
The Void Creatures Origin II

Lady Sphinx pointed at the symbiote, which looked like a blob of black jelly, and explained, "Everyone refers to this as a symbiote but in reality, its real name is Glutanous, The World Eater. It has only one desire that it serves, gluttony. Hence, the reason why it eats anything in its path until the day it goes supernova and hurls its dead skin everywhere."

Felix's current Dark Deviant Spaceship was using an artificial symbiote dead skin as a protective coating.

Then, she pointed her finger at a see-through purple cube and said, "You guys refer to this as a gelatinous cube due to its candy-like appearance. However, its real name is Slothous, The Dreamer. It consumes the dreams of lifeforms that were caught inside its jelly-like body. As you know, its size could range from a small planet to a megastar."