
Finding Shelter

The next morning, I woke up and both T'anya and Misha were still asleep. I looked over to our clothes, and after focusing on a wind spell, the robes tumbled to us. I slid the robes under their respective owners, and after spending too much time looking at each of their bare bodies, I started to shake them awake.

"Good morning Master." T'anya said as she leaned up and kissed me. "Did you sleep well?"

"Of course. It may be now, but it wasn't everyday I had two beautiful women sleeping with me." I said smiling.

"I can honestly say this is a first for me." Misha said. After kissing me she continued. "I was always very possessive of the girls I was with before now. For some reason though, when it comes to you, even if you brought another person into the mix, I don't think I would be too upset." She kissed me a second time, and then looked at T'anya.

"I don't want to share. But Master is Master. So, I will do as I'm told." She pouted. I pulled my arm free from Misha as she started putting her robe on, and lifted T'anya's chin to kiss her. As I laid there massaging the inside of her mouth Misha kicked my ass slightly, so I rolled away.

"There's trouble." She said in a low quiet voice. I focused and could hear tree branches cracking loudly as whatever was approaching got closer. Quickly, T'anya and I threw our robes over our heads, and donned our hoods. As we stood there a huge creature with the head of a rhino came plowing through the trees from the opposite direction of camp.

"Oh? Sorry ladies." It said with a deep voice. "I'm hunting 'Metal Crawlers', and I heard something over here." He said lowering his head. "I apologize if I startled you." He said.

"They're fine." A woman's voice said as a woman with rounded brown animal ears sticking out of her head made her presence known. "It looks like they were sleeping, and you woke them is all." She said eyeing the grass where we were lying.

"Yeah, we have a camp over there. If your hunting the 'Metal Crawlers', they are over that way. They have a pretty quick rate of appearance and use both 'Sleep' and 'String Shot.'" I warned. "It's about three hundred paces for me, so with how big you are I can't give a good guess. We were collecting some stingers last night." I said.

"Oh? Fellow Hunters?" The woman asked. "What ranks do you have?" She asked.

"Oh no, we are actually heading to become hunters now. The rest of our group is back that way, but I wanted some alone time with my girls." I said as I put an arm around both of them.

"Oh? That makes sense. Although, sometimes having an audience can be fun." She said with a smile.

"You're not wrong there sister, but we have minors with us. Wouldn't want to corrupt any minds, am I right?" I laughed at her comment and she laughed back. It looks like not all Demi-Humans were a waste of space. Plus, she was gorgeous with her cartoonish brown hair, and her ample chest. If I thought I had a chance I'd push for it.

"Would you be willing to show us Hun?" The Rhino man asked.

"Sure, just don't think you need to protect us or anything. We are stronger than we look." I said smiling.

"I'm finding it hard to believe you when your wearing scraps of cloth." The woman said.

"We were captured by Demi-Humans and sold as slaves back in Bestin. Luckily an in-fight broke out, and when one of our collars was destroyed, we quickly broke off each other's collars, and then fled. We have been fighting to stay alive for a few weeks as we left the country and are now trying to find a decent source of income. As you can imagine, we have a bit of a tight bond." I said calmly.

"I see, I apologize for our brethren's… misdeeds." The rhino man said.

"I am Ra'kun, and this big hulk is my sword, Le'ur. To think that they would take humans to the Dem Homeland." She sounded pissed.

"Well, they died so they won't do it again." Misha said. "It was sort of a kill or be killed scenario."

"I see, to think humans would be cleaning up the garbage in our lands." The rhino said. "Shall we go then?" He asked.

"Sure, do you have a sword, mine broke, and I could pay you for it." I asked.

"It isn't much, here is a copper one, pay with the information of these beasts." He said laughing.

"Alright, follow me." I said as I started walking to the 'Metal Crawlers' home. As we approached, I saw a blue one and put a hand up and rushed forward and drained its abilities and skills before killing it.

