
The Start Of A War

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2021.

It's a sunny day in Texas. Grandpa Joe is outside hunting. He said that the deer will be out today. Oh! Grandpa Joe just came back. I should give him a hug. Talk to you later diary!

-Joe's POV-

The hunt was good today. I got a deer. I nailed it right in the head! I think I'm a good hunter, but my old bones can't keep doing this. I need to settle down in life soon.


"Hello grandpa!"

"Don't surprise me like that, ok? My old bones are tired." Said Joe as he lay on the ground with his granddaughter on top of him. She tackled him when he came through the door with a large hug.

She's turning 7 tomorrow. Stacy ain't in this world with us no more, and I don't know how to bake. I guess I should just bake with Sofia. Sofia is a great granddaughter, no, a great girl. She deserves better than to live with an old man like me. I should bid farewell to her soon and send her off to the orphanage.

"Hey Sofia, let's make a cake tomorrow for your birthday, ok?"

"Sure grandpa!"

She seemed giddy about being able to bake with her grandpa. She jumped up and down gleefully. It'd really be a shame if I raise her like this. I don't have money, and I'm not good at anything other then shooting. It saddens me to think that I have to let her go to live with someone else so she can grow up better. But, this is for her and not me. I've decided to let her go after her birthday to get a new guardian, one that'll raise her properly.

With a newfound sense of determination, I decided to go help her prepare her cake with all I got and do all I can to help Sofia grow in life. I started to put my gun down when I was blinded by light. I tightly held my gun and got prepared to shoot. The light faded away as quickly as it came and I adjusted my eyes. I looked around only to see unfamiliar faces dressed like nobles and.... knights?

I aimed my gun at one of the men and fired. Suddenly, the bullet stopped mid-air. Impossible. I felt a crushing pressure all over my body. It was like a million needles stabbed into me. My arms flew outwards, as if it was pulled by some invisible force.

"It's just an old man." The owner of the repulsive voice was a fat ill dressed fat man. He snorted when he saw my glare. He looked me in the eyes and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, I fell to the ground. I was sweating up a river. The pain resided as quickly as it came. What the hell is this?

"What is this... stick... you hold?" Some snobby teenager spoke as he looked down on me.

"What is it do? Something shot out of it and headed towards a guard. Luckily, the noble duke Dale stopped it!"

Chatter erupted and people started discussing what was happening. Some would yell out something about an unworthy hero. There was only one thing I can do in a situation like this, pretend that the gun was a walking stick. I slowly got up using the gun as a cane. It was a Remington 700 with a PBS-1 suppressor on it, so it was fairly stable. I said, "you must be seeing things! It's just a stick!"

The chatter suddenly stopped. My camouflage clothing, backpack, gun, and accent was probably really weird to him.


A powerful and majestic voice spoke.

"Who gave you the right to speak?"

The deep growling voice sent shivers down my spine. I'm just an old man, so these shivers caused me to fall down. Yeah, the shivers caused me to fall down. Not fear. Totally.

"Throw him in jail."

I turned slowly and saw a huge man with taut muscles. He was like a giant. His arms were pillars that could hold buildings up, his neck was a tree trunk, and his legs were huge. This man was a monster. He looked like he could crush my head between his biceps. I shook again.

"Summon a new one."

He waved his hand as if shooing birds from his porch. He sat down on a large throne. He was probably the leader here. A sharp pain in the back of my head interrupted my thoughts. I blacked out.

-New Hampshire-

"A normal news anchor was preparing for work. He was just sitting there and then bam! He disappeared."



-Washington D.C-

"We have gotten a series of multiple calls from different states of people disappearing"

"What does this have to do with me?"

"President Wilson, this happened to a general. We checked the camera and confirmed it. We don't know what's going on. If this is a weapon, then you aren't safe. He just disappeared into thin air. We need you to hide underground."

"This happened to a WHAT?!"

"A general sir. Now please, go underground. Now!"

"Find him soon. Find out the cause of this. Since this isn't public yet, keep it that way."

-Heavens Bliss, Heavenly Spring City-

"The other world seems to be weak sir. Let's just go and invade. The crack can be widened."

"No." The majestic voice spoke. "It will cost a thousand mages to open the crack wider and a thousand more to take a country."

"Sir, with all due respect, these people are weaker than some children. This says something about how they are treated. The ones we tortured even said that they are not nobles. This means that they live in a peaceful world. It seems that they don't even have magic there. Sire, I believe that there is no reason to go and take their country. It's just their country, not the world."


"There isn't much to think about, the resources can win us this war."

