
Break The Rule

As soon as the clock striked 8. All the lights in Castle Grim are all shut off.

The islanders waited for a few hours and as soon as the clock striked 11. The islanders started sneaking out of their room.

Grant was the first one to arrive at South Wing's entrance. He was feeling sad and nervous at the same time.

Sad that his friends didn't even think of joining him. And nervous of what awaits him in the forbidden place.

He was almost entering when he heard footsteps approaching.

"Yah! Where do you think you're going? We have to wait for the others!" Kylo said as he suddenly appeared behind him. He kept looking around, the same with the few islanders with him.

Grant couldn't contain his smile. He felt happy. His friends cared for him after all.

After a few minutes, everyone arrived, completing all twelve of them.

"Let's go!" Grant was the one to take the lead as they entered the South Wing.

The entire castle is so dark that they barely see even themselves.

The only thing that makes them aware that they are with each other are their murmurings and footsteps.

They arrived at what seemed like the common room of the South Wing. From there, there are a few torches that are lit up.

It was bad news for them. Seeing that there are lighted torches around, means someone else is awake aside from them.

There are exactly four doorways.

One behind them from which the exit from the South Wing. And one on their left, right and in front of them.

"Okay! Let's divide into three groups as if doing our chores!" Kylo suggested.

"But! Sean and Jasper are the only ones left with me! There's only three of us!" Jay said and they stayed for a while to give it some thought.

"I'll join you for the meantime!" Salem volunteered.

Now they have their final three groups. Kylo's group went to their right, Hunter on the front and Jay on the left.

* * *

The tunnel that the first group took brought them to another tremendous room.

There was a huge circle table in the middle of the room. Around the wall hung hundreds of flags with different symbols.

"Look!" Simon pointed to a specific flag. "It's the same as the VALORS flag!" He said and the three ran to see it.

It's true, the VALORS flag is there.

"O-over there! That's DREAMS!" Kylo pointed at another flag.

"And those two!" Nicholas then pointed at another flag that had the same symbol as CROWNS and ACES.

"Those flags were planted at the hill! Why are these flags here too?" Grant asked but no one had any idea what to answer.

"What if... they lied to us?" Kylo turned to them. "What if those four flags of champions... they aren't the only champions of the Game of Herus?" He continued sending shivers to their spine.

It was quite a creepy question.

"Nonsense! Sir Niall said VALORS are the first champions in the history of all seasons!" Nicholas exclaimed. But he sounded more as if convincing himself of his own statement.

"But what if he lied to us? Didn't you remember what Sir Jace said? He said they can't just tell us everything! It clearly meant that we need to find out for ourselves!" Grant said.

"Then... All these flags... Are they the flags of champions too?" Simon asked and they all scanned each and every flag again..

"Probably..." Grant replied. "But why aren't they planted on the hill like the other four?" He asked himself.

"There's like hundreds of flags here!" Kylo said to himself and looked around to find something more.

He approached the huge and round table. And as soon as his hand touched it, a hologram with his information appeared in the middle.

The hologram was coming from a small hole on the center of the table.

"W-what the! Kylo! What did you do!?" Nicholas exclaimed, pulling him away from the table.

"I-I don't know! I only touched the table!" He said with a very flustered face and they all looked at his information.

"You touched the table? And that appeared?" Grant asked, pointing at the hologram and Kylo nodded his head.


Grant did the same thing and his information appeared too.

Nicholas and Simon did the same. And like Grant and Kylo, their information appeared too.

"Whoa! This table is cool!" Simon exclaimed.

"What else does this table do?" Grant asked.

* * *

The four from the second group walked for a few minutes and arrived at their main destination. The library. The walls of the room consisted of tall bookshelves.

There are also bookshelves in the middle of the room and on every corner are the tables where they can read.

"Wow! I never thought I would see chained books!" Jake laughed lightly, his eyes on the bookshelf on his right.

"So what exactly are we going to search for in this... I don't know thousands of books?" Drew asked playfully and laughed with Jamie.

"These books are chained here for a reason... So probably all of them have important hints that we can use!" Hunter said and they started opening the books.

But all the books they opened are all empty. Like nothing is written on every page.

They checked the other books but made sure they returned the first ones they took. However, all the books they opened have nothing written on their pages.

"I don't understand!" Hunter scowled in disappointment.

"How odd! They chained the books but there's nothing in them anyway!" Like the others, Drew is also confused.

Why would they chain these thousands of books? There's definitely a reason.

But now they've seen the books, why is it that they have nothing written on them?

"Well, we didn't find anything else! But didn't Sean and Jasper say Ms Celine was carrying some books from here? If the books here had nothing in them, where did she get the books from?" Jake asked but no one had any idea.

"What do we do?" Jamie turned to Hunter.

"Let's search around and see if we can find something else!" Hunter suggested so they started looking around once again.

I hope you liked the chapter.

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