

A novel about a normal young man who is pretty average at everything, his dreams is to have a simple good life without any great ambitions, but.. It seems that fate has other ideas, join him as he struggles to survive in his crazy journey. ______ A.N: Hey guys HAMADA! here, i just want to say that english is not my first language and i'm a beginner soo this is actually my first novel ever so you guys need to expect some grammatic mistakes... but give it a chance you may like it. NO HAREM.

HAMADA · Fantasy
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3 Chs



I had been walking for several hours, and night had fallen, but I continued to follow the river in hopes of finding civilization. However, after all this walking, it seemed like this forest had no end. Strangely, I could still see clearly in the darkness of the night, as if it were morning. It was a strange and astonishing feeling, but it seemed that I had become adpted to it, just as I did with walking in this body.

This made things even stranger because of my quick adaptation to this body.

In those hours of walking, enduring long and painful hunger, and unsuccessful attempts at fishing, I was truly in a very bad mood.

"Oh, my God, am I really going to die here in this place? Damn it," I muttered in frustration due to my bad luck. All I wanted was for this nightmare to end.

But just as I was about to lose hope, I saw a small bush it full of some sort of small blueberries. It seemed like the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. I ran with newfound strength despite my exhaustion and sore muscles and began picking the berries, putting as many as I could into my mouth. Some were sour because they weren't ripe, but that didn't stop me from filling my mouth with berries.

I was a little afraid they might be poisonous, but I wasn't in a position to think about long term fears, nor was I truly an expert in survival techniques.

So after eating as much as I could and satisfying my hunger, I could no longer bear it. My body succumbed to extreme fatigue, and I fell into the realm of wakeful dreams.


"Damn, my back hurts," I woke up the next day in annoyance after the sun's rays hit my face, and my back was aching from the hard ground.

I got up, washed my face in the nearby river, drank some water, ate some berries from the bush, and began to contemplate whether I should bring some with me or not. Although I wasn't wearing anything and had no pockets or bag to carry the berries, my only solution was to carry as much as I could in my hands and continue my journey.

And on my way, all I could do was look around and observe the natural terrain.

I was surrounded by huge trees, or it could just be that my body was small and the trees looked big. In truth... I didn't know.

I stopped my thoughts. earth. I thought about it. Am I really on another planet??

It seems so.

After thinking for a longer period, I came up with some options, each more bizarre than the other:

Firstly, someone kidnapped me and put me in this body somehow.

I find this option somewhat unlikely. The only thing I remember before the headache was sleeping on my bed after a long day at work.

Secondly, I died in my bed and was reborn in this monstrous body.

And strangely, this seems believable, not to mention it's incredibly frustrating to die in this manner without any farewell, a pitiful death.

Thirdly, I am dreaming now.

And this is not even an option after all the pain I've been through.

There's another option, though, that I'm in another world, where I haven't heard of monsters on Earth. Of course, there's nothing to confirm that due to my limited knowledge of such things.

I breathe a sigh of relief.

Then suddenly I heard a scream in my path. I followed the sound and found a wolf standing on the edge of the river.

His fur was stained with blood. He had a missing ear and a gruesome scar on his flank. He fixed his unnerving gaze on a torn body of a small creature that looks just like me, and his eyes glowed with an eerie light. The creature was tall enough that his eyes were at the same height as mine.

I was already on my way back. I heard a long and annoying roar with quick steps.

I could feel him in my chest. My whole body shook deeply with each of my instincts screaming at me to run.

And as I didn't turn my back on him, I cut to the other side of the river quickly, and it seemed like my plan had succeeded. He stopped on the other side of the river, looking at me with malice and non-human intelligence shining in his eyes.

While not turning my back to him, I looked around for something I could use as a weapon against him. Fortunately, I noticed a sharp branch on a tree. I grabbed the nearest stone and started hitting the branch with all my might, managing to free it. Unfortunately, it wasn't very sturdy, but it was sharp enough at the tip.

The wolf seemed to overcome his fears and appeared more dangerous than before, approaching me step by step. I knew I wasn't faster than him; his steps slowed down every time he advanced in the water, while he roared terrifyingly, and it seemed that he didn't see me as a threat.

For a second, I looked around, trying to find a solution other than confronting this wolf, but I didn't think there was any other option.

The wolf was only a few steps away from me now. I could hear him sniffing and see his saliva dripping from his huge mouth.

I refocused myself, ignoring those looks, and prayed to anyone or anything that would hear my prayers, to give me the strength to overcome the hunger that stood before me.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

HAMADAcreators' thoughts