

The boss geist moved full speed along the red trail. Rather than floating rather slowly, it landed upon the ground and skittered forward with all the frenzy of an overloaded locomotive, its six huge legs driving up piles of dirt.

"Permission to engage the target while it is distracted?" Refraction said, having warped to Aldrich's side. They watched as the boss geist ignored them, barreling past.

"You warped her out of the forest, correct?" said Aldrich.


"Then let it go. [To the Death] can get broken by outside interference like damage," said Aldrich.

"Understood, control," said Refraction.

"In the meanwhile, we follow the geist until it's outside the forest. It hasn't triggered any of the other trees to hatch, and I intend on letting things stay that way," said Aldrich. He took to the air, Volantis's draconic wings unfurling.

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