..." replied the boy.

"Am I dead?" asked Yuma.

"No not yet at least" shrugged the boy

"My name is Kokushibyo you can call me Koko for short" said Koko.

"Your name means Black Death..." muttered Yuma with wide eyes.

"Mmhm!" said Koko happily.

"So, if I'm not dead what's going on?" asked Yuma finally standing up easily towering over Koko.

"You can figure all that out later but you should probably hurry up your thoughts." said Koko looking in the distance.

"Why?" said Yuma.

"Your friends are busy running from the demons" said Koko nonchalantly.

"WHAT! Send me back!" shouted Yuma.

"And what if I do what are you going to do? You saw from that Demon he had incredible strength easy over powering a human you'd just be more food to give it strength!" replied Koko the grin was off his face now.

"I'll figure out something! I will take a stone and bash his head in if I have to I...I'll kill another person" said Yuma emotionlessly.

Koko suddenly gained a massive smirk as he floated forward and tilted Yuma's head upwards which was covered by his hands.

"I have a better idea let's make a deal." said Koko softly.

"What Deal?" said Yuma slowly.

"You will gain superhuman speed and strength, reflexes of a wild beast this will be enough to take care of the demon" said Koko slowly trailing his finger across Yuma's jaw line.

"What do you want in return" said Yuma.

Koko smiled showing his sharp teeth as he leaned forward and burrowed his face in the crook of Yumas neck.

"Give me your blood... this will seal the deal making you my partner and me your partner till death do us part" whispered Koko in Yuma's ear.

"Tell me Koko it isn't just those two demons as you call them in the world right, now right?" asked Yuma looking the boy straight in the eyes gold colored eyes clashing against a glowing red.

"No, I'm afraid but the entire world has been affected by this virus some people's immune system were strong enough to fight it but others got infected by it turning into hunger crazy demons..." said Koko softly.

"Virus? Who did all this" asked Yuma.

"I don't know" said Koko.

Yuma sighed and then looked at the white sky.

"I accept your deal Kokushibyo I will be your partner until death." said Yuma his resolve showing in his eyes.

Koko grinned and the softly rested his right hand against the left side of Yumas neck feeling his cold delicate fingers glide inches of his skin feeling them touch it softly causing a shiver to travel down his spine. The boy then leaned forward and opened his mouth biting into the right side of Yuma's neck. The teen bit his lip as Koko started to drink the blood that escaped from the bite mark. The black-haired boy softly moaned as he tasted Yumas blood slowly going into his mouth. After a few more gulps Koko leaned back a small bit of blood was in the corners of his mouth as he sent Yuma a smile who blushed from the intense hicky mark but then saw the world around him darkening.

"See you in a bit Yuma your hand is pretty smooth by the way" said Koko with a wink.

Back in the real-world Yuma's eyes shot open as he looked around frantically, all around him was dead bodies that were crushed under big boulders and pieces of walls. He tried to stand up but then felt his left hand was holding something. What he was holding was the black and purple katana he saw earlier except the chains weren't any were to be seen, he pieced together that the sword was somehow Kokushibyo from his phrase "Your hand is smooth by the way"!

His thought process was broken as a high pitched screeched filled his ears. There to the side stood Jun in front of Akame with a steel pipe, in front of the duo were two demons snarling and growling blood dripping from mouth and hands which were now claws.

"STAY BACK!" Shouted Jun as he swung the pipe over the head of a male demon that came to close. The pipe broke over the demon's hard skin not hurting it at all the action did cause it to roar and lung at the teen.

Yuma's body reacted faster than his mind did, while he was still thinking about the broken pipe his legs had carried him next to the demon causing it to look shocked to his side where he wasn't a minute ago. When he was next to it a surge of knowledge flowed in his mind on how to use a katana sword. So, with a quick draw out of the scabbard only to slice horizontally. The blade was beautiful jet-black metal that had a purple edge, which was now covered with black blood. The demon gargled on its own blood before its head rolled of its body as the body fell to the floor. Everyone was shocked even Yuma who looked at the drawn blade, the second Demon came over the shock and jumped onto Yuma who quickly reacted as well and brought the katana up to block a claw strike.

The force behind the attack launched both of them backwards. Yuma quickly sent a knee into the demon's stomach causing it to vomit out black blood from the power of it. Yuma roared as he performed a move. Yuma quickly cut both the demons arms off as he spun around him delivering the final strike by stabbing the sword straight through the demon's head. The demon took its last breath before it turned crumbled to the floor black blood oozing out of it Yuma panted as his arms felt like lead, from swinging the sword through the demon's bodies, he looked up to his friends.

"Are you guys ok?!" shouted Yuma as he walked to them.

"Yuma your eyes..." said Akane softly.

Yuma looked confused as he brought the blade up using its reflection. Yuma was shocked as his once gold colored eyes were now blood red glowing softly. The teen quickly blinked his eyes and the red eyes were gone his gold color came back.

"What the hell is going on!" Shouted Jun as he and Akane walked over to Yuma who sheathed his sword again.

"The apocalypse that's what..." said Yuma softly.

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