
64. Ache for Love, Ache for Us

"Lena - what the actual fuck?"

After she had a minute to recover, Sam rushed out from the Board meeting to catch up with Lena and managed to stop the elevator doors before she could disappear.

But Lena barely seemed to register Sam's presence. She stared straight ahead, her face furious. Sam leaned against the side of the elevator and waited, trying to tamp down her own shock and fury. She was angry at Edge and felt blindsided by Lena. Eventually Lena spoke up.

"How dare he? After all I've done for this company?" She fumed, still not really looking at Sam. "I was afraid it would be a problem, but the way he spoke to me, that condescending smirk... I really wanted to wipe that right off his face."

"Believe me, you did!" Sam offered and then they both got quiet again. "You shocked us all, one way or another."

Lena continued looking ahead, almost as if she was watching the whole thing replaying on the elevator doors.

"I just wasn't expecting...I mean, as your best friend...not to mention your COO...Well, you could have given me a heads up!"

At that Lena turned to Sam, almost seeming like she was noticing her for the first time. "I'm really sorry Sam. Honestly, I didn't make the decision until about 9 hours ago. And since that time I was pretty...well, busy..."

"Yeah, don't need to hear details..." Sam broke in, holding her arms up to stop any oncoming truths. "I just...you knew this was coming. And you know we can get through it. Come up with a public relations approach, appease the Board, eventually it would only be a minor blip. Especially when you think about all the company's been through with Lex...You could turn around right now and talk them into anything - you've got them all running scared!"

"They should be."

"Damn, if you could have seen the look on your mother's face..."

That caused Lena to scoff. "Well, that I would have liked to see."

"Yeah, I've never seen her lose her cool like that."

"Well, I've seen her lose it plenty of times, but today would have been one I enjoyed." Lena said, then felt a bit guilty for reveling in upsetting her mother. "Anyway, they will all be fine. They're all filthy ric and no one has a large enough holding to really get hurt by this. Even Mother is diversified enough that if there is a dive in our stock."

"From what I've seen the richer you get the more upset you get when you are not quite as rich." Sam observed wryly.

"Ha! Yes, you hit that one on the head." Lena laughed. "But what about you? You will be getting rich off this.You'll be able to name your price. They'll be desparate to hang on to some continuity and you are it."

"Of course, but Lena please, just think about it. We can change your responsibilities to give you more time and flexibility. We can work it out any way you want to do it. You don't have to leave." Sam pleaded. "And you don't even need to go back. Just tell me what you want, I'll negotiate for you."

Lena seemed far away in thought, so Sam continued.

"Name it. Just tell me what you want. Let's put this behind us. We've done so much great work together, don't just throw it away."

"You know me better than that, Sam." Lena said. "I've made my decision."

The elevator stopped and the doors opened and they both just looked at the open door.

"Buy you a drink?" She asked Sam, extending her hand. Sam took it and tucked it under her arm and they headed towards her office together.

"Wouldn't miss it, might be our last one at L-Corp." Sam said

Once they reached Lena's office she poured them each a scotch.

"I'm going to miss your scotch."

"You know me. Nothing but the best." Lena said in a nearly teasing voice as they clinked glasses. "And don't worry, you can still get it at my place."

"It's just, we're a great team. We can accomplish great things here, Lena. Are you sure you want to give that up?"

"You really think I need L-Corp to acheive what I want?"

"Well, no, but it's going to be so much work! Just to get where you already are right now. And why? Are Edge and those idiots really worth it? You know we can spin this 'conflict of interest' BS. I can fix this, just say the word."

"It's not him, Sam. It's Kara. And it's me."

"Kara wanted this? She asked you to step down?"

"Of course not! She didn't ask me to do this - we didn't even talk about. But watching her at that press coference...taking those questions about us...You know how media loses their damn minds for this kind of story. They'll never let it go now that they snif a scandal. I don't want this hanging over her."

Lena stopped and took a long sip of scotch. "I'll make a statement taking the blame. Tell them I set it all up because I feelings for Kara. Long before we got together. Before she...loved me, or would even go out with me. It's the truth, anyway. And supporting the Spirit and the US team were both good business decisions for L-Corp. Maybe I was subconsciously also doing it because I was falling for her. But she had nothing to do with tat. So I can make that clear, that we were not in a relationahip, that the personal part of it was all on my side at that point, and that no one else at L-Corp knew of a potential conflict of interest. And then the Board can say they made the right decision and fired me when they found out about it, which really wasn't until after the Cup chanpionship. And then the scandal is on me. And as you know, I've been through enough of them, what's one more? It's not the same as having "America's Golden Girl" involved. The media will lose interest. They'll stop hassling Kara about it and the whole team will benefit by being able to focus on the important things during their media blitz."

"But we'll lose you." Sam said, in a stunned, near whisper. "I'll lose you. I happen to love working with my best friend."

"I love that too, Sam. But I just need to be free and clear. I have different priorities now that Kara's in my life. And putting up with my Mother, all the baggage of my brother tied to L-Corp...Anyway, my father built this company. It's time for me to build something all my own. And I meant what I said about better work-life balance. Things will be different."