"Never seen a blue one before." I said dragging it over. "Why is it blue?" I asked.

"Mas- Alyssa." T'anya whispered. "Blue is the middle tier of strength for geyser monsters. It's also common knowledge." She said quietly explaining.

"Oh right, I just meant they were green yesterday." Some monsters' colorations would change depending on the power of magic in their geysers. White was the weakest, Next Green, then Blue, Purple, and Yellow. It's also been said that a Red exists, but no one has ever been able to prove it.

"The quest we are on is to check if the geyser is indeed powering up. Would you mind leaving the corpse to us? We will put a good word for you at the hunter's guild, so you can register without issue." Le'ur said.

"Sure, here." I said tossing the Crawler at him. He caught it and took a step back before tossing it into his own dimensional bag. "Oh good, I'd never seen one before, but I found one in a monster base, so I was going to use it myself." I said showing our dimensional bag. "Are they common out here? I'm not actually sure what country I'm from, but I'd never seen one before the one I found." I explained.

"Hunters tend to buy them quite often." Ra'kun said. "You probably came across the remains of a hunter that took a quest above their level and unfortunately failed." They both lowered their heads, so I did as well.

"I see, I don't know the unwritten rules of Hunters, should I return it to his or her loved ones, or?" I looked at them.

"It's been a standing tradition of 'finders, keepers.'" She answered.

"Ah, thanks. If you guys are headed back, could we travel with you? We have a wagon with some horses, so we won't slow you down." I said explaining. "I'd offer you a lift, but you're a giant, and it's pretty full up."

"I don't see why not. You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours." Le'ur answered. With that we went back to camp. When we arrived Pzymon drew his shield, and Niko lit a fireball above her hand.

"Calm down everyone. This big one is Le'ur, and the pretty one is Ra'kun. They are going to lead us to the nearest town and put in a good word for us at the Hunters guild I was talking about yesterday." I explained. Pzymon pulled out of his readied stance, and Niko closed her open palm and the fireball puffed away.

"Quick witted and powerful, You two will make excellent Hunters." Le'ur said laughing.

"A fire using Human? No wonder you were taken as a slave." Ra'kun said walking over to Niko. I could see Niko staring at her ears.

"Hey, can she touch your ears Ra'kun? She isn't going to hear anything you say until she does." I decided to help her out.

"Go right ahead darling." Ra'kun grabbed Niko's wrist and led her hand gently to her ears.

"So, fucking Soft!" Niko yelled as she pet the ears. After getting everyone situated, we packed people into the wagon and headed out.

When we reached the town, I was ecstatic. I was afraid it was going to be one or two shabby huts, but I could tell it had a sewer system, roads, and stone buildings. They were all around thirteenth to fourteenth century in advancement, but they would definitely do the job.

"You should go to the Inn first." I said to Pzymon and Niko. "Take some of the coin and get as many rooms as needed. These two are staying with me though. So, one room or bed for the three of us, and then whatever you guys need." I explained giving him five gold coins in a small purse. "And don't forget the money system here. That is way more than enough, I gave you extra for clothes for everyone. I can't wait to find a pair of shorts and a tank top."

"Yeah, one of these should be enough for like three days with meals. I know. I was there." He said referring to me learning how the money works in this world.

"I'll keep an eye on him." Niko said winking at me. If I played my cards right, I think Japanese might be on the menu soon from that look.

"Thanks Niko. Also, here." I gifted her a sleep spell and saw her eyes light up. "It might come in handy sometime." I added. Next, I turned to our new friends, "ready?" I asked.

"Indeed." Le'ur answered.

As we entered the Hunters Guild Humans and Demi-Humans were spotted throughout the building. I was afraid it was going to be a rowdy occasion, but remembered most quests went up in the morning, so everyone in here was probably just slacking off today.

"Le'ur, Ra'kun!" A woman in her late fifties, with grey hair and wrinkles called out from behind a counter. Even in her golden years I could tell she was a knockout in her prime. "That was quick. Please tell me some good news." She said as we approached. She glanced at Alyssa, T'anya, and I, but went right back to the Hunters before her.

