

A novel about a normal young man who is pretty average at everything, his dreams is to have a simple good life without any great ambitions, but.. It seems that fate has other ideas, join him as he struggles to survive in his crazy journey. ______ A.N: Hey guys HAMADA! here, i just want to say that english is not my first language and i'm a beginner soo this is actually my first novel ever so you guys need to expect some grammatic mistakes... but give it a chance you may like it. NO HAREM.

HAMADA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

3-Fisrt kill

I was standing just a meter or two away from the wolf, feeling like my heart was about to burst out of my chest. My muscles were pulsing with adrenaline, and my heart was pumping blood forcefully through my veins.

There was nothing but me and the ferocious brown wolf in front of me.

How many painful situations must I go through before I find a little bit of peace and tranquility?

I felt a slight lift at the corner of my lips as I firmly gripped my wooden weapon, not even daring to imagine how terrifying my ugly face must look with a menacing smile.

I tried to adopt the fighting stance I learned back in my high school years, where I could feel my muscles contracting and bursting as I lunged towards the wolf.

It seemed like it was smiling with absolute joy as it opened its large mouth with teeth the size of my head.

I stopped just in time, its mouth mere centimeters away from me. Realizing my grave mistake in estimation, I added more speed and aimed for its ear with my sharp wooden piece, anticipating its dodge.

I succeeded in grazing its injured ear, causing it to roar and immediately attack again.

But I wasn't done yet. Its mouth, full of sharp teeth, was a little further away from my face, so I reached out with my right hand and scratched its right eye slightly, causing it to jump back.

I jumped backward too, and we began circling each other, but it seemed unwilling to retreat even after all the injuries on its body.

"You're truly a ferocious monster," I said as it attempted to surprise me, but I jumped back, and the wolf continued trying to push itself towards me and take a deep bite of my flesh.

I continued on this pattern until it seemed to me that its numerous wounds, and my consecutive strikes with the sharp stick, were taking a toll on its health and endurance.

Finally, after several maneuvers and random strikes, it seemed the beast was losing control of its body, and I felt the energy draining from it. With heavy breathing and my blood pumping in my ears, I pushed with all my might, feeling stronger and more alive than ever before in my life.

The wolf was already near me, slowly turning around as it snarled, and I met its ferocious gaze with a makeshift weapon in my hand.

Trembling, afraid, tense—I hadn't fought anything in my life to this extent, but my survival instincts suppressed those feelings with a thirst for blood, something I didn't think I had to feel when I was in my safe haven at home.

My mind was clear with only one idea remaining.

Kill this dog and show it that I am not a prey but a predator.

I struck my sharp stick deep into its left eye, destroying it and causing the wolf even more injury. I dodged its next attack on the left, its blind side, and struck its blinded eye again as hard as I could.

The wolf let out a painful cry, and some of its blood spattered on my naked body.

It jumped back, but I lunged again. My body felt powerful. No longer was my body trembling, and I felt like I saw nothing but this beast in front of me. I stabbed the blind eye of the wolf with the tip of the stick and then jumped back.

My body felt like it was burning, and my heart was pounding madly.

I slowly took a deep breath, a crazy smile drawn on my face. I didn't think I would win this easily.

I lunged again, but this time towards the right side. he attacked the opposite side, perhaps expecting me to attack its blind eye again, but instead, I lifted the sharp end of my stick above my head, which made surprised that it's still intact until now, and with all the force I could muster, I struck its right eye.

This caused it to lose its vision completely, and more blood covered my naked body and my face as my vision of the world turned red.

As had happened several times before, the dog cried and jumped back. I already pushed towards its right side and struck it again, and finally, it fell to the ground.

I paused as I took some breaths and wiped the blood off my face.

I took a breath, inhale, exhaled.

I took a deep, slow breath to calm my rapidly beating heart. My body felt like it was burning, and my muscles ached. I felt dizzy, but I wouldn't give in to it.

The wolf stopped attacking and began to emit quiet cries as it moved its teeth and showed them.

I moved towards its right side. After circling its fallen body a bit, I lunged towards the left side while holding my weapon in both hands and aiming the sharp side towards the ground.

Its mouth emitted a terrifying yet faint noise as it attempted to bite randomly.

Keeping myself as calm as possible, I raised my hands high in the air and thrust downwards with the tube in my hand, targeting the wolf's eye.

Its terrifying noises continued as I pushed my weapon as deeply as possible. I watched the wolf growl, bite, and lunge in random directions.

I left my weapon stuck in its body as exhaustion overtook me, taking deep breaths to help calm me down.

After some time passed, the wolf's chest stopped moving.. and out of nowhere.

A white text appeared on a blue board in front of me.

[Experience gained.]

[level up..]

Name: Losius

Level: 2

Race: Goblin

Class: N/A

Title: N/A

HP: 7/10

MP: 50/50

SP (Stamina Points): 2/30

Strength: 2 (5)

Agility: 4 (5)

Vitality: 1 (5)

Endurance: 3 (5)

Mind: 5 (5)

Free Status Points: 1

...Oh, shit.