Sam nodded, seeing the fire in Lena's eye she knew she was defeated.

"Hey, have a little faith." Lena said, with a smirk. "Maybe you'll come work for me. Once I'm ready for another COO. I just need a little time. I've got some things to figure out."

"Just give the word. And you know I'm here for you, whatever you need, in the meantime."

"Thanks Sammie. I do know that and it means the world to me."

Sam swallowed the rest of her drink. "Guess I better go do some damage control."

"Thanks. And I'm sorry for what this means to you, and that I didn't give you any warning. But you know I'm going to work my ass off during this transition and leave you and the company in the best shape I can."

"I know." Sam gave her a sad smile. Lena walked with her towards the door

"I love you, my friend. This won't be easy, but I'm going to get us through this. I'm here for you too, you know."

"I know." Sam gave her a sad smile, then pulled her into a long hug before heading out the door.

"Good luck." Lena said too quietly for her to hear.


Not long after Sam left Lena's office, various Board members began to show up and attempt to talk to Lena. It seemed they had ended the meeting early. They were likely a bit in shock, not to mention the usual leader of the meetings had marched out.

Jess notified Lena as each member came and left. Lena had given her strict orders to tell everyone that she was gone, and most importantly, not to let her mother through. Lena knew her mother would be difficult to convince.

Lena stayed until late that night, working hard to meet the 10-day exit deadline she had set for herself. Since she had really only made the decision to leave that morning, she really hadn't assessed what it would take to do something like that. Usually she would have put a lot of preparation and thought into such a major decision which affected not only her, but her ongoing research and staff. The timeline was more or less a whim that popped into her mind as she was melting down during the board meeting. It sounded good at the time, but as she worked through her projects and communications it was clear she had a lot of work to do. She scheduled meetings with the L-Corp lawyers as well as her personal lawyer and her Chief of IT Security for the following day.

She knew Kara was already on her way to Gotham for the big parade in honor of her team. With her out of town, Lena resigned herself to an all-nighter at work. She was determined to meet her self-imposed deadline. Now that she had made the decision, she couldn't wait to walk out of the building for the last time.

Jess managed to fight off all comers, even Lillian. As things around the office finally quieted down, Lena told her to go home. Jess was reluctant to leave with so much that needed to be done, but agreed to go if Lena would order some food. After it arrived Jess took it in and put it between Lena and her computer.

"Eat, Boss."

Lena smirked at her. "What am I going to do without you?"

"When you're ready, I'll be there. Just say the word."

"That actually does make me feel 100% better." Lena gave her a smile, her eyes damp with unshed tears. The weight of her decision was starting to hit her as her adrenaline wore off.

"I have to admit though, I don't know how soon that will be. I don't know how long it will take to have a truly stable company. I know I can do this, but there are a lot of unknowns."

"I believe in you. And I want to be a part your next chapter. Who needs stability anyway? It's boring."

"You're too good to me, Jess." Lena whisked away a tear from the corner of her eye.

"True." Jess winked at her and turned to go.

"Promise you're going home?" Lena asked.

"Promise." Jess said as she opened the door. "I won't bother asking you the same. That way you don't have to lie."

"You know me too well." Lena sighed.


Kara called around 10:00 pm, after they landed in Gotham. She was anxious to hear about the meeting.

"Lena! You really...you're walking away from L-Corp? How can you just... I mean?" Kara took a deep breath. "I...are you doing this for me? You know you don't need to. I can handle whatever publicity we get. We can handle this together, I promise."

Eventually she stopped rambling and gave Lena a chance to respond.

"The answer is yes, Kara." Lena said calmly. "I am doing this for you. And I'm doing it for me. I'm just sick of... I just don't want anything hanging over us. I don't want anyone to be able to use our relationship to harm your career, or detract from the Team's success. And I don't have any interest in censure by the Board, or any other measures they might want to take to appease stockholders. And I don't want anyone to have any semblance of power over what I do in my private life anymore."

"But you've worked so hard. You've saved the company, again! You've turned it around, you've had such amazing success...how can you just... walk away from all that?"

"Because of you, Kara. I have new priorities. Being with you has changed my perspective. And the thought that one day we might want to...start a family... I just...I just realized I need to make some changes to be ready for it. I realize now that I need to have more agency over my work, and over my life! Our life. I don't want to have a Board or answer to stockholders. I want to have my own company, with me in charge and no Board to answer to, ever again. It will be smaller but more effective. I'll have the best people, the best labs, the best research. I can do it, Kara. I know I can make this work."

"I know you can, Lena. You can do anything you set your mind to. I really believe that." Kara sighed. "You're really sure?"

"I'm really sure."

"OK. Well, I'm here. Just let me know how I can help. Whatever you need."

"Thank you. For believing me." Lena said. "But more importantly...for changing my life."

"Right back at you, baby." Kara whispered. Lena could hear the team getting pretty rowdy in the background. "And anyway, you know how I love it when you're in charge..."

"Kara..." Lena gave a low, longing sigh.

"Sorry. That wasn't fair. I have to get off in just a minute."

"Get off? That wasn't fair either!"

"I didn't mean it that way!" Kara protested. "Hearing your voice...just does things to me."