"Unfortunately, it is now tier three." Le'ur pulled the Blue 'Metal Crawler' from his bag and placed it on the counter. "Luckily, we came across a group of wannabe hunters. This one killed it in a single blow, and then carried it like it was nothing." He bragged about me and patted my back hard. I could feel he was testing out my fortitude, so I dodged another pat and stepped out of his range.

"Hello, I'm Alyssa, and I would like to register to be a hunter." I said calmly.

""As would I."" Misha and T'anya said in unison.

"I see, so three tests?" She asked. "One sec Hun." She said.

"I just explained their prowess and they still have to take the test; no wonder people complain about bureaucracy." Le'ur complained for us.

"It's fine Le'ur." I said looking at him. "Although, I feel like some kind of flag is going to be triggered by it." I said under my breath.

"You too love?" Misha said stepping over to me. T'anya saw this and wrapped around my arm while we waited for the Guild woman to return. When she returned, she handed each of us a thin piece of wood and a pencil like object.

"Fill in the questions and then you can take the physical exam." She said calmly. As I looked over the questions, they were all simple, and so I filled it in quickly and handed it back. After all three of us finished, she led us to a big open room with bleachers in a circle around a square ring.

"Your examiner today is going to be Ne'vren. He is going to make sure you are at least strong enough to be glass ranked Hunters." She explained. "You don't have to win, and you don't even have to land a blow, it's simply to see if you can handle the lower level quests."

Misha went first. I had dumped quite a bit of 'Strength' and 'Agility' into her stats, so she should be formidable. The man that stepped up onto the ring was enormous, but his stats were extremely low. I called out, "Hey that guy is weakened. What would you do if one of us accidentally killed him?" So that Misha knew not to go all out.

"Oh? You can sense the magic type cast on him? Then I'll remove it." The guild woman said. After a moment his stats went up and he was at a much more survivable number, even if Misha was still stronger.

"Try not to kill him Misha, I think that's part of the test." I shouted as I syphoned some of her 'Strength' so she couldn't deal a deathblow. "That should do the trick." I said before they started the fight.

Ne'vren charged as soon as the fight started, and when he got close, Misha ducked under his punch and swept his legs out from below. Before he could even hit the ground, she was up and punted him out of the ring.

"How's that sexy?" She asked throwing a glance my way.

"You pass." The guild woman said. "Can you continue Ne'vren?" She asked.

"Yeah, she just tossed me out of the ring. She didn't lose focus on me when she bragged to her friends either. Solid stature. I'd start her at Obsidian rank." He added.

"It's always Glass, and you know that Ne'vren. Which is next then?" she asked

"I'll go. Ma- Alyssa should go last, so that all three of us can finish." T'anya said jumping up into the ring with no effort.

"She is definitely strong enough. Do we even need to test her?" Ne'vren said looking at T'anya.

"Begin." Shouted the woman. T'anya lunged forward, and after wrapping her fingers around his sleeve turned her body and launched poor Ne'vren onto some mats outside the ring. She hopped up and down.

"How was that Ma- Alyssa?" She asked me with a cute smile on her face. Ne'vren crawled into the ring again and looked at her.

"I didn't even see her move, she's definitely Crystal rank, minimum." He gave his two cents but was thoroughly ignored.

"That leaves me." I said hopping into the ring and giving T'anya a pat on the ass. "Good job Pinkie. We'll see about a reward later." I said as she grinned at me.

"Such beautiful women I'd be jealous if you were a man." He said grinning at me. As the woman shouted out the beginning of the match, I ran up to him and stopped instantly, letting the sheer wind disturbance blow him out of the ring. "Did you even hit me, or was that just from the speed?" He sputtered as he righted himself back onto his feet.

"I wanted to let you know you should be jealous, but I was so excited about our room at the inn, I got ahead of myself." I smiled as I hopped back down to the girls and they ran over and took an arm each.

