
Sunshine in Fairy tail?

After the death of Escanor, the seven deadly sins and the gods/deities were left ignorant and unaware that the Grace, "Sunshine" of Archangel Mael came back to him but he suddenly died of unknown reason without other people or Gods knowing. The sunshine who has no host have no choice but to wander and search for it's next wielder, but seeing none, it then choose to search in another dimension, but something's different about the Sunshine.... It has.. a soul within it? No... it has two souls in it. And was attempting to fuse with the Sunshine itself! Find out and know what would happen to the Sunshine, would it be able to choose its next host? Or something diferrent would happen which was never heard of? Tags: Action, Romance, No Harèm, R-18, Fairy Tail, Sunshine, Drama, OP MC Note: I do not own anything, even the characters, I only made the Idea that's all. Photo's not mine, so if it's yours, tell me and I"ll change it.

FanfictionLover · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 04

"Escanor huh..hmm, nice too meet you Escanor!". Lisanna said with a smile, while elfman and mirajane also nodded in greetings.

Escanor also gave a nod in reply, then went silent again. Seeing this, lisanna as she don't like the silent atmosphere, decided to ask again.

"Uhmm, Escanor...what are you doing here? Are you finding a shelter just like us when the rain was about to pour? And what do you plan to do next?" She asked with curiousity in her eyes.

"..." escanor stayed silent, but seeing lisanna's look, he finally said after a moment of hesitation. "Yes... and I...was looking for something" then went silent yet again. Lisanna asked him on what he was finding, but he refused to answer.

Mirajane who was silent the whole time, finally asked. "Then...do you have a destination?".

Escanor nodded and said. "Magnolia". Lisanna hearing that, was cheerful as she enthusiastically said. "Travel together with us! We were also heading there as it was the closest town".

Escanor hearing that, looked at lisanna with confusion. "Travel...with me?...I...am a stranger you know".

Hearing that, lisanna replied with no hesitation. "What do you mean stranger? Are we not friends? You introduced yourself earlier you know?" Lisanna said like it was a matter of fact.

(A/N: Lisanna was just 11 years old here, by the way)

Seeing this, mirajane wanted to intervene, as she thought that maybe he was scared to her, but was hiding it, but she halted as she heard his words.

"Okay" is what escanor said, then went silent again as he was in deep thought. 'Friends...? With me? Why?' He frowned as he was in deep thought.

Seeing that escanor agreed, lisanna stood up and jumped in joy. "Yey! Mira-nee! elfman-niisan! We have another company now!" She said and was satisfyingly smiling.

Escanor seeing lisanna's smile, was a bit stunned, then he snapped out of it and looked down in silence.

(A/N: It's not like he fell in love with her, it's just that he found it stunning that someone could be so happy by asking to travel with him. But I do find lisanna cute, hmmm).

Mirajane looked at escanor and said. "Your going to travel with us? But...are you really not afraid of me?" She asked in confusion.

Escanor hearing that was silent, but after a while, he answered. "I have seen and experienced fear, to the point that I got used by it's existence and accepted it". He raised his head and look into her eyes. "Even if you become a demon, it won't bother me".

Mirajane hearing that was stunned. She was so stunned that she seems like she was frozen with magic.

Elfman seeing his sister, just smiled and said. "The same for me nee-chan, but in a different sense. Even if you become a demon, it won't bother me and lisanna as we will choose to be with you no matter what".

Lisanna also raised her hand and said. "Me toooo!!! I love mira-nee and elfman nii-chan the most!".

Mirajane, hearing the words her brother and sister spoke, teared up. As she tried to hold her tears, but she can't, and eventually cried.

Elfman and Lisanna, seeing their sister crying, just smiled and went beside her and hugged her. Escanor, seeing their actions, gave them a confuse and curious look.

As he thought. 'So....this is...familial love...huh...' escanor looked at them once more as his expression reverted back to normal and he looked outside of the cave deep in thought.

After a while, mira finished crying and they then prepared something to eat as they were cooking. After that, they ate their fill and fell asleep later on.

The three siblings were sleeping on a corner together, while escanor was sitting on another corner still topless and barefooted as he stared at the siblings with a pondering look. After a while, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.




Morning came as the sun shone and lit the dark cave, lisanna woke up by the blinding light of the sun, she covered her eyes and sat up as she then cutely rubbed her eyes with her little hands, after a while she then opened her eyes and looked at her brother and sister.

She smiled at them and was about to wake them up, when she noticed that escanor was nowhere to be seen. She looked around and still didn't see him, so she then stood up and decided to look for him outside the cave.


"Woooaaah". Outside, lisanna can't help but marvel at the beauty of nature with stars in her eyes. After a while of appreciating the nature's beauty, she then continued her search.

While walking, she keeps humming a song while skipping, she was excited to see her friend again. Except for her brother and sister, escanor was the first friend she had made ever since their parents died.