"Are you sure that they aren't nobles?"

"Only two men didn't speak sire, two old men."

"...ok. I grant your permission to invade."

-An Hour Later-

"Heroes have failed us, but we can still salvage this situation. We need you to lend your mana to open the crack a little bit more. None of you will die. You will be hailed as heroes for giving the country access to these resources. Now, go on! Go and earn glory mages!"

All the mages walked inside a huge palace. They were instructed to stay still and not move. The doors were shut and giants walked out from behind pillars. They each held a scythe. Each giant was about 10 meters tall, and the building itself was 20 meters tall. The giants swung the scythes sideways and chopped off hundreds of heads. It was brutal. The magicians bodies were transformed into mana quickly and used to open up a giant portal.

Outside a majestic 15 meter long and 10 meters tall portal was opened. Soldiers began their march. A great war was about to begin. The soldiers barged through the portal and onto a large solid floor. It's not dirt, it was.... gray.. and solid. Odd.

-New York-

New York City, the most crowded city in America. People were walking around shopping and having fun. Suddenly, a huge purple circle opened up. People were surprised. It looked like a movie prop. Suddenly, armored men came out of the circle. News reporters were already swarming to the military bases to interview people because a lot of soldiers were seen moving to different bases. That's why practically no reporters were here on the scene when New York was being invaded.

It was a slaughter. People were panicking and running wildly. Calls flooded the police department. Because that they believed this to be a terrorist attack, they sent the swat first and dispatched cops. Firefighters were called because of the burning buildings. It was pure chaos. A terrorist attack of this scale required the National guard to come in. Confusion spread like a forest fire throughout the world. A portal opened and soldiers spilled out, no, are still spilling out. There were about 20,000 enemy soldiers in New York City. The mostly unarmed citizens couldn't fight back because even the few armed citizens had lower caliber weapons. It was basically ineffective on the enemy soldiers metal armor. The mysterious group would shoot arrows into crowds and make their way through using swords.

Options were limited for the military. Military advisors advised to send in at least 10 M2 Bradleys. These tanks were designed to take out infantry units. With 800 in storage and about 2,000 active M2s, the US Army decided to send over 250 to the National guard, but to only send 5 directly to the battleground. This wasn't nearly enough to take care of 20,000 armored infantry units. So, they sent an AH-6 Little Bird attack helicopter. With a sleek small design, this fast little helicopter could pack a punch. 6 AH-64 Apaches were sent to the scene while escorting a MH-47 Chinook. This multi-mission Chinook was sent to rescue injured soldiers and civilians. A few M-ATV MRAPs were sent to support the national guard.

All the while, the national guard has sent 100 M1117s. These armored cars were chosen to provide firepower. The National Guard decided to send in some reserve units to evacuate the citizens while the US army advances forward behind a force of the New York Army National Guard. About 500 of the New York Army National Guard out of 1,500~ troops. The MRAPs and Bradleys were mixed in. The 20,000 enemy troops were't surrounded, but they were being herded.

Suddenly, dragons. Or to be more exact, a single dragon followed by multiple wyverns. Of course, the entire world didn't know this yet. They flew into the air. The Chinook was already headed back to a military base. They had gotten about 50 civilians and thy were running out of fuel. The apaches could stay for little longer. The little Bird attack helicopter started to pull back as a dragon flew upwards. The dragon could breathe fire, and it was the size of an airplane. The Little Bird pilot didn't see the dragon and started flying away until fire brushed past the side of the war egg (the little bird helicopter). The war egg quickly tilted to the side and turned backwards to face the dragon and launched hellfire missile towards the large dragon. A passenger was armed with mounted .50 CAL machine gun. The second passenger had a mounted Mk19 automatic grenade launcher.

Both started firing at the wyverns. The .50 CAL killed multiple wyverns while the Mk19 was focused on the large dragon. The dragon got ready to spit more fire and then.... an F-22 Raptor passed by overhead, locking on to the dragon, it fired multiple shots. The War Egg turned to the right and dived forward. The passengers shot at the remaining dragon. The F-22 Raptor circled around and then shot at the dragon even more. Over the coms, you could hear the War Egg pilot profusely thinking the F-22 Raptor. Apparently, a warthog was coming to provide more firepower.

The national guard had practically finished off the rest of the ground troops. The battle of New York was almost over.

-The Next Day-

"We understand the confusion, but please understand that we are trying to find the root of the issue."

"Sir what was that dragon?!"

"Sir was that a magic portal?!



It was chaotic.

The world was full of questions. But more importantly, the world was preparing for war.