
Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD

Dinosaurs are incredible creatures that Vander always wanted to see. Even in college he always loved them so his hobby became a big part of who he was. One day when he was playing the mobile game Jurrasic World The Game he was hit by a truck. Instead of dying, some weird stuff happened.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime e quadrinhos
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55 Chs

Rei's Choice, Fallen's Goal and Issei's Warning.

When they returned to Vander's mansion, Rei was sitting on the couch deep in thought. Serafall was with her as she made her choice. She stood up and walked toward Vander who had just appeared. She bowed to him to apologize as she did not want to give up being a magical girl.

At the same time, she had all the thanks in the world to give to him as he gave her the real body she felt she always was.

"I thank you from the bottom of my heart, but I don't want to be a Rook. My dream is to be a magical girl and giving that up would be the end of me. I will leave with miss Serafall."

He just huffed as he nodded.

"Alright, now I will need something of equal value for you though. Remember the price I asked for was your service? Serafall, you will have to pay me something of equal value."

La Folia knew why Rei had gotten so much stronger as instead of using Demonic Power in the ritual, he used Demonic Mana. As such, she grew much stronger without doing anything because of Vander. He deserved compensation.

Serafall thought of it as she wondered what Vander would want for Rei. If she wanted to take her, she would have to pay Vander as technically Rei owed him a big debt. She thought of something of equal value and found one thing.

"I can teach you my Celcius Cross Trigger and spar with you at least once a week. I can also teach you some of the knowledge I have."

Vander looked at La Folia and pointed at her.

"Teach her your Celcius Cross Trigger. I will take sparing with you once a week. I feel that will work for both of us as you need the training."

Her eye twitched hearing that as while true, it did not hurt her pride any less.

"Don't have to rub it in. As for Naerdeath, is there anything you want?"

Naerdeath shook her head.

"As long as I can join in with Vander to spar with you that is fine. I have everything I need at the moment though."

Hearing that made Serafall happy she had someone more normal to train. Even if Naerdeath was a monster herself.

"That is great. Rei, today you will become my first Bishop. In terms of Peerage, I only have a single rook."

Rei smiled, but she looked at Vander with a sad look.

"I see."

Vander noticed it and sighed.

"I wish you the best. Don't be sad, I only did a job and your debt was paid for."

As he said that Terror gave her a tiny roar. Vander rubbed under his chin as he translated.

"He said, do the best you can."

La Folia gave her a thumbs up.

"Do what you want. I think you made the best choice."

Naerdeath felt a little disappointed she did not become a second rook.

"Be the best Bishop you can? Don't waste your talent in combat."

Serafall sighed as they were acting like she was leaving.

"I am still sticking around you know."

Vander clicked his teeth which made Serafall's eyes twich.

"You just wanted me gone."

He gave her a chuckle as he left.


Serafall crossed her arms as she looked at Vander.

"That is it, I will get you to like me."

He scoffed as he left for his room.

'Not in a million years.'

La Folia shook her head at Serafall.

"Pervert. 500 years old and after a 17-year-old. Don't you have any shame?"

Naerdeath crossed her arms with a nod.

"She is right. Have some self-respect."

That made her face turn bright red.

"You are 56. You are more than double his age."

Naerdeath gave a small smile.

"I am barely a teen in dwarf years. However, you are an adult. A 500-year-old adult. Old lady."

Serafall's face turned bright red in shame.

"Stop saying it. I am a young girl at heart."

Nerezza who appeared shook her head.

"Lady Leviathan, lying is not a good look."

La Folia and Naerdeath broke out laughing as even she joined in. Serafall sighed as these brats were merciless. At the same time, it was refreshing as they did not treat her any differently.

'While rude and boorish, they are fun to be around.'

She decided to turn Rei into her Bishop right now and start training her.


While they had their fun, Rias laid down the still bleeding out Issei on his bed. She was still using regular healing magic on him as she pulled out her pawn pieces.

"Let's try with 4. Saji took that many so it should work."

