
Summoning Goetia Demon In Cultivation World

Reincarnated as a normal human being in the cultivation world, surely a death sentence... No talent, no system...So no matter how I try to increase this QI thing, surely I won't be in the upper realm... Yet, I remember a book that I read in the previous world; it's Ars Goetia, which consists of 72 demons of Solomon. In this nonsense world where there is immortality, surely summoning a demon of Ars Goetia will work, right? Will Angelic Power be stronger than this cultivation power in this cultivation world?

Yakusu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

9 : Formidable Opponent

      Hearing that there was someone or something in this realm who could stop Seir's attack, after hearing Gremory's explanation about Seir's power in the story was baffling me...But this was a story from the past; I was so relieved to see them okay right now...Because Cai Ying was unconscious after the figure appeared, Gremory and Seir started to tell the story to me...

      The woman figure who appeared from the gate was wearing regal attire: golden lace and a golden crown that billowed in the wind...Her presence was so powerful and authoritative, making it clear that she was no ordinary adversary....As Seir regained her foot and stood up after being thrown up by her... She locked her eyes on the woman, and she flew towards Gremory.

      "How does it feel? being thrown up by her?" asked Gremory with a mocking tone towards Seir...

      "Not fun at all..." answered Seir...

      Gremory and Seir didn't say a single word towards her; instead, they wanted her to say something towards them...The woman's eyes were looking around as she tried to find something...Until Gremory's expression slightly panicked, she said to Seir "SHE IS TARGETING YU LEI.."


      As the woman in a fraction of a second passed between them, with a blink of an eye, Seir tried to intervene before reaching my body...

      Seeing Seir and the woman clashing in the realm of time, which tried to prevent the woman from getting closer to me...Gremory saw Seir struggling to keep the woman, and she was getting closer to my body...

      "FUCK!!!" With quick reaction, Gremory joined their realm flow of time, and she summoned her gate behind my body, who was unconscious the whole time and dragged me to the gate for my safety...

      As my body went inside the dimensional gate, Gremory and Seir showed some relief...Yet, the woman's figure didn't show any emotion or expression... She had just a flat emotion on her face...Seir regrouped with Gremory...

Finally, Gremory opened her mouth to say towards her, "MAY THIS UNEXPECTED FOOL INTRODUCE HERSELF?"

      The woman just showed a glance towards them... Her eyes were cold and piercing as if she were sizing them up...In the valley, the atmosphere between Gremory, Seir and the woman became more intense...Hoped to find her identity, yet the woman swiftly moved like lightning pierced the air and time towards them...With a blink of an eye, Seir responded that, once again, they were clashing inside the realm of time... Their powers collided, creating a whirlwind of energy that crackled in the air...Everyone who survived could only sense the shockwave as their fists collided with each other...

      Meanwhile, in the realm of time, Seir was a little bit taken aback by the woman's speed and agility...Their kicks and fists collided with each other even faster than sound, making their fists like thunder. A shockwave came first, followed by thunderous sounds... The intensity of their battle continued to escalate, causing the very fabric of reality to tremble...Each strike sent shockwaves rippling through the realm of time, distorting its very essence...As the clash reached its climax, it became clear that their powers were pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible in this mortal realm...

      Gremory showed a little bit of worry, knowing that the woman's expression didn't change at all; instead, Seir showed some frustration as she was being pushed by her...Yet, as the battle raged on between the woman and Seir, Seir kept getting pushed back...She couldn't land a single clear hit to her body; every time she tried to land a hit, the woman easily blocked it with her fist or just easily evaded it... Seir's frustration grew until, at one point, Seir saw the woman show a smirk...It sent a red flag towards Gremory, seeing the woman finally show an expression. With a quick reaction from her, she summoned a gate behind Seir, which she had been pushed back by the woman...The gate pulled Seir before the woman landed a powerful fist, which was full of fire, different from the fists before towards Seir...With fast, that gate transferred Seir to beside Gremory...

      After the woman landed her hit towards the air, instead, Seir...Her powerful flame fist discharged massive energy towards the earth, leaving destruction as the fire spread uncontrollably. The ground cracked and crumbled under the force of her attack, causing a great earthquake following the fire trail...In a second, followed by a massive thunderous shockwave boom sound which everyone in the world could hear...

      Seir tried to regain control of her breath after being overwhelmed by the sheer power of her agility and speed...

      Gremory said to Seir, "I think it's time not to play around..."

      "Yeah..." Seir replied...

      "You want to tag with me..."

      "No fucking way, I won't let you meddle in my fight, especially with her..." her eyes locked onto her opponent. 

      Gremory nodded in understanding. "Alright then," Gremory said, a hint of respect in his voice. "I'll let you handle this on your own." 