"Same." Lena sighed. She felt herself responding to the tone of Kara's voice. Suddenly she really felt the distance between them.

"Before I go, there is something I have to ask." Kara said.

"You know you can ask me anything."

"Did you really tell the Board you're taking me on vacation?"

"Damn right I did." Lena said, smiling at the thought. "After your Team's PR tour, after I wrap things up here, we're going to disappear for a while. If you want to, of course."

"Hmm, let me look at my schedule..." Kara teased. "Oh, yes, right after the team's publicity tour it says 'Spend as much time with Lena Luthor as humanly possible.' So...I think I can make that work."

"God, I can't wait."

"Me too." Kara sighed dreamily. Lena could hear someone calling to Kara in the background.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I've got to get on the shuttle or the team is going to leave me." Kara said reluctantly.

"Ha! They could never go anywhere without you. In more ways than one."

"Hmmm, well, how about that the team will give me a load of crap for making everybody wait while talking to my famous girlfriend?"

"Fair enough. You better run." Lena chuckled. "I'm gonna miss you this week."

"Yeah, me too." Kara let out a deep breath slowly. "Wish I was curling up with you tonight."

"Danvers! Get your ass on this bus!" Kara and Lena both laughed at the sound of Lucy yelling, followed by input from others on the team, loudly agreeing that she needed to get her ass on the bus.

"Sounds like you better run. Sleep well, love."

"You too. And how about you go home right now? Get out of the office?"

"I think we have a bad connection. Gotta go - love you." Lena laughed.

"And I love you." Kara chuckled, knowing Lena wasn't going home anytime soon, she hung up reluctantly.

Kara knew that if she was 'home' somewhere, curled up in bed, that she would be able to convince Lena to come home. But that begged the question - where was their home? Would they have one together any time soon? She mused wistfully, but wasn't truly worried. In some ways she couldn't wait for it, but she knew it would all come to them in time, so it didn't worry her. Kara smiled as she pocketed her phone and dashed for the team shuttle.

***Lena continued working, slowly checking items off the long list of things she needed to do as she transitioned out of L-Corp. Just after 1:00 in the morning she decided to take a power nap on the office couch. But what she planned as a 15-minute rest grew longer.

As she began slipping into a deeper sleep, at some point she rolled over on to her back. Her sub-conscious flashed on images of Kara. Her amazing athleticism, her brilliant smile, her voice. At some point Lena dreamed of the World Cup victory, of Kara running towards her on the field. Except it was different than the real scene, when Kara had lifted her up and kissed in front of everybody, including media. Instead when she saw Lena she only gave her a wink and moved on to celebrate with her teammates.

Lena opened her mouth and tried to speak. She wanted to tell her they didn't have to hide anymore. That they'd decided to be out with their relationship and, most importantly, she wanted that kiss. But as hard as she tried, nothing was coming out of her mouth. There was so much she wanted to say as she watched Kara turn and continue to walk further. Lena opened her mouth again. She pushed air out through her mouth, but she could tell nothing was coming out.

She smiled as she watched Kara getting tackle-hugged by her teammates, watched them bounce up and down together, all smiles and joy. Still, she was determined to tell Kara they were free, that they no longer needed to hide. And most importantly, they could kiss, no matter who was watching. That she'd told her Board to fuck off, and they could do whatever they wanted. Go wherever they wanted.

In her dream Lena stalked Kara into the locker room, where once again she tried to speak and explain to her across a room that was crowded with celebrating players, but still, nothing was coming out.

Kara seemed unconcerned. She just walked straight towards her and took her hand, leading her around a bank of lockers where they could have some privacy.

Once they were out of sight Kara pulled her into a deep kiss. Lena was overcome with sheer relief. Suddenly all that she was anxious to tell Kara didn't matter anymore.

But eventually Kara pulled away.

"What is it, Lena? What do you need to tell me?"

Kara leaned closer, her body pressing Lena tightly against a locker as she began tonguing and kissing under Lena's chin and slowly moved down her neck. When Lena opened her mouth to try and speak again, it was immediately filled with Kara's tongue.

Lena felt herself getting lost in the kiss, losing track of her plan to tell Kara that they no longer needed to be secretive. When Kara brought her knee up between Lena's knees, nothing could have been further from her mind.

Another minute later, Kara's thigh was pressed even closer, now pushing tightly against her cock. All thoughts about her confrontation with the Board, the mountains of work she had to accomplish to get through the transition, needing to tell Kara about their freedom, all faded away. Instead of remaining mute though, she was suddenly unable to stop the sounds coming out of her mouth.

As Kara's strong thigh pressed more tightly, somehow it felt like it was surrounding her and Lena felt confused. She wanted to look down, to understand what was happening. But like many dreams, when she went to open her mouth words weren't coming out, only sounds. Lena became nearly incoherent, making sounds that were no longer words, but were clearly expressing her feelings. Not even feelings, more just...sensations, as her cock grew harder, lengthening against her pants.

Lena's head fell back against the locker, which somehow didn't feel like cold metal but soft, almost like a pillow. Again, she felt confused and wanted to ask what was going on, but Kara kept the pressure up, and began driving it higher. The pressure was building as Kara began to slowly and steadily slide back and forth over her tight bulge.

