
Commander Bia's Plight.

"You!! This isn't over!!"

With a livid expression, Dankin immediately phased out of Felix's bindings and attempted to strike him with a powerful vibrational punch capable of shattering spacetime, a forbidden technique within the city's boundaries!

Felix, expecting such a reaction, was already in the process of phasing out again to evade the strike.

"That's enough!"

However, before the punch could even cross one meter, Commander Bia's stern shout sent a shockwave that landed against the punch and canceled its vibrations, which turned it into a normal punch.

Felix was able to catch it easily with his hand.

"Maybe, I was too soft on you."

Felix's expression turned colder as he pulled Dankin to him and returned the favor by connecting a fist with his nose!

"Argh!" Dankin was hurled into the distance while catching his nose in pain.

"I said, that's enough."