"Alright." The woman said, "I'll get you your pendants, so wait out in the hall for a bit." She said as we walked out of the arena.

"How'd they do?" Le'ur looked to Ne'vren.

"I think they would kill you in one blow if you pissed them off." Ne'vren said smiling nervously. He wasn't wrong, the reason I was so nice back to Le'ur and Ra'kun, was because they weren't a threat.

"Let's see if there's anything we can do today before bed girls." I said as we walked over to the board.

"Ooh, what about this?" T'anya pointed at an open request. "It's for 'Metal Crawler' skins. We should have a bunch since you made Misha keep them all." I looked at the request and it was wood ranked.

The way ranks worked was like this. If you completed a task of your rank, you would receive a point. If it was of the rank above you, it was worth two points. You could only accept quests up to one above your current rank. Any risks would be outlined in the quest, so taking a quest above your rank was risky, but doable. Since you needed ten points without a single failed quest in the mix, it was common to just grind your current rank when you were trying to rank up. The ranks started at Glass, no matter what, and went up. It went: Glass, Wood, Stone, Obsidian, Quartz, Crystal, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Ruby, Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Mithril, Orichalcum, and lastly Adamantium.

"Well, lets get our pendants, and then go talk to this Jel'roche guy." I said. "Since it's repeatable, we could possibly get quite a few points, and some easy money. Although, we aren't hurting for funds, I would like to start getting a regular source of income going."

"Okay, so we get our pendants and then talk to this guy. Then we get clothes, but," Misha looked to make sure no one was eavesdropping, "When do we fuck?" She said calmly to us.

"I like where your head is at Misha, but we do need to work from time to time if we plan on living in this world." I said quietly as I leaned my forehead into hers and teased her lips with my tongue.

"Master! Misha! How many times must I tell you?" T'anya saw us flirting and quickly took my hand and pulled.

"What did I say about calling me that in public?" I eyed her.

"I apologize Ma-Alyssa, but when my emotions take over…" She eyed me seriously and I could see a tear in the corner of her eye.

"Oh, come here you." I said opening my arms. She rested into my chest and I kissed her cheek.

"Your pendants are ready. If you lose one of these, it can be replaced, but at the price of ten silver." The older woman came over and dropped all three pendants into Misha's outstretched hand. "Did you find a quest you would like to do?" She asked since we were right in front of the request board.

"Yes, do you know where we could find Jel'roche?" T'anya asked still in my embrace.

"Ah, that dopey blacksmith is stationed across the street." The woman said. "Anything else?" She asked. After T'anya shook her head the woman turned and walked away without another word.

"Such a pleasant woman." Alyssa said.

"She's probably seen hundreds, if not thousands of Hunters come through here. If she got attached to them, it would drive her mad." I explained.

"Of course!" T'anya said. "Master is so smart." She leaned harder into my embrace.

"I know you don't want to, but I really want you to call me by my name. Not just in public." I said in a whisper, "But even in private." I licked her ear a bit as I said that.

"I can try Ma- Alyssa." She said sheepishly.

"Well let's go." I said as we headed out of the guild hall.

When we entered the blacksmiths shop, I heard metal clanking and the smell of soot.

"Excuse us!" I shouted since there was no one at the counter. After a few minutes a very short man came around the corner and after climbing up some stairs behind the counter was almost at my eye level.

"How can I 'elp ye." He said through a very thick accent.

"Umm, we are Hunters, and we saw your open request for 'Metal Crawler' corpses." I said dumbfounded by the Dwarf.

"Oi, I know I be short, you dun have ta stare do ye?" He shouted at me.

"Sorry, I've only ever heard stories of dwarves. Never saw one in person." I admitted. I shook my head and then smiled at him. "Truly, I am sorry." I checked through his stats and skills, and realized he is definitely a top-notch dwarf.