The thought of escanor leaving them never crossed her mind, as though they only met yesterday night, she felt oddly warm and calm when she was beside him and thus, she already considered him as her friend, that's why she trust him.

While searching, she stumbled upon a beautiful lake, her eyes then shone as she become excited, but she then snapped out of it and decided to search first before coming back here. She was about to go when she suddenly heard a sound.


Lisanna turned around to find the source of that splash and when she saw what it was or who it was, she became excited and shouted. "HOOOY!!! ESCANO-" she suddenly stopped in her tracks and.

"KYAAAAAAA!!!!" Lisanna shriek loudly.

In the cave, mirajane immediately woke up hearing that noise, followed by elfman as they hurriedly went outside as they know it was lisanna.

They ran to the lake's location and after a while they finally saw lisanna. Mirajane, seeing her sister was safe, sighed in relief as she asked. "Lisanna! What happen?"

Elfman was behind mirajane as he looked around for the cause of his sister's sudden shriek, he looked at the lake and finally understand why.

"I-I-I-I-I...t-t-there's n-nothing!!! M-m-mira nee!" Lisanna's replied in a stutter as her face now looked like a tomato as she looked so red with smoke coming out from her ears.

Mira frowned and raised her head to look at the lake. Seeing on who's on the lake she was confuse at first, but looking at the lake longer, she finally notice it as her face also reddened and hurriedly hid her face with her robe. "Kyaaaaa!"

In the lake, you can see Escanor with a confused expression on his face. He was currently naked and other people has the full view of his body as the lake was only at his knee level, thus they also saw his lower part.

Escanor has a very toned and strong muscle in right places and match with his blond hair and blue eyes with sharp feautures. He was, in short, attractive.

Though he was only 13, his body can put those who are older to him in shame.

(A/N: Not bulky like the original escanor, he was now not buffed by the sun by the way.)

Escanor was looking at them with a very confuse expression. 'Why are they shouting while covering their face?' He thought.

Escanor was never taught about sex education, he has no idea about the diferrence of a boy and a girl, he thought it was normal as at the orphanage, the kids usually take a bath together.

He left the orphanage at the age of 5 and wander around the forest as he only enter a town if he needs something and would leave immediately. In short, he has no education, but he atleast know how to do math.

Elfman seeing his sisters reactions called out to escanor. "Escanor-san! Please cover yourself first and we'll talk, yeah?" He said with a sweat drop.

Escanor, hearing him, nodded and got out of the lake, as his wet body suddenly dried up and the water around him turned into steam. He then wore his pants that look like it was too large for him as he also wore his belt.

Finished, he then walked to the siblings and asked. "What's wrong?"

"H-h-huh? Y-y-you were n-n-naked you know?" Lisanna said, her face still red.

"Yeah, cause I was taking a bath, do you wore your clothes when you took a bath?" He asked with a confused expression.

"M-m-me? It's n-not like that!" Lisanna said.

Escanor tilt his head to the side as he look at lisanna. Elfman seeing them, tried to divert their attention to the topic. "H-hey, let's make something to eat now as we need some energy when we travel, yeah?"

Escanor looked at him and nodded. He then said. "I'll hunt some animals, you guys can prepare the fire and water". Elfman nodded and took his sisters hands back to the cave as they look like in no condition to think.

After that, they ate their fill and started their walk to magnolia after the sisters got back from taking a bath on the lake. As they travel, they occasionally take breaks while talking along the way.

Mirajane, unlike the original, was not that gloomy about her situation anymore as she walk with them with a smile.

The reason was, she felt warm and calm for some odd reasons ever since the day they went to the cave and met escanor, this helped her to be more reasonable and what escanor said to her that night also help her to not be so gloomy.

'He was right, I did not kill anyone before, thus why would I be afraid? My brother and sister were also here for me'. She thought.

While walking, escanor was silent along the way, he would only talk when asked and he would be pestered by lisanna the most. He wanted to ignore her, but seeing her look, he can only sigh and answer her questions.

When the sun was almost setting, they finally saw magnolia in the distance. This caused lisanna to be happy as they were finally close to their destination and she ran much faster and was ahead to them in no time as she wave to them in the distance with a smile telling them to hurry up.

Escanor looked at her and his lips raised into a small smile. He looked at her for a bit and he turned his head to the side to look at the almost setting sun. He stared at the sun while walking, when suddenly.


"LISANNA!!!" Mirajane and elfman both called out as they saw what happened to her.

Escanor, hearing the commotion, look at them and there, he saw mira and elfman running to the location of lisanna, while lisanna was crying and can't say a word anymore cause something was covering her mouth...or someone.