Lena's head stayed against the locker as her mouth fell open as she looked.

"Fuck me, Lena." Kara begged, but her voice...? Through fog of her dream and her lust, Lena realized that there was something wrong with Kara's voice.

Lena squeezed her eyes tighter, not wanting to open them and lose the dream of Kara trapping her tightly against the lockers.

"Come on. One last time..." The voice. The voice tore her out of her dream at last. She sat straight up in the darkness, suddenly realizing there was no locker room. She was laying on her office couch and it was late at night. And there was a hand, press tightly against her cock, warm and throbbing as it moved along her shaft, hard and straining against her pants.

Kara can't be here. Lena thought as her eyes blinked to adjust to the darkness.

"It's OK, baby, just relax..." That familiar voice...

"One last time." Lena felt her a tug on her belt as she reached to grip the wrist belonging to the very active hand working deftly away at her shaft.

"What the fuck, Andrea!" Lena pushed farther away on the couch, shoving her hand away and jumping to her feet.

"That was a cheap trick!"

"Hey, I'm sorry Lena!" Andrea threw up her hands. "But what's a quick hand job between old friend-with-benefits like us?"

"You're way out of line and you know it!"

"Ok, Ok. I just came in to try to talk sense into you...found you laid out on the couch... with a raging hard-on! We've had enough time together by now - I know how to take care of you. ..."

"That's over, Andrea. You know this..." Lena said as she re-buckled her belt. She was so hard from her dream about Kara. Not to mention unknowingly getting a hand job.

"Excuse me for trying to help. You had a nightmare of a Board meeting. You've clearly been working into the night. I just thought some stress relief for us bot..."

"Listen, you thought wrong. And somehow I suspect your intentions aren't as pure and selfless as you claim."

Andrea's mouth went into a smirk. "OK, sure. You know how much I love your cock. I thought one last taste - just between friends. What could be the harm?"

"The harm is it would hurt Kara. It would be a betrayal..."

"So you've talked about it? Neither of you is allowed to fool around? Just a little bit...you both travel so much...It's not like you're mated."

"We haven't talked about being exclusive. Not in those words. It's just...understood."

"Just understood? So you aren't worried about the fact that people are probably already throwing themselves at her...pretty much anywhere she goes? Around the world. Where ever she goes. At times she's feeling lonely and tired. At times when she's drunk and just wants to have some fun. Needs a release. Gorgeous women, seeking her out. Do you really think she'll never have a low moment? It would be so easy. And you would never have to know..."

"STOP!" Lena growled and felt her stomach clench in fear. Of course subconsciously she knew that Andrea way right. She'd been trying to tell Kara how famous and popular she'd become. And of course that also meant people wanted her. Who wouldn't? And there were so many fans out there that would also love to get close to her. That would do anything for her. Lena could feel the jealous spreading through her. But rather than diminishing her hard-on, it was making her angry. Bringing out her alpha. And her alpha was screaming that she needed relief. She had to push it back down.

"Just stop, Andrea. Your desperation is showing. Kara isn't interested in anyone else. And neither am I. Whether we've talked about being exclusive or not...well, we don't need to. It's what we both want."

"Fine. Let's just say I believe that's what you both want." Andrea said, pointedly looking down as Lena's cock strained in her pants. "Let's just look at this as a window of opportunity. Before you talk specifically about being monogamous...before you sentence yourself to a lifetime of the same person forever. Let's just...have a little fun. One last time."

Andrea took a step closer. "No one will ever have to know. I promise. You know I am the soul of discretion..."

"Andrea." Lena's voice rumbled. The smell of Andrea's arousal was surrounding her. Calling to her alpha. Keeping her from moving away. Andrea took another step and was just a breath away.

"Yes?" She said breathlessly. "Tell me what you want. You know I'll give it to you. Anything..."

Andrea began to move her hand towards Lena's cock again. Lena's eyes flashed and she grabbed Andrea's wrist roughly. "I want you to get the fuck out!"

As Lena's alpha roared that she needed relief. That this omega could give it to her, and so willingly. But she managed to turn and walk behind her desk, creating a barrier between them.

"Well, that's clearly NOT what you want. But have it your way. I only came in here to talk about the Board meeting." Andrea said, clearly trying to sound like she didn't mind the harsh rejection. "To talk you out of this disastrous decision. Disastrous for L-Corp. Disastrous for you..."

"Not to mention you! I know that you're really only worried about hits to your holdings and..."

"That's not true, Lena! I'm still your friend. Just because I also enjoy fucking you now and then when we both need it...doesn't change the fact that I care about you."

"Andrea. If you can't respect my relationship and stop this..."

"Look." Andrea said, raising her hands to show her innocence. "I've stopped. Message received. Now, can we talk about L-Corp..."

"NO!" Lena broke in. "I want you out. We can talk about it some other time. At lunch or better yet...over the phone. Let's just take some space."

"Fine. Just know that...our friendship means a lot to me. More than the stock in L-Corp or our...dalliances through the years." Andrea said, looking at her sincerely. "Just...if you're determined to do this. I'm here if you need to talk. Or need help with the transition."

