
Supreme Godly Immortal Executor: Aided By Unique Formidable Systems

[Notice: Before you delve in, this is a book with a super-strong, Overpowered MC. But his domineering powers and tendencies will surface at later chapters with understandably good reasons for them. So, if you like all-conquering, dominating MCs, you can jump right in.] — When Hilgamech was twelve, he was told that his destiny was to protect the Sea of Worlds that made up the realmverse and the large numbers of races living in them, as they felt he was chosen by the Realmverse because he had a peerless and unique Body Constitution. Born with vast and astonishing godly abilities, he is now in a race against time to reach the apex stage of cultivation called: 'Guardian of Sea of Life' or 'Master of Realms', a stage where he would possess the absolute power to defend the Realmverse from enormous, overwhelming armies of tremendously powerful Alien beings; strange humanoid lifeforms that practice their own unique form of cultivation and whose sole intent is to maraud Realmverse and enslave all inhabitants in them. But this cultivation stage is impossible to attain as he must comprehend and cultivate the ultimate energy called 'Genesis Realmforce Energy', an energy that would result from the fusion of hundreds of Originforce energies. Although the 'Master of Realms' cultivation stage is an impossible stage to reach, Hilgamech would try to attain it by seeking for the lost 'Supreme Library System', which would infuse his memory with the complete comprehension of the mysteries of Originforce energies, and the hidden 'Great Gene System' that would inject his already-powerful divinely blood with the primordial, domineering genes of extinct, monolithic ancient races whenever he accomplishes insanely difficult tasks set by the godly, primeval creators of the systems. Also, he would seek for the 'Ancestral Beast Evocation System' that would produce mutated or evolved copies of extinct primordial beasts that once existed countless eons of years ago. Then he would try to augment his damaging power to unparalleled degrees by seeking for Vanta Neo-Weapons; Treasure-weapons of tremendous, apocalyptic-level devastating power which belonged to dead, ancient divine experts that birthed the four forms of cultivation—Energy, Body, Soul, and Bloodline. But, would he be able to discover the Supreme Library System and the Great Gene System to gain new powerful abilities? The Ancestral Beast Evocation System to summon massively more powerful, evolved versions of extinct, enormous-planet-sized, havoc-wreaking transcendent abyssal creatures of domination to aid him in far-future deadly battles? And lastly, Vanta Neo-Weapons to vastly increase his overall destructive power? Would he able to achieve all these before the next, full invasion of his Realmverse? Or would he grow to become very powerful that he would then invade other Realmverses and become their hegemon? To know more, journey with our stunning hero, Hilgamech, as he begins to conquer known and unknown realms and dimensions, and unifies entire massive kingdoms and unprecedented, large territories inhabited by grand and fearsome, phenomena-invoking beings with the help of the 'World Domination Ultimate Support System' and 'Realm Conquering Champion Warrior System.' *** N.B: This story beautifully and seamlessly intertwines the following: action—entertaining epic battles, numerous dangerous and exciting adventures, cultivation of various forms which include Energy, Soul, Body and Bloodline. It also includes romance, powerful beasts and monster pets collection, and lastly, myriad, super-strong non-human races. — PS: This novel is set in a fantasy/quasi-technological universe. So anything that happens in this fantasy-genre story cannot be defined by logic or by the laws of our planet, Earth. [If you like brave, ruthless, calculative, and intelligent MCs, this novel is for you. Thanks for adding and reading.]

koladeizdavid · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 7 - Leaving the estate for training in the wilderness!

Chapter 7 - Leaving the estate for training in the wilderness!

In this Realmverse—an infinite sea of worlds, there were four types of planets. These included the Godverse, Rulerverse, Oververse and Mortalverse, which were classified in descending order based on the following factors: size, abundance or richness of cultivation resources and materials, diversity of energies that could be attuned to and harnessed, then ultimately, the level of the strength of experts that inhabited them.

Godverse, also known as God-Planet, Great World, or Grand World, was where powerful, primeval experts were found in large numbers. These experts were majestic super-existences; fearsome and magnificent god-like beings that could create large worlds of their own and decide the rules for them—their inhabitants.

In every God-Planets, limitless amounts of consummate cultivation resources were found. Same as diverse cultivation energies which were richly abundant.

These worlds had an average radius of seventy-five octillion square kilometers and above, making them tremendously large to cover quickly without the use of powerful transportation means.

There were hundreds of thousands of Godverses with each of them very distant from one another—they could be tens of billions to hundreds of quadrillions of kilometers apart. So, teleportation-based transportation means where necessary if one—lower-ranked experts wanted to go from one Godverse to another. But the god-experts didn't need this. They could cross from one Godverse to the thirty thousandth one with only a simple thought.

Each Godverses were ruled by experts given the title of Revered Great Cosmic Emperor—a post unanimously given to apex primeval experts. However, this position was fully contestable, with the strongest fighting for it and claiming the Throne of Authority for themselves. There was no benefit attached to it, except for the glory, honor, adoration, and fear that came with it—from god-experts themselves.

Rulerverse, also called Ruler World or Major World, have few primeval experts and other frightening experts that were just a rank or two below them. These experts were as numerous as the sand in the desert.

Rulerverses, which were tens of millions in number, have a radius of seven to nine hundred septillion square kilometers. Each one was ruled over by a Worldrealm Overlord, another fully contestable position of authority and glory.

Oververse, also known as Minor World, had an average radius of ninety-two sextillion square kilometers. The number of experts that abounded in this type of world were tremendously great to count.

Cultivation veterans at the Sage realm were nothing in this place. As for the Oververses, there were tens of millions of them with each one ruled over by an Overversal StarLord—a position of authority, fear, and dominion, which as well indicated the strongest expert from these worlds.