There, he saw dozens of man wearing crude outfits as the one in the center was holding lisanna and covering her mouth with his other hand. He was laughing weirdly and said. "Kekekeke, little brat stop squirming, hooooo~ there was another beautiful lass there! Hahahaha come here little girl hahaha"

"hahahahaha" the people with him also started laughing as they look at lisanna and mirajane.

Mirajane, hearing them was enraged. She look at them with hatred and said. "Let go of lisanna!" Elfman also said. "Let go of my sister!!! Or else!".

"Or else what? Little brat? Hahahaha, you can beat all of us?" He then said at them both. "If you don't want to get hurt or this lass here, come with us willingly little girl and we will also let your brother go". He said and started laughing again.

"We can sell this two girls in a high price! Look at their faces! Hahahaha" another guy said.

"We can also play with them! Hahahaha, but we need to be gentle so that they will not be broken! Hahahaha" another guy said with a lewd smile on his face.

Hearing this, mira and elfman were trembling as they stared at the people with hatred in their eyes. Mirajane was about to attack when she suddenly heard a voice behind.

"Let go of her". Escanor said, his eyes were staring at them like they were dead.

"Huh?! Another brat? You with this lass here? Hehe give up brat! Even if you three teamed up, you won't win! Hahaha we have a magician here! Hahahah" the man holding lisanna said.

Escanor didn't reply as he look at the almost setting sun and sighed, he finally looked at them and said. "Unfortunately, even if you have thousands of magicians with you..." he stopped talking and took a step as his body was slowly growing with small fire covering around his body.

Seeing this, mira and elfman was dumbfounded as they stared at escanor.

"The result would all still be the same" he stopped talking again as he took another step, his voice became deep as his body was still growing.

"It would be....death". He said, as he became a 6 foot tall man with huge muscles and his head slighly raised looking down at them.

The man holding lisanna was slack jawed and went wide eye as he stared at escanor. While mira and elfman was looking at him with a stunned look, the people with the man were also frozen as they stared at the kid...or at the man and his huge muscles.

Escanor stared at them and suddenly....vanished. The man holding lisanna blinked his eyes as escanor suddenly vanished, he was about to think it was all an illusion when he suddenly heard screams behind him.







What he saw was escanor killing the people behind him. He saw escanor raised his hand and people exploded, he also saw escanor kicked and 4 men suddenly turned into meat paste, he saw him punched and saw limbs and body parts flying everywhere.

The man was trembling as he stared at his people with horror in his eyes. Lisanna didn't see anything as she was unconcious due to the lack of air. While mira and elfman were looking with fear in their eyes.

Escanor killed all of them in no time as he stood there with no blood on his body. He looked at the man holding lisanna and slowly approached him.

Seeing this, the man was scared shitless as he pleaded "W-W-Wait! S-spare me please!" the man let go of lisanna as he took a step back, his legs still trembling and has no strength to run.

Escanor looked at him with disgust and said in his deep voice. "Your very existence was annoying enough, so stop pleading, it disgusts me". Escanor said with his head raised and was looking down at him, he then raised his hand and slapped the man. The man vanished in his place.



And reappeared at the huge rock as he became another meat paste. Escanor then waved his hand and the body of all the dead people all burned and turned into ashes in no time.

Mira and Elfman looked at the ashes with fear in their eyes. Escanor looked at lisanna and picked her up. He then walked to the two frozen siblings as he put down lisanna in front of them, his body slowly went back to normal as the sun was finally nowhere to be seen.

Escanor looked at the frozen siblings that were looking at the ashes, he also stared the unconcious lisanna as he sighed and said. "So I guess... this is where we will part. Goodbye" he said as his eyes became dead just like the first time they met and he turned around and walked away.

Mira hearing his voice, snapped out of it and looked at escanor. She looked at his eyes and she caught his expression, she was shocked as that were exactly her expression when she was accused and banished to their village as a demon.

Her chest felt hurt when she looked at him and frozed again, she want to call him out but he was already far ahead into the distance and vanished in their view before she could say another word.

"He....was sad...." she said as she stared at her brother and asked him to help lisanna up.

"N-nee-san...h-he killed them". Elfman said.

Mira was silent for a while and finally said. "And she saved lisanna". Hearing that, elfman suddenly remembered what those people were trying to do on his sisters and realized something as he looked down in shame.

"Take lisanna in your back, let's go inside magnolia, maybe we can see him again and we can apologize". Mira said, her earlier fear towards escanor vanished. Elfman nodded and took the unconcious lisanna on his back as they walked to where magnolia is.




Yey! Another Chapter! I can't make another chapter for the past few days as there were no electricity on our place that time and my phone died in the process... But hey! It was back to normal now, so here! Hope you enjoy! Don't ask about why he did not become big when the sun was high in the air and present beacuse that would be explained in the next few chapters. So be patient! Peace!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Also if you like this fic, kindly drop some stones to motivate me! The power one please. Thank you

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