She activated her pawn pieces and saw how they were absorbed by Issei. The process to turn him into the Devil began, but it was quickly made apparent that 4 pawns were not enough.

"2 more should do it."

She used 2 more and watched how 6 pawns were still not enough. She felt it was even better as Issei would be even stronger. He would be her only pawn which might be less than desirable.

"Damn it, take all 8 then."

Once she used her last two pawns she saw how the process was completed and his wound began to close on its own. Once she felt the process was completed she sighed in relief that she did not have to use more of her other pawn pieces.

She leaned toward Issei's ear and whispered into his ear some magical enchanted words.

"Never look at Naerdeath and La Folia with lust in your eyes."

Her magic-laced words used the moment that Ddraig and Issei were at their weakest to finish the suggestion. She did not stop and kept repeating those words in hopes that they would work.

"When he wakes up I will still tell him to not look at them. I can't have Vander killing him."

She teleported away after cleaning up the blood with magic. She felt it would be better for him to find out he is a devil under more calm circumstances. He did nearly die, but she had to find those Fallen who nearly killed him.

Now that she was gone, Issei began to recover from his blood loss rather quickly. Those 8 pawn pieces were helping him recover much father than he would do on his own. At the very least he would not stay as weak as he used to be.


Raynare walked back with some hope in her step. She was even humming a little tune as she did. She looked at the bracelet that he bought for her and laughed.

"I will keep this as a trophy. That dumb fool was easier to fool than all the others. A few sweet words and he did all to please me. Ha."

She opened the front door of the church and entered. Dohnaseek, Kalawarner, and Mittelt were waiting for her.

"Hey, the brat is dead."

Dohnaseek chuckled a bit.

"Now that we got him out the way, when will the girl arrive?"

Raynare smiled with excitement.

"Within a week or two. Our contacts in the church will be bringing her so I can take her sacred gear."

Kalawarner wanted it to happen sooner.

"The faster we get it down the better for us. Azazel will send someone for us before long. Now, what I am wondering is about that mansion that just popped up out of nowhere. It reeks of demonic power so someone is living there. Who?"

Milttelet shrugged.

"Must be someone important. Should one of us check it out?"

Raynare shook her head.

"No, avoid that house at all costs. I just know it is bad news and whoever lives there seems to be happy to be left alone. We better not bark up the wrong tree this time."

All three of them agreed with her.



As for Vander, he was currently in his bed with La Folia and Naerdeath. They were wearing t-shirts and some shorts. He was wearing some basketball shorts and his Jurrasic park shirt. Both girls were cuddling up with him which he enjoyed.

"Not to sound like a downer, I don't need sleep."

La Folia just snuggled up to him a bit more.

"Maybe not, but you can try."

Naerdeath sighed with relaxation.

"He smells so nice and he is so warm."

Vander wrapped his arms around them and forced himself to sleep. Both girls also drifted into sleep. This was the first time they had a full night of sleep as they had little need for it. Now less than ever as they had evolved with Demonic Mana.

Nerezza had been told to wake them up so they could get ready for school so she entered their room through the door. She saw the three of them were sleeping soundly and felt terrible to wake them up.

But they had asked this of her. She walked toward the window and opened the blinds letting the bright sun in. That woke the three of them up in a flash as their senses were much better than before.

Vander groaned as his eyes quickly adjusted to the light. The first moment was the worst and now his eyes no longer burned.

"Thank you Nerezza."

"Your welcome sir. Your meals are being prepared by the servants so you can go and enjoy it now."

La Folia yawned and used some magic to freshen up. Her hair was straitened out, her clothes turned to her uniform and she cleaned her teeth and body.

"Time to eat."

Naerdeath did the same as her and now the three of them were up and well rested.

"That was the first full night of sleep I have had in decades. It's been 30 years since I last slept in."

La Folia nodded.

"Same here. I have stayed up my whole life as my life depended on it. Now, I am so used to it that sleep is hard."

Vander just smiled as they went toward the dining room.

