
World Changing War

-Washington D.C-

"General Stanley, are you saying that we go to the other side?"

"General Winston, I believe the enemy is weak. They can't fight our guns. Send in a new unit. How about that? Just declare it retaliation and stick to the laws. We can benefit off of this."

"As the president, I approve."

-General Winston's POV-


"That damned president doesn't say anything but then just approves for us to go to war?!"


-Joe's POV-

They tortured us. Apparently, the kids talked when tortured. Damned youngsters. I wonder if they know I'm missing. Other than my granddaughter, no one would care. Anyway, time to break out. I pointed my Remington 700 at the guard's head. I inhaled slowly... with my finger on my trigger, I slowly pulled.


The gunshot sounded and the nearby Earthlings woke up. I used the gun's barrel to drab the key ring towards myself. I unlocked my door and freed everyone else. My backpack had spare ammo and a Bowie knife, so, I gave the Bowie knife to the general. He had his pistol on him so he passed the knife to a fit young man. We all silently knew to prepare for a life or death situation. Some girls were quietly crying. A hushed them and I pushed the door open. I saw a guard. I signaled for the young man to slit his throat.. The youngster looked so confused. He shook his head, so I pointed my gun at his head. He reluctantly stood up straight and crept up behind the guard. A silent tear dropped to the ground as he slashed the guards throat from behind.

I understand how it feels. I don't like to kill people either.

-Washington D.C-

"We have issued an order to form a new unit consisting of ten Little Bird attack helicopters, 50 A-54 Apaches, 5 MH-47 Chinooks, 60 Hercules M88 recovery vehicle, and a lot more. Please check out our official documents to see the weapons, vehicles, and amount of soldiers to be deployed all over the country. New York is now secure, and we have locked down the... circular object."

I turned off the TV. In a weeks time, they will order troops to the other side. I have to lead a platoon into that new world. The battle in New York was more intense than it actually seemed on TV. I know this because I was there. I was deployed behind the national guard. I was armed with an M17, Mk 16, M26 MASS, and standard issue bullet proof armor. I am part of the Army Rangers. We were covered by some snipers on buildings. They were put there by the Chinook. Being in the back didn't lessen the damage. We would be constantly ambushed. An without MRAP's, we were sitting ducks for those giants. It took quite a few shots from an M107 and my Mk 16. Choppers whizzed by up ahead and cleared out most of the enemy soldiers. It looked controlled from above, but below, we took hundreds of losses. The enemy troops would hide in stores and alleyways to jump out and murder us. I ran out of ammo and had to rely on my M26 MASS shotgun to fight off the damn giant. Then, I ran out.

I had to shoot at enemy soldiers with a M17 loaded in NATO rounds. Yeah, sucks. NATO rounds are designed to be fast, but they hit a bit weaker. Against an armored enemy, this was useless. I avoided CQC with the enemy soldiers because they seemed to only be trained in the art of swords, spears, and stuff. The guy next to me was armed with a 500 MILLS shotgun. The pump action shotgun saved my life a few times. Hey eventually ran out of ammo, so he pulled out a serbu shotgun. Yes, he had a small shotgun and a big shotgun. This man saved my life many times. We were ordered to retreat a log time ago but we couldn't very easily. This entire time we were retreating. There were no commanding officers or anything, just a group of men risking their lives to get away. Few of us still had ammo left. I barely made it back to the base, where we got ammo and were immediately sent back with a temporary leader. By the time we got back, the battle was over.

The official death count hasn't been released yet, but it was somewhere between 2,000 civilians and 400 US soldiers. He enemy death toll was approximately 25,000. Since I'm being sent out again, I have to be lead by a captain. I decided to try and switch branches to the army because the rangers won't see much action. If I stay here, we will be only sent out the the most dangerous places.

-2 Days Later-

I switched to the army and have become a lieutenant because of my feats during the battle. And maybe because I used to be a ranger. I am now in charge of a small platoon of 16 troops. We will be assigned to the front lines. We were given a humvee with an attached Mk 47 STRIKER. This fully auto generate launcher will help provide firepower. We got an M202 FLASH (multi rocket incendiary rocket launcher), a M113 personal carrier (armored), and an M2 Bradley infantry fighting light tank. You see, as a reconnaissance unit, we get two tanks and/or lightly armored vehicles. So, I asked for a Oshkosh L-ATV with a Browning M2. My request was granted.

