

The sooner Kylo and Hunter arrived at the castle, they told everyone about what Niall and Ben told them.

They stayed in the West Wing common room.

They barely paid attention to Niall's news. Unlike Ben's, all of them were surprised to know he's a champion.

And now they're all looking forward to seeing him again.

Well atleast Grant, the one who's always curious is an exception.

"The video clip, what else did Sir Niall say about it?" He asked, rubbing his chin.

"Well... he said that it was crucial information! But Grant, it was a freaking clip of a magical tree! How is that crucial? You can even make something like that!" K said in a sarcastic tone.

Some of the islanders have given it quite a thought. Like Grant, they were wondering why Niall would tell them that it's a crucial hint.

"There's a library at the West Wing right?" Grant turned to Jay as he's the leader in charge of cleaning the castle. So he probably has seen the entire castle except for the North and South Wing which is forbidden.

"Yeah! There is! Though the books are just about literature and so on! Typical ones! But at the South Wing of the castle, there's also a library!" Jay replied to him.

"We were planning to clean there last week since we haven't been there once! But Ms.Celine suddenly stopped us and said it's forbidden!" He added crossing his arms.

"She was holding a bunch of books! We even helped her carry the books here! She said she got it from the library! And seriously, those books look really rare!" Sean explained.

"What are you planning, Grant?" Jake asked.

"Why do you guys think the North and South Wings are forbidden?" Grant asked back but none were able to answer.

"Grant! If you're planning to go in there, don't! You're only gonna get yourself in trouble!" K advised as he himself can sense that Grant is planning something.

In just a month of spending time with him and the rest of the islanders. K has enough knowledge about his fellow islanders.

And to him, Grant is quite a seeker.

"I'm already in trouble by joining this game in the first place!" He retorted, turning his gaze out of the window.

It has become his habit to stare at the view quite a lot of times.

"And what are you planning?" Drew, the youngest, asked.

"Find the library! Search for what we need to know! Sir Niall said he showed Kylo crucial information! And we should be taking it seriously!" Grant started to explain. "Besides, what are they hiding that they forbid us to go there?"

"Grant! They must have forbidden us for a reason! Why do you want to go there?" Hunter exclaimed.

"Because, I can't just sit still knowing that we have this kind of information! It's already too much to know that your mentor is a champion and I won't be surprised at all if the other mentors are the champions as well!" He stood up, turning to Hunter.

"We already talked about it! We're not sure! Stop making a fuss about it!" Salem scoffed and Grant could only roll his eyes.

"Whatever! I'm going there before midnight! If any of you decides to join me you're welcome to go! If not, just shut your mouth and pretend like nothing happened!" Grant then left the common room.

The leaders facepalmed themselves. They can't just let Grant go alone. It's too dangerous. Especially when they don't know what the punishment will be if they break their rule of not going out during lights off.

"What do we do? I don't think Grant is joking!" Jamie said.

"Tsk! Have you ever seen him make a joke once?" Nicholas scoffed.

"But what should we do?" Sean seemed very worried and nervous at the same time.

"I'm coming with him!" Drew and Hunter said at the same time making them turn to each other.

"Have you two gone completely insane!?" Simon yelled at them.

"Now that I've thought about it... What Kylo said made no sense! Which is why we need to search for answers to make sense!" Hunter explained. "I agree!" Drew said, nodding his head.

"Argh! What if you got caught? What if you three will be sent to the pit too if you get caught!?" Jay was being worried and paranoid at the same time.

"Atleast, Grant won't be alone when he gets caught and punished!" Drew fired back.

"I'm coming too!" Jasper said, making a few scoffs. "Grant is my roommate! And my friend! I'm not gonna let him go alone!" He said.

And a few minutes later, everyone decided to join Grant.

It was risky, but so they thought that if all of them disobeyed the rules and the punishment was to be sent to the pit, the mentors would have to think of another punishment if they didn't want all their players to lose.

I hope you liked the chapter.

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