"Same here. I am just glad I managed to sleep the full night."

When they entered the Dining Room Serafall and Rei were already seated. Just like yesterday, Serafall was teaching her different magic spells. Serafall looked at the 4 of them with a smile

"Good morning. I hope you had a good rest."

Vander nodded as he took his seat.

"First time in a long time I do have to say."

"Same here."


Both of them sat at his sides while Nerezza went to tell the servants to bring everything out. Serafall was confused as they brought enough food to feed a large group pf people.

"Why is their so much?"

Nerezza was happy to explain.

"Well, Miss Naerdeath is a dwarf and eats a lot. Miss La Folia is a part Super Devil and required a large amount of food. Sir Vander simply eats a lot."

Serafall and Rei watched how the three of them began to devour their food. They were not messy, but they were fast. Both of them watched how dish after dish vanished into their endless stomachs.

She and Rei barely ate as they were more focused on watching them eat. Before long not a single dish remained. Vander was always impressed with the cooking that magical ingredients could do.

"Well, that was great like always. Thank you Nerezza."

She simply bowed.

"You're most welcome. I shall see you three at the end of the day."

Vander opened a teleport circle under their feet as La Folia and Naerdeath walked next to him. They both gave her their goodbyes. Especially about Serafall.

"Nerezza, do not hesitate to call us if Serafall does something wrong?"

"I shall do as you say miss La Folia."

Serafall was mad they thought of her as some child.

"Hey, I can be mature."

Vander rolled his eyes.

"Sure you can."

The three of them vanished in a flash of purple flames appearing in the Occult Research club. Rias and Akneo were here first things in the morning as they were talking about their training and Issei.

When they saw the flash of fire they knew who it was. Rias was glad they showed up.

"Vander, I thought of what you said and I used some magic to magically suggest to him to not look like a creep toward the two of you."

La Folia did not know if that was enough.

"Just let him know straight up as I will kill him myself if he looks at me like a pervert again. It is sick to be looked at like that."

Naerdeath agreed full-heartedly.

"No girl wants to be perved on like that.

"Keep him on a leash and watch him carefully."

Akeno smiled at Rias.

"You heard them. I sent Kiba to go get him and Koneko shall arrive in a bit. This will be a good time to get him used to the group."m

Vander sighed as he sat on the couch.

"I will tell him straight up the rules. He can live if he can act like a human being."

La Folia and Naerdeath sat at his sides as they were going to give him the rules. La Folia and Naerdeath grabbed his arms and put them around their shoulders. He pulled them closer to him with a smile.

"I wanted to do this."

La Folia just smiled at him.

"Then do it. Don't hesitate."

Naerdeath nodded.

"She is right. I like it when I am closer to you."

Rias looked at Naerdeath and La Folia with jealousy as they could choose who to be with. No one forced them to do anything which is what she wanted. Yet she still understood that they earned that right with power.

Akeno held her shoulder as she saw Rias was getting sad.

"Rias, you will get your wish."

"I know. I don't intend to lose at all to Riser."

While she said that Kiba opened the door.

"I brought Issei like you asked Rias."

"Thank you, Kiba. What about Koneko?"

"She will be here before long."

"Alright. Issei, please come in."

When Issei entered the Occult Research club his gaze went straight to Vander who was giving him the death glare. If that was not scary enough La Folia and Naerdeath were unleashing pure killing intent toward him.

His gaze went toward Rias and Akeno to try to not look at the three very terrifying people looking at him with the intention to kill him.

"I am Issei Hyuodou. It is nice to meet you."

He bowed politely to both of them making Rias and Akeno smile at him. His gaze went to their breasts which made his gaze turn lecherous for a second. He shook his head trying to not piss off Vander.

Just then Koneko entered the club sitting on the couch in front of the one Vander, La Folia and Naerdeath were sitting at. Seeing how everyone was here made Rias start her introduction.

"I am sure you know most of our names. I will say it anyway in case you don't. I am Rias Gremory, Club president. Next to me is Akeno Himejima, Vice President. He is Kiba Yuto and she is Koneko Toujou.