      After regaining her breath control, her appearance changed; she grew fangs on her mouth, a tail on her back, and black armour slowly emerged into her body from the tip of her toes until the top of her face. Out of nowhere, a spear swiftly moved fast towards Seir with a lightning trail...She caught it as if it were a mere twig...With a determined glint in her eyes, Seir swung the spear around effortlessly, showcasing her mastery over the weapon...

      Her eyes were so calm yet so fiery at the same time that there would be some spark of lightning around her eyes...Seeing Seir had a weapon in her hand, the woman suddenly raised her right hand to the sky. The sky became darker than before as the thunderous storm came along...At one point, the thunder struck her hand and slowly emerged a sword with a golden handle...As the sword emerged, the woman pointed her sword towards Seir...

      Seir's grip tightened on the spear as she observed the woman's display of power...She took a deep breath and instantly launched at her...Even with Seir's instant speed, the woman could stop Seir's spear with her sword...As their weapons collided and created massive sparks from their metals...Both sides tried to overwhelm each other; their faces were getting closer to each other as they saw their opponents' expressions...Until both sides back to each other side...In a fraction of a second, it was the woman's turn to plunge towards Seir... Seir anticipated her attack and swiftly blocked it with her shaft spear...As the woman's sword collided and stuck at Seir's spear, Seir tried to counterattack by using her foot to swiftly hit her and push her...With her great agility, the woman spun to the right and dodged Seir's foot... She swiftly regained her balance and launched a fierce strike towards Seir's exposed side...Seir, however, managed to pivot just in time, narrowly avoiding the woman's attack...The intensity of their battle grew as they continued to exchange blows, their movements fluid and precise...

      From in observation view or a mortal view, this battle was like the two figures just standing around, not moving...The two figures were just standing in the sky; their presence commanded the attention of everyone below...The tension in the air was palpable, as if the entire world held its breath, waiting for the first move to be made...Yet, in their realm of time, they were clashing hard with each other...Their weapons clashed, resounding clashes, sparks flying...In a second, in the human realm, out of the blue, there was a boom sound in between them...Which resonated a massive wave, causing the ground to tremble and buildings to shake...The shockwave rippled through the air, shattering everything on the ground and flying in all directions...That boom was the first clash of their weapons, which in their realm of time had clashed a lot of time in just one second, yet the different realms and the different friction of time made their weapons collide that the human realm couldn't comprehend; only the first collided...Each second in the human realm, there would be a massive shock and a thunderous sound as they kept clashing with each other...

      As the clash kept going, at one point, there was no one getting pushed back, as both Seir and the woman displayed their unwavering strength and determination...The air crackled with electricity, intensifying the tension between them...Until the woman lowered and dispelled her weapon from her hand...Seir was puzzled about what she had done.

      Finally, the woman opened her mouth and said with a warm and inviting tone, "My time has come...I'm sure we'll cross paths again.,." a gate suddenly appeared in front of her...Her words sent chills down Gremory's spine...As she had a power of prophecy like her and Seir...

      Seeing her fleeing, Seir didn't accept it...In a flash, she dashed to her...Hoped to prevent her from getting away...Yet, the woman disappeared through the gate before Seir could reach her. Seir was left standing there, filled with a mix of frustration and anger...She looked at some survivors on wrecked ships on the ground to relieve her frustration and anger...She released her frustration and anger towards them by massacring them...Limbs, heads, and every part of human bodies were flying around as Seir swung her spears towards them...

      The survivors on the wrecked ships screamed in terror as Seir unleashed her frustration upon them...Their pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears as she mercilessly slaughtered them, leaving a trail of carnage in her wake...The sight of their lifeless bodies provided a temporary release for Seir's pent-up frustration and anger, but deep down, she knew it was only a fleeting satisfaction...After there weren't any living humans in the wrecked ship or around it, she came back to the place and met Gremory...In there, Cai Ying was unconscious, and Gremory took out my body from the gate...One of Gremory's spirits took Cai Ying and me back inside...

      As Seir removed her armour, her fang, and her tail, back to her normal appearance, Gremory came towards her and asked her, "How was it?"


      "There were around 10 or 15 massive shockwaves in your clash with her..."

      "10 to 15 seconds? That long? No, it was more like 10 to 15 minutes. Time seemed to stretch during the battle," Seir replied, her voice filled with disbelief...

      "Well in this realm, you just fought with her in 10 to 15 seconds...Now, we know there is someone or something that could equal our angelic power..."

      Seir showed a big smile, "Ha ha ha ha, you are right...Yet, these things are humans, which makes it interesting...I sensed it; when I was fighting with her, she was just a human..." Seir's smile widened as she continued, "It's fascinating to think that humans possess the potential to rival our angelic power...It adds a whole new dimension to our battles." 


      "Yet, we need Yu Lei, because he can do something for us and him as well..." said Seir...

      As the two demons finally understood the real meaning of power in this world...