
The Blood Array. II

Duke Humphrey floated to the tormented spirits and removed the machine tubes and the chains from their bodies.

Weak and helpless, even when freed, the spirits couldn't muster an ounce of strength to defend themselves.

Their eyes were the only thing moving, watching him pick them up and meticulously arrange them at pivotal points marked on the extensive, intricately designed blood array.

To avoid them ruining his array, he kept suppressing them with his telekinesis pressure, affixing them to their positions.

After he was done with the spirits, he collected all the sinister dark gemstones and used them to decorate the entire array.

The various gemstones scattered around the place gave the blood array a morbid glow, casting eerie shadows on the suffering spirits.

Yet, he hadn't finished.

Duke Humphrey removed the celestial pendant from his neck and placed it carefully at the center of the blood array.