Lena could tell by the change in her scent that Andrea meant what she said. "I appreciate what you're saying. And what I need right now is for you is to respect my decision, and listen to what I'm saying."

Andrea waited as Lena took a deep breath. "This..." Lena pointed back and forth between them. "The extra-curricular part - is over. If you want us to be friends, you can't...come after me like that again. You can't...touch me...when I'm sleeping! Or pressure me into sex - ever! When this happened last time, well, that was partly my fault, I accidentally triggered your heat...that was just unfortunate timing. But this...what you just did...is not OK anymore. And if it happens again, we're done."

"I'm sorry, Lena. I was way out of line. I came in and just responded to your scent. I was trying to help. And get laid, I admit. I just...I guess I didn't really want to believe that our friends-with-benefits relationship is over. I just...what can I say? When I just need to get nailed, no strings. There's no one as good as you, baby."

Lena smirked and shifted more tightly under her desk. "OK, one more thing you can't do anymore - you can't, call me baby."

"Damn, Lena. You are cruel." Andrea smirked. "OK, and I promise not to try to perform any extremely pleasurable acts on or near your body in future."

"Watch it, Andrea. Remember this is your last chance."

"Got it." Andrea flashed a look of sadness for a moment before flashing a smile.

"Let's talk later about L-Corp. I'm not giving up on that yet."

"Whatever you need to do. It won't change anything about my decision."

"Well, let me just hang on to my sliver of hope, won't you? I sunk a small fortune into it when I joined your Board. And something tells me that L-Corp fortunes are about to take a downturn. "

"Not necessarily. And besides, you have many small fortunes, as well as several that are quite large."

Andrea chuckled. "And remember, it's not my Board anymore. Something tells me you will be quite a force in this next chapter."

"Maybe. But I'm really going to miss working with you." Andrea gave her a sad smile and tilted her head. She opened her mouth as if she would say more, but instead turned and walked right out the door.

"See you around, Rojas."

"Sure." Andrea said as she turned to go. "I do hope so."


As she watched Andrea go, Lena turned her attention to the next problem demanding her attention - the straining erection in her pants. She glanced at the time on her phone - after 3 am. She longed to talk to Kara. To just hear her voice. She sent a text, knowing Kara would have all sounds off. It was a rule for all players after curfew. It was hard enough to sleep on the road, at the cheap hotels with a roommate who might snore or make other noises in the night. She just sent a simple line:

LL: Miss you.

Lena closed her eyes and slid her hand under her desk, sliding down the front of her body, then moving her fingers around the base of her shaft. She gave it a gratifying squeeze and a moan escaped from her mouth. The image of Kara's face flashed before her closed eyes. She moved her hand slowly up and down, imagining her mouth, her tongue...

Just then she heard a ping from her phone. She opened her eyes, assuming it was some annoying message about one or another thing she needed to deal with, hopefully not till morning. She hadn't even heard from her mother yet, who knew what she was cooking up and Lena expected to find out at any minute.

Lena continued stroking her shaft, not wanting whatever it was to distract from her pleasure. She needed release so she could focus on her work. Moments later she heard two more pings and started to worry. She opened her eyes to make sure there was nothing urgent.

As she swiped her phone open her chest tightened at the sight - messages from Kara.

KD: Miss you too.KD: Where are you?KD: I'm awake if you want to talk.

Lena couldn't help herself. She stopped her hand and quickly washed her hands and splashed her face. She looked in the mirror and could clearly see the exhaustion in her eyes, but she couldn't bring herself to care. She just wanted to see Kara, even if it was just over the phone.

Oh well. Lena She hit Facetime and held her breath until Kara appeared before her. She felt better at the flash of her blue eyes and wide smile. She could see Kara was in the hotel bathroom, clearly hiding away from her roommate so they could talk without waking anyone.

"Hi!" Kara whispered loudly.

"Hey." Lena smiled at the sight of her, despite the feeling of urgency straining below.

"Is everything OK?"

"Um. Why do you ask?"

"You just look a bit...sweaty. Like you've been working out."

"Oh." Lena felt shame crawling up from her neck. She was sure it must be clearly visible.

"So, what you doing before you called?" Kara smirked.

"Well, um. I was...napping? What were you doing?"

"Honestly, I was laying in bed, trying to sleep but thinking about you."

"Yeah, well. Same here. Sort of."

"You were thinking about yourself?" Kara teased, hoping to pull Lena out of a dark mood. She could clearly tell she was not getting the full story.

"Well, there is something I feel I should tell you." Lena finally said after staying quiet for quite a while. "And I really wish I didn't."

"Uh-oh." Kara said. "Are you OK, Lena?"

"Not really. It's just been an insane day. First with the Board meeting, then a lot of emotional decompressing with Sam, and then Jess. And from there things got really bizarre."

"Did something happen? I mean, besides you quitting and walking away from your life's work?" Kara smiled, trying to lighten the mood. Now she could tell Lena needed her and it hurt to be so far away.

"Don't tease me right now. I just, let me get this out. I need to get something off my chest."

"OK, for once I'm going to resist making the obvious lude pun about getting something off your chest. What is it baby?"