The soldiers I had with me were armed as well. We had a guy with an M249, a girl with an Mk 14 EBR, the shotgun guy that saved me before, 6 guys with M4A1s, a guy who somehow had the B&T APC9 Pro-k, two guys with M16s, the guy who uses the M202 FLASH, and a guy with the Mk 20 SSR. I had the Mk 16 mod 0. We also had a second girl who was a medic. She carried an M249 SAW. Nah, I'm kidding. She had a normal M4A1. The Geneva Conventions probably won't save her ass in this new world.

We all had standard issue M17 pistols except for the shotgun guy who had a serbu, and the sniper girl who had an M9. I assigned four of the six M4A1 guys to drive the vehicles. The medic would be in the humvee with the sniper, me, and both remaining M4A1 guys.

The names of the people were, sniper girl=Gwen, she looked short with big eyes. She was only 20 when she decided to join up. She is now 24 years old and ready to fight for her country and her interests. The six M4A1 guys were, M4A1 guys who will ride with me are, Charles and Charlie.

The other four are, John, Brad, Dennis, and Christopher. The medic girl was Sophia. Sophia as average height and average looking. Dennis was an asian. The rest were American and good or average looking. I forgot that I am a good looking American named, Jackson. Oh yeah, the rest of the names. The rest are, shotgun guy=Liam, M202 guy=Josh, guy with the B&T EBR=Noah, the two M16 guys=Owen and Oliver. He M249 guy is Benjamin. That's it.

The Oshkosh has arrived, and so has the day when we head out as some of the first people to head to the other side. We were in front of the gate, ready to March in and start shooting. News reporters were on the sidelines recording our every move. We started to head in.

-On The Other Side-

"Move the portal outside to the hilltop. Wait for the soldiers there."

Using a special magical tool, the men were able to move the portal to the top of the hill with ease. About 400 troops were waiting for their glorious return. The civilians weren't allowed near for now. Suddenly, something came through. It was a man! But, he was dressed weirdly. In a green uniform of sorts.

-Jackson's POV-

"Holy shi-"


I ordered the my platoon to open fire. The soldiers in the humvee quickly started shooting the Gwen started to pop off shots as one of the three M4(M4A1) guys, Charlie, got into the Mk 47 STRIKER. The automatic grenade launcher took out at least soldiers per shot. The soldiers were packed tightly so it was easy to mow them down. The Dennis, who was driving, got out behind the opened armored door and titled to the left. He fired shots at each soldier he could see. Charles did the same, but for the right side because he was seated on that side. I was still running back to the humvee when the Oshkosh pulled up and turned to the side a little the M202 guy was sitting on the left side as the Oshkosh swerved with the right side facing the enemies. The confused enemies started to realize that we weren't their allies, so they shot arrows at us. I ran behind the Oshkosh and fired at the enemy troops. They started charging when Benjamin got on the M2 Browning and opened fire. At least 50 of them dropped dead.


He would shoot in short bursts in order to kill the ones closest to us when Josh got out the side and ran around the car. He got to the front and fired his incendiary missiles towards the enemies. He pulled out his M17 and pooped off a few shots before slowly walking backwards. He kept shooting and got behind the car. He started reloading his M202 as I ran out of ammo. We all slowed down our rate of fire when suddenly, Owen, Oliver, and Liam came out of the troop carrier. They fiercely shot down the remaining 50 troops and the battle finished. A few of the enemies were alive. We were rounding them up when more people came out of the portal. They saw the dead corpses and a few men ran back through the portal.

Apparently, they were reporting what they saw. With twenty something prisoners, we pushed them through the portal. The day came to a close as some construction vehicles came out. They intended to build a base on this hill.

"Ah, so tiring."

"It really was a tiring day wasn't it, lieutenant Jackson?"

I jumped up in surprise.

"Where do you come from Sophia?!"

I was in my tent relaxing on the ground. I never saw her come from the entrance.

"I was going to give you this food."

She handed me a tray of food.

"Don't ignore the question. Where did you come from?!"

"The entrance of your tent, sir."


Eh, whatever.