
Danbconite Skin!

Oblivious to Olivia's thoughts, Felix focused on the third opponent before him...This time, she was a green royal dragon called Frissy.

It looked like she had learned from the mistakes of the previous challengers as the moment she met with Felix at the center, she engulfed herself in a vast field of greenish flames.

Naturally, she was in her dragonoid form, knowing that she couldn't keep up with Felix otherwise.

'I just need to keep my distance and assault him with my soul decay flames.' Frissy narrowed her eyes at Felix in concentration, not daring to underestimate him one bit.

Before the start of the contest, she was pissed off about her position in the challengers list, wanting to be the first to fight Felix.

But now?

She wished that her position would be even lower, so she could figure out more of Felix's tactics and create counter-measure.