"Earlier this evening I decided to pull an all-nighter at the office. It was getting so late that it wasn't worth it to go home. At some point I went to take a power nap on the couch, but then...I fell into a dream...about you..."

"Was it a good dream?"

"At first it was weird and just kind of, I don't know, upsetting I guess. I had the feeling that we were back in the closet, that the public didn't know about us. It was just after you won the Cup, on the field. But when you saw me out there you just winked and smiled knowingly, then walked away. Like we were still hiding. And I hated that feeling."

"And I hate to think about that game ending in something other than having you in my arms."

"Me too. And in the dream in my mind I'd already dealt with the Board, so it felt unfair that you just turned and walked away."

"Sorry, Lena."

"But obviously you didn't do that, Kara."

"I just hate the idea that I hurt you. Even in a dream."

That brought a tear to her eye. Lena wiped at it before going on. "Anyway, it all worked out, after a lot of dream weirdness." Lena went on. "Actually I hunted you down in the locker room to set you straight. Well, to tell you we didn't have to be secretive. To get my kiss."

"I like the sound of that." Kara smiled.

"Yes, and I did get it, up against a bank of lockers, just out of view of the team."

"Good girl." Kara encouraged, hoping to hear more. All the emotions of the night and being so far away from Lena were shaking her. She wanted to get Lena on more familiar ground. She seemed so distressed.

"Hmmm, yes. Before I could even speak, as soon as we were out of view of the team you had me trapped up against a locker in a deep kiss. And in our typical fashion, it began to lead to more."

"Please, tell me more."

"Before long your leg was between mine. Pressing roughly. And before long I was just...so hard. I wanted you so much. But I kept thinking Sara would come around the corner at any moment..."

"Ha! Yeah, that sounds about right. That dream sounds a little too close to reality."

At that Lena gave a nervous chuckle. "Yes, after that things became real, alright."

"What's wrong, Lena? Whatever it is, we'll figure it out." The sound of Lena's voice was starting to make Kara anxious. It was clear something had happened, and not just in her dream. "It's going to be OK, just spit it out."

"Things tilted, suddenly I was on my back on a soft couch. I came out of the dream and before I really understood it was a dream, I realized..."

Lena voice dropped off. Saying it made it real. She hated the thought that she had been laying there, getting a hand job from Andrea while dreaming about Kara. She realized she didn't have any idea how long that was going on before she woke.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Or we can talk about it later." Kara felt her heart sink to the pit of her stomach. She started to imagine how it would feel to hear that Lena had had sex with someone else. Was that where this was going? Lena was such a virile alpha. And she looked so flushed and, well, guilty. They had never really talked specifically about not having sex with others. To her it felt understood that they were exclusive. There was no one else she wanted. She was in love with Lena, and for her that meant she only wanted to be with her. But how did Lena feel? Had something happened and now she felt guilty about it? Kara wanted to blurt out all her questions, but instead she managed to keep quiet. She swallowed her fears and waited.

"It was Andrea." Lena finally went on, then put her head in her hands. How could this be happening?

There it was. It hit Kara like a ton of bricks. The thought of Lena with Andrea...it took her back to those early jealous moments, at the celebration that L-Corp hosted after the Spirit finished their regular season. It was before they were together, while Kara was still insisting she didn't date alphas, but that she wanted to be friends. But seeing Andrea whisper so closely in Lena's ear, touching her in such a familiar way...it was clear they had been more to friends. It sent Kara rushing out of the room, and ultimately deciding to head home early. Only to then run into Lena in the elevator, followed by yet another intense encounter when they got stuck going down.

Kara took a deep breath. She realized she didn't want to hear more, but knew she needed to. To work through it she had to know exactly what had happened. She could see Lena was breaking down a bit, having a hard time continuing.

"Please, I...I need to know more." Kara finally whispered. At that moment terrible images were going through her mind. She'd already jumped to the conclusion that they'd had sex. Had they used protection? The thought that they had seemed worse, that they'd taken the time to...but then if they hadn't? Suddenly the worst image crossed her mind. Oh, fuck, did they knot?

"It's not...no, Kara, please. I'm sorry, I'm not explaining this very well." Lena had finally looked up and realized Kara's distress. Her own exhaustion, not to mention blue balls, were driving her to distraction. She squeezed her cock hard, trying to reduce the pressure "Please, it was really nothing. I mean, not nothing but..."

Kara closed her eyes and prepared for the worst. She just needed to hear it so she could start processing whatever it was.

"I woke up and Andrea was right there! Sitting beside me and...working my cock." Lena said, seeing Kara's eyes go wide. "In the dream it was you who was touching me, then waking up I realized that it was happening in the real world!"

"Oh, fuck!" Kara gasped. "What...what happened?"

"Nothing! I mean, once I realized it was her I stopped her. She said she came in and found me...hard, still dreaming and she just thought...I don't know, one more time for old times sake?" Lena took a deep breath. "Last time it wasn't the same. I accidentally triggered her heat...she was out of control. But this time - there was just no excuse for it!"

"You mean she...while you were asleep? Without your consent?" Kara said, suddenly understanding the situation. "What was she..."