Mortalverse, also called Mortal World, was the world mortals lived in. Cultivation resources were very limited in this type of world. Same as cultivation energies which were very thin—in richness or density. Grand Saint Emperors were the proud peak experts here.

Despite being insignificant worlds—or backwater worlds as popularly referred to by people from the Higher-Ranked Worlds, legacies of some ancient experts would appear from time to time.

These ancient experts preferred to give their inheritances to people from this kind of world; people not corrupted by the aura of affluence or entitlement of position that had gotten into their heads, and as well because of their annoying haughtiness and aloofness—a feeling like they were above all, which would constantly exude from their figures due to the fact that they were from great and incredible, super-cultivating families that had large numbers of fearsome experts in them.

The radius of this kind of world was about seventy-three quadrillion kilometers, with a large number—billions of them abounding in the limitless void. Each Mortalverse were ruled over by a Primal Sage Immortal Lord, which was also a contestable position of authority and fame, and was one that indicated supreme strength, might, and capability.

Now, abounding in each of these ranked or classified worlds, were Continents. These continents could hold hundreds, thousands, or millions of 'Regions' depending on their sizes. Then in each of these Regions were States, where at least, thousands of them could be found in a single region. As for Cities, over a hundred of them could be found in individual states.

These cities were presided over by City Lords, a state by a Governor, a Region by a region Master or Statesmaster, and continents by Continent Chiefs.

All these made up the limitlessly vast Realmverse that could be ruled over by a Deity-level expert having the title called Great Sacred Realmverse Lord. But, no one has ever had this title since the beginning of cultivation. It was just impossible to attain it.

It was more like the ultimate apex of cultivation that absolutely couldn't be reached by anyone, even by multidimensional beings or entities that engaged in cultivation to achieve a higher state of existence and dimensionality.

Another popular name for it was the Master of Realms, or Supreme Alpha Eternal, which, according to the Wind Trinity Methodology manual possessed by Hilgamech, was a zenith-ranked level that was absolutely impossible and unimaginative to attain. However, it possessed a plethora of techniques that could efficiently and effectively function up till the Void Adept stage—a cultivation stage that was only three levels below the Supreme Alpha Eternal.

After attentively listening to his uncle and hearing all that he mentioned, Hilgamech's eyes glowed brightly in amazement.

"Wow! Simply limitless. Well, their numbers don't scare me, I will journey through all of them in the future." He said with a dauntless, determined expression setting on his face.

"Haha. That's the spirit. Just believe in yourself, boy." Thellgarr chuckled and replied. While Hilgamech simply nodded his head with a radiant smile forming on his lips.

"Uncle, tell me more about divine beasts" Hilgamech unexpectedly said.

The beasts he saw in his recurring dreams felt like divine beasts to him. They had great, frightening powers. Also, they were as large as moons with some rivaling the sizes of small worlds. They were simply incredibly fearsome, radiating savage and tremendously powerful presences that invoked great awe, dread and marvel in him.


After listening to all that his uncle had to say, he returned to his room to ruminate on all that his uncle had mentioned before closing his eyes to resume his cultivation.

Hilgamech continued his four-sided lifestyle—wake, eat, cultivate and train for the next three months.

During these periods, he had broken through to the middle-phase Entry stage. And since he had always been in the mansion, trying to cultivate or comprehend one battle skill or speed method, as well as in the forest where he tirelessly practiced the powerful combat techniques described in the Wind Element Trinity Methodology, he finally decided to step out of his uncle's massive and grand estate to practice.

He had a place in mind for this. It was called the Brown Lotus Cave. It was a really deep cave at the base of a mountain. It had many labyrinthine routes that had numerous brown lotus flowers growing in them. It was for this reason it was called the Brown Lotus Cave.

No one knew why it was only producing brown lotuses, but these flowers were miracle flowers to mortals. They had good wound-healing abilities and the scents they gave out could pacify the mind. But beasts had chosen this cave as their abode.

Beasts from the Wild-beast realm to the Saint-beast realm could be found here—but at a really great depth deep within the mountains.

The Brown Lotus Cave was popular to everyone. So, a lot of people do venture in to kill certain wild beasts for their skin—which were very durable and could be made into treasures or artifacts, such as treated or processed, beast-skin or beast-hide armors. While others do go in there to capture younglings of wild beasts that they would raise as pets and train into becoming battle or combat-assisting pets that could also cultivate.


"Uncle, I would like to gain battle experiences. I am tired of practicing with those trees. They are unmoving and can't attack back. I won't be able to develop an awesome battle prowess if I continue to train in that manner, since my opponents can't rage and unleash frightening attacks in return. They can only receive my offenses and explode to splinters. It's frustrating."

"So, since I don't have a good sparring partner at my current cultivation level or a step above, I could make use of the beasts in the Brown Lotus Cave to develop myself in battle. I want to experience real combat, one that will make my blood boil and make me thirst for more." Hilgamech said with a serious look on his face, his eyes emitting a ferocious, savage light.

"Good." Thellgarr said, after noticing the blood-lusting and battle-thirsting gaze coming from Hilgamech's eyes.

Then he said further with a stern look present on his face, "Don't venture too deep, Hilgamech. There are really mighty beasts in there that will slay you in an instant, with only an effortless stare. Okay?"

"Alright, uncle. I promise." Hilgamech said while Thellgarr nodded his head.

"Alright. You can go now. But be really careful." Thellgarr said witj concern while Hilgamech subtly nodded his head.

Then he immediately left the room for his cubicle, taking certain items with him that he had prepared for his training within the dangerous depths of the Brown Lotus Cave.

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