The big guy who is glaring at you is Vander Abbadon. Next to him are his girlfriends, La Folia Gremory, and Naerdeath Wildroar. However, we are not what we appear to be. We are Devils."

Rias and her peerage showed their wings, but Vander, Naerdeath, and La Folia did not. They did not even get up or bother. Issei was shocked, but even more so when his own wings emerged from his back.


Rias smiled at him as she tried to calm him down.

"I turned you into a Devil to save your life. You are now part of my peerage. Any questions?"

He nodded.

"A lot. How? What do you mean to save my life?"

Vander answered for her.

"You got attacked by a Fallen Angel and nearly died. I was ready to let you die, but Rias thought you had potential."

"Thank you, Vander."

Rias cleared her voice to continue.

"What he said is true? The girl you were with, Yuma was actually a Fallen Angel."

Issei closed his eyes as he genuinely fell in love with Yuma or Raynare.

"Why? Why kill me?"

La Folia pointed at him.

"You have a sacred gear? Imagine it is a gift made by the man upstairs for you humans to survive against the Supernatural."

He turned around to look at her, but he avoided looking at her anywhere else than in her eyes. A mix of fear, magic suggestions, and sadness kept him from looking at her the wrong way.

Vander decided to give him a warning.

"Alright, Issei Hyoudo. Remember the last time I caught you perving on my lovers? Well if you do it once more I will kill you and no one will remember you even existed."

He got up and walked toward him with his aura flaring widely. Rias and her peerage all started to sweat as Vander was much stronger than they were. As Issei was the one it was focused on he felt as small as an ant. When Vander stood over him he felt Vander could kill him with a thought.

"No man wants his lovers to be perved on so this is your only warning. Look at them the wrong way just once and I will rip out your heart and feed it to you. If you can not do that we can get along."

La Folia cemented the fact once more.

"It will be agonizing dying that way as Vander will keep you alive to feel you chewing your heart. However dying won't be the end, I shall give your soul to a real Demon from Hell who will torment it for what will seem like an eternity. So treat us with respect and we don't kill you."

Naerdeath asked him to see if he understood.

"Do you understand?"

Vander cut off his aura as he sat back down with them. Issei fell to his knees as he felt his soul leave his body.

"I understand. I swear to not ever look at you two with disrespect. I apologize for my actions when you first came here. I should never have done that as it was rude and deepening."

Vander raised an eyebrow at him.

"Wow, he knows what that is. Well, just keep that in mind."

Rias wiped her sweat as she looked at Issei.

"They do have a point. Just Naerdeath and la Folia have enough power to destroy large parts of Japan with ease. When Vander punched you could have been your end if he wanted."

Koneko bit into her food as she glanced at the apologizing perv.

"Learn from now on and stop peeping on the girls."

Vander gave him a disgusted look.

"Don't do it again."

Issei sighed, but he did not want to die.

"I won't."


Vander, La Folia, and Naerdeath got up as they were going to class. He waved goodbye to Rias.

"Teach him what he needs to know about being a Devil. Remember my words Issei, one look and your heart will be your meal."

He left to go to class with La Folia and Naerdeath who did not even look at him. Once they were gone he sighed in relief as if he lost three mountains.

"They are scary."

Rias nodded.

"You are right. Each one of them is a monster in their own right and you pissed off all three. It is a miracle you are still alive as someone with your personally must be hated."

"That hurts."

Koneko did not care though.

"Do you deny it?"

He shook his head.



Rias decided to finish her explanation about what being a Devil was about to him. Even to teach him to activate his sacred gear, if it took 8, then it must be great. Now she had one more piece to use against Riser.

Ophis is pretty popular, Tiamat is losing so far. Kuroka is guaranteed as I stated before. As for the last spot Nerezza is quite liked. Even Female Vali is a good pick.

Take your picks or leave your suggestions.

God_Of_Wolvescreators' thoughts