"She just really wanted to...have sex with me, I think. I guess she hasn't moved on from our former fwb situation, which I've already emphasized to her in the extreme, is over!"

"It's OK, Lena..."

"Oh! And I told her if it happened again, even once, that we were done. Our friendship...if you can even call it that after tonight, would be over. Connections would be fully severed."

"Lena..." Kara tried to say something reassuring but was at a loss for words. She was still in a bit of shock herself

"And then she wanted to just breeze right over it. Discuss the Board meeting!" Lena shook her head, amazed at the gall of this woman who had been her friend for nearly 15 years.

"I'm just, so sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. But it's just...like I always say. Being around you just, makes me want to tell the truth. I don't want to feel like I'm hiding something from you and..."

"Lena, please! Kara interrupted her rambling. She could see Lena was spinning and wanted to pull her out of it. "You haven't done anything wrong. You were asleep! This is on her - 100%."

"I know." Lena eventually whispered, finally looking her in Kara's eyes. "She also made some other points that were, well, quite distressing."

"Like what?"

"Like the fact that people will be recognizing you around the world. Some will be 'throwing' themselves at you. Gorgeous, charming, and very willing people around the world. And we'll be spending a lot of time apart. And the fact that we've never really discussed what that means. For either of us. So I guess, I'd just like to know your...thoughts about that?"

"My thoughts are that, why would I want to be with anyone else when I have the best? I know we haven't talked about it specifically. I guess I just thought that..."

"It was understood." Lena said, finishing her sentence.


"That's what I thought too. Having Andrea's hand on me...just felt so wrong - once I figured out what was happening."

"And I know people seek you out around the world too, Lena. You're like a flame to moths - so beautiful and powerful. People around the world want you too, and are also very willing." Kara said. "I have thought about that as well."

"None of that means anything to me, Kara. Nothing compares, or ever could compare, to you."

"If that's the way we both feel, there is something that can help." Kara said, her heart beating rapidly.

"You mean...mating."

"That's exactly what I mean. I know we've danced around it a bit...usually in the heat of passion and, well, never at a time when we could seriously discuss and decide."

"Well, maybe now is the perfect time. When we're not together. When we can't get carried away." Lena said. "It's a very big commitment..."

"And I completely understand if you're not ready. And besides, we have all the time in the world."

"That's not at all what I was trying to say. Not at all." Lena smiled, at last. "I only meant that I know it's a big commitment, and understand if YOU are not ready."

"Then if that is what we're both saying..." Kara added, after gazing at Lena for several moments.

"I think that is what we both are saying." Lena said, not really believing they had made it to that point, but very happy to be there.

"Holy..." Kara said, getting ready to exclaim loudly, but then realizing that she would surely wake her roommate. "I mean, if that is what we're both saying then, WHEN are we both saying we might do this?"

"Just...whenever you're ready, Kara. When the mood hits you. If it's in the heat of the moment, you don't need to ask. Just...take what you want."

"You don't...want to...I don't know, be in charge?"

"I'd much rather it be you." Lena smiled, feeling so relieved and happy she thought she might burst.

"Well, if that's what you want." Kara smiled widely at her.

"That is exactly what I want."

They both were struck with the magnitude of what they had decided. And now that they had decided something, well, it was now just a matter of time.

Lena looked down at her cock, fisted in her hand. She knew she had to hang up and deal with it, clearly it wasn't going away. With the image of mating Kara in her mind, she knew there was no chance of getting out of this one.

"Kara, listen. I would love to stay on and talk the rest of the night." In her view of the city Lena could already see the sun barely emerging on the horizon. "But I do have this...situation...to take care of."

"Oh, my poor baby." The sound of genuine concern in her voice melted Lena's heart. She longed for Kara.

"Yes, well. It's embarrassing, but what can I do?"

"I think the question should be, what can I do?" Kara said with a gleam in her eye.


"Lena." Kara interrupted, her eyes lighting up. "Why don't you join me, in the bathroom?"

"What do you...how?"

"I just mean go to your bathroom. I know you have a beautiful one right off the side of your office.

"Right." Lena said, thinking about what Kara was suggesting and whether she should really do this.

"Just go." Kara encouraged. "We've done far worse than some long-distance facetime sex in that office already."

""Ha!" Lena laughed, then had a clear memory of fucking Kara against her desk, during a gala at L-Corp, with the sight of Jess coming into view. Of Kara demanding that she keep going, regardless of Jess appearing. And Lena never being good at saying 'no' to Kara.

"Not to mention...we've just decided to mate. Now how would that be to say 'no' to your newly-promised mate at the their first request?"

"Ahh, well, you know how I hate to say 'no' to you." Lena said, a bit aghast at what she decided to do. "Hang on."

Lena got up carefully, still fisting herself tightly through her pants. At least Andrea didn't manage to get my pants down. she thought to herself.

She entered the bathroom and turned on the light with her free hand and glanced around the room.

"Go to the sink." Kara said, seeing the room come into view. "I want you to be able to see your own face when I make you cum."

"Oh god, Kara..." Lena was now stood before the mirror.

"Show me."

Lena knew exactly what Kara wanted. She turned the camera around on her phone. She filmed briefly around the room, then focused on her painfully straining cock.