"I be willin ta buy one corpse for fifta silva. If'n ya have more, I can buy six'f 'em." His accent seemed to be getting worse. "What'll it be ay?" He asked.

"Umm for six, you will credit us with six separate quests?" I asked.

"Of course! Ah right. It be a wood'n class. Y'all no 'dea. Here ya 'ave it." He tossed a slip at us. It said proof of completion but had an opening for his stamp or signature. "I be givin' ya one each Crawler." He finished his short explanation.

"Here, take em." Misha pretended to dump six 'Metal Crawler' corpses on the counter with the dimensional bag, but they came from her 'Infinite Storage', and then tied it off.

"We have more if you need em my name is Alyssa, and this is Misha and T'anya." I told him.

"Dis'is great." He said as he tapped his stamp on some forms and handed them over. He tossed three gold coins our way and started dragging the first corpse to the back. "I'll 'arass da guild'need mo.'" He puttered out before disappearing in the back.

"That was easy." I said wrapping an arm around one each. "Let's go turn these in."

Walking back into the guild the older woman eyed us and then asked, "Can I help you?" She asked.

"Yeah, we finished a request." I said as I handed the six documents to the woman.

"I see, I will need your pendants to increase your level." She said. After handing them over, she walked over to a stand in the back and placed them in a weird machine-like contraption. I watched as it glowed, and when she opened it, our clear pendants now looked like lumps of wood.

"Congratulations on the promotion." She said.

"Thank you, ma'am." T'anya said kindly taking our pendants back and placing them over our respective heads.

"Yup." She started to turn away when I stopped her.

"Ma'am, could you tell us where I can buy either clothes or fabric?" I asked.

"Yeah, here." She handed me a small scroll. "That's five silver." She must have seen so many hunters come and go she shut herself down.

"Thanks." I placed five silvers down and took the scroll. It had a map of the town, with symbols for each type of business. When I saw the needle and thread, I was practically overjoyed. "Let's go ladies."

We made our way through the town about two blocks, before we came to the tailor shop. As I looked inside and at the people we passed, I was nervous about the type of clothes we were going to be forced to wear. As I opened the door a bell rang and a lovely woman in her early twenties came running to the door.

"Welcome to 'On pins and Needles.'" She said smiling.

"Yeah thanks. As you can see, we need new clothes." I said looking at her outfit. It was a simple one-piece dress with mid length sleeves and a high collar. "Could we look around, or do we need an appointment?" I asked getting a bad vibe from the clothes in the building.

"Feel free to look around. I should tell you, the seamstress is very passionate, so if you have any particular idea you would like her to make, I could get her for you." She must have noticed my expression and was trying to get me to spend money here. This is a top-notch sales girl.

"If you could but take your time if she is busy. I might find something while I explore." I said calmly.

After looking through the clothes I was more than piffed. The clothes all looked like cosplay for a medieval festival. It was bulky here or there, and there was just too much heavy fabric. It had only been two days since I got to this world, but I knew that I would sweat to death if I had to wear any of this selection. As I thought that I found some nice soft socks and started looking for underwear.

"My assistant said you may have some ideas for me?" A woman came down from the back room and approached me. "After seeing what you're wearing, I think I may disagree." She tried to give me a hard time, but I could see her tailoring skill was at 'Lv 88.' Given she looked about thirty-five, this was her life. With how the leveling of skills worked, she would have had to use her skill over two quintillion times.

"Hey, we were kidnapped and got away!" Misha said stepping forward. "And these hoods are made from old fabric we found. Do you really think anything in here is even worth wearing?"

"Sorry about her. The hoods were my idea, and she is a bit protective." I said stepping between the two. "I do adore the socks you make, that I will admit right away. How much a pair?" I asked.

"Fifty copper a pair. I make them with the thread from the 'Metal Crawler' and 'White Arachne.'" She informed me.

"Oh really?" I looked at everyone. "If I were to get you some more thread, would you be able to make some undergarments that I designed for you?" I asked. Before I was summoned, I was a fashion designer, so I could easily make up some underwear, and some comfortable clothes.