"Yes. That's exactly what I need. Now turn it around and set it on the sink."

Lena leaned the phone against the sink carefully so that Kara could see the top half of her body.

"Take it out, Lena. Show me."

Kara's voice was mesmerizing. At that point she went on auto-pilot, never hesitating at Kara's commands. She worked carefully at the button of her pants, released it and started to work on the zipper, straining tightly with all the pressure.

"So fucking big." Kara said breathlessly at the sight. "Please, I want to see."

Lena worked faster and in several more moments she managed to get herself free. Kara's eyes went wide and hungry at the sight of it standing proudly, nearly pressed against Lena's stomach. Lena's fingers grazed the base, waiting on her next command.

"Now grip it, firmly." Lena obeyed as Kara continued her directions. "Stroke it, baby. Yes, that's it."

"Please. Can I see you too?" Lena asked breathlessly as she began to slowly stroke up and down her cock. She knew Kara wasn't really alone, but she so wanted to see her.

Kara quickly went to lock the door - she smirked at the thought that she had finally learned her lesson. Then set up her phone against her sink and began a mini-strip tease for Lena. She jerked her cotton T-shirt over her head. Licking her fingertips Kara teased both nipples into tight points, then lifted one breast so that she could lick across the point, just barely able to reach.

"Oh yes. That's it. That's exactly it." Lena moaned as she watched Kara.

"Yes, I'm so ready for you." Kara whispered. "I want you to stroke harder. Imagine it's my hand touching you. My mouth."

"Yesss." Lena said, nearly gasping as she watched Kara closely. "Please touch yourself too. Think of what I would do if I was there."

Kara slid her fingers down her tight abdomen, past the loose waist band of her sleep pants. She imagined Lucy nearby and how she might be discovered, but it only made her more excited. Thankfully Lucy was a hard sleeper, especially so early in the morning. And at least she'd remembered to lock the door at least.

"God I'm so wet for you..." She moaned as her fingers slid into her own hot wetness.

"Oh god..." Lena gasped. "Wish I could feel you. If I was there I would slide two fingers so lightly over your clit...just the way you like. So soft and easy at first, then slightly faster. Harder."

Kara carefully followed Lena's descriptions. Lena closed her eyes tightly, remembering Kara's smell and taste as she continued pumping her hot, thick shaft. She heard Kara whimper.

"Still with me, baby?" Lena asked

"Yesss." Kara hissed out more of a grown than a word.

"Don't cum yet. Wait for me?"


"If I was there I would be down on my knees for you. Worshipping that gorgeous pussy like you deserve."

Kara gave another whimper, then said. "Tell me what you're doing there..." Now that she was touching herself Kara had to contort herself a bit to see the phone.

"Stroking my big cock...so hard for you...fuck. Want you so bad..." Lena said hoarsely between strokes.

"Yeesss. So fucking big. Wish I could taste you right now."

"Mmmpf." Lena wasn't able to make a sensical response to that thought. But she pulled herself together to urge Kara on. "Slide your fingers...lower, Kara. Inside...inside that hot, tight cunt."

"Ooohhh. Yes." Kara said as she positioned her fingers to move inside. Leaning against the wall the way she was, it was difficult getting a good angle to pressure her g-spot.

It was as if Lena read her mind. "If I was there...oh...if I was there...I would be railing your spot...Make you feel so so good." Lena gasped as she was still steadily working her cock and getting extremely close to an orgasm, only just able to hold herself back.

Kara moved her free hand to her breast and teased it across her nipple, clawing gently over it then gripping her breast more tightly. "Want you to cum all over me. Mark me."

"Oh yes..." Lena said, now watching Kara closely trough the tiny screen. "Gonna cum...all over you...are you ready baby?"

"Yes, do it!" Kara was now fucking herself deep, and let herself fall over the edge. Lena watched for that beautiful orgasm face and then joined her, spraying the sink and mirror.

Both women called out their orgasms as they came hard together, Kara staying as quiet as possible while Lena was not worried at all since it was too early for others to be in the office. She stroked herself until she let go of all she had. It was a joy to release all the built up stress of the Board meeting, not to mention her dream about Kara and confrontation with Andrea.

Both women smiled at each other, almost sheepishly through their phones.

"That was amazing." Kara whispered.

"God, I needed that." Lena said, wistfully. "You are just so fucking hot, Kara."

"So glad to be of service." Kara smirked. She started to hear movements in her room.

"Sorry, sounds like my roomie is up. I better jump in the shower. Love you!"

"You too. Enjoy your parade and having an entire city celebrating your victory!"

"Ha! Yeah, not a bad deal." Kara laughed, remembering why she was in Gotham in the first place. "Maybe I'll get a key to the city."

"You better. Bye my love."

Kara blew her a kiss and hung up.

Lena put herself together and began to clean up her bathroom. It was a mess, but so worth it.

When she eventually made her way back out to her office she was shocked to find a woman's figure reclining on her couch.

What the..." She thought to herself, then her eyes adjusted to the lower light and it was painfully clear. Her mother sat looking at her with a broad smirk

"Hello, Lena. What exactly were you doing in there?"

Oh. Fuck.