"Oh? Do you have a source?" She asked. "I could definitely use some more thread." She added. "I'd be willing to help, as long as the designs aren't garbage." She said scoffing at our robes again.

"I thought we did a good job, considering this is fabric taken from pillows." I said. She squatted over and looked down my seams and I saw her eyes widen.

"This seam work is incredible. You did this by hand? Incredible." She started tugging on my robe and Misha slapped her hand gently.

"Oi, deal or no deal!" She said.

"Deal. Anyone that can sew that well could definitely make some wonderful designs." She said.

"How many of this kind of sock do you have?" I asked her.

"Umm, Shan'tella, how many socks?" She called to her assistant.

"Thirty pairs ma'am." She said from the back.

"I'll take them all." I smiled and dropped a gold on the counter. After getting the socks, and my change we headed to a cobbler next. He had many simple leather designs, along with a few more eccentric kinds, but I found a pair I liked, as did Alyssa and T'anya. I put a standing order in for the remaining members of my group. After getting to the Inn I was met immediately by Niko.

"There you are Jeez, let's go to the Hunters guild already." She said grinning.

"Here." I handed her the map and two gold. "Take whoever wants to go and have them get registered. Also, get us a few more maps while your there. I have a standing order with the Cobbler for any of us as well." I gave her the receipt. "I have some work to do, otherwise I'd go with you."

"So, I have to keep playing baby-sitter?" She complained.

"Hey, it's not like I enjoy this. I just want to hole up with these two and not come out for a few days, do you know how hard that is?" I looked at her and she calmed down.

"I know you're doing a lot for us, but I don't even know which way is up anymore. I'm sorry." She bowed to me a bit and I laughed.

"Hey, it's fine to get pissed. Once we get a handle on our finances, and I figure out which of these kids doesn't want to stay with us, we can all start doing whatever it is that we want." I said wrapping an arm around T'anya. "Isn't that right Pinkie." I asked.

"Yes Alyssa." She said. I planted a big kiss on her and teased her tongue with mine.

"You didn't even stutter that time Pinkie." I said smiling at her. Her cheeks were red, but she was smiling.

"You keep that up, and you won't be able to do whatever it is you are about to." Misha said wrapping her arms over my shoulders and talking into my ear from behind.

"You are dead right on that. Alright, time for work. Where is my room?" I asked Niko.

"Top floor, it's the only room with a single big bed. Enjoy." Niko dropped the key into my hand and then walked over to the other slaves.

"Let's go Lovers." I said going to my room.

We walked upstairs, and when we got into the room I started using 'String Shot' directly at Misha. She was using her dexterity to catch it and wrap it in long round loops. When she would get too big of a grouping to handle, I would stop, and she would store it in the dimensional bag. After doing this for over an hour we had a decent collection of easy to move, and easy to manipulate thread. Next, I pulled out some blank parchment and started drawing basic designs for both clothes and underwear. Knowing we had men and women made the selection less varied, since I didn't want to make anyone go commando that didn't want to. The underwear they had here was basically bloomers cut to different lengths, so I decided I would introduce granny panties, and a few more kinds. For the guys, I did Boxers, Briefs, and Boxer Briefs. When I named the items at the top, I noticed that my hand wasn't moving the way it should for what I was writing, which meant the Universal translation was still in effect.

Next, I made some simple shorts and pants for lower wear, they didn't need to be fashionable, but they did need to be practical. For shirts, I noticed they were just about to discover simpler blouses and such, so I made some button up shirts and some tank tops. If I had a spinning wheel, I could probably have made some simple clothes myself. Lastly, I drew up a few simple designs for bras. I hated whenever I had to draw designs for bras, because every woman is different in the chest, and they always tried to mass produce them. I made a note to have them custom made per customer at the bottom of the page. With that I finished up. When I looked up T'anya and Misha were sitting on the side of the bed flipping through my designs.

"What did you do back home?" Misha asked when she noticed I was done. "These are perfect." She held up some simple underwear sketches I made.

"I mean, that. I designed clothes." I smiled as I stood and stretched. I had been drawing for six hours straight, and I could see the sun was about to set.

"Alyssa, a lot of these items don't exist. Especially these brassieres you have listed at the end." T'anya said. "Will this give away the fact that you aren't from this world?" She asked.

"I mean, we had them back home as of a certain point. It was only like one hundred years ago, but it helps keep the breasts from causing damage when used right. Your breasts can hang and cause serious back problems without it. Plus, when they get to be well used, we get things like lingerie." I said practically drooling.

"I would definitely love to see either of you in that." Misha said smiling and leaning into T'anya's shoulder.

"Well, let's go see what's to eat downstairs, before I eat you two up." I said reaching a hand out for each of them.

As I pulled open the door a small hand came through and tapped my stomach.

"Hi Lynne." I said looking at my pseudo little sister. "What's up?" I asked.

"You hadn't come down yet and dinner started a bit ago." She explained. "I know you like your alone time with those two, but you should still eat." She teased.

"Hey, I'll have you know I was working hard in there. I drew up almost fifty sketches for comfortable clothes for everyone in the group." I said rubbing her head. She glanced at T'anya and Misha.

"She's not lying. And they look amazing." Misha said still holding my arm.

"Ah man, and here I thought I could finally tease you." She said laughing. "Well it is still dinner time." She said turning for the stairs. As we reached the bottom floor, I noticed a few groups had formed, and strangely enough, Niko and Pzymon weren't in the same group. I asked Lynne about it and it was apparently because Niko really liked how I was helping everyone, and Pzymon thought I was trying to manipulate everyone.

"What meal will you three be having ladies." A beautiful red-haired beauty stood in front of us.

"What do you recommend Red?" I asked smiling at her.

"Sorry sweetie, married." She looked at me and smiled. "But I'd recommend the surf and turf. It's a steak with some fish and a salad. It's a decent sized meal and it doesn't cost extra. But you do have to buy the drink." She informed me.

"Alright, its been awhile since I've had anything like that." I ordered that. "What's on the drink menu?" I asked.

"Water, Beer, Ale, Wine, or Mead." She listed off the names.

"No fruit juice?" I asked.

"No, but the mead is definitely sweet." She told me.

"Alright I'll have the Mead." I replied. After Misha and T'anya both made their orders, she walked off.

"So, are we going to do more Hunting tomorrow?" Asked Misha.

"I was thinking we should find a quest or two, and then go for the seamstress. Then we can head out. I really hope she likes my designs." I said calmly.

"Well, if she doesn't, she is an idiot. The elastic string alone should draw her in, but if she doesn't like it, I'll just steal her machine that turns string to fabric." Misha said holding my hand.

"Depending on where they are technologically, its either the loom or weaving machine." I said.

"Yeah I'll steal that. And T'anya will help, won't you?" She looked over and T'anya was wrapped around my arm with her eyes closed just hugging my arm. "She's to focused on you right now, but she would definitely help." Misha answered her own question.

"It's fine either way. I know how the machines work, so once we have a decent source of income, I can spend a few days making one myself." I informed her and gave her a gentle kiss on the back of her hand. Like the magician she is I felt T'anya tighten her grip on my arm, but when I looked at her, her eyes were still closed.

"Does she just know?" Misha asked kissing my hand. Nothing happened, but when I raised her hand to my mouth, I felt her grip tighten. I gave Misha a look, and she leaned over and kissed my mouth. As soon as I started to kiss back T'anya let go of my arm.

"Don't tease me." She pouted. I pulled her into my arm, and Misha leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"You were just so cute, we couldn't resist." I said chuckling.

Our food came, and the serving was definitely enough food. It was a plate about two feet around, and it had a steak, and a full fish on it. Next the woman brought out a huge bowl of salad. I thought it was for the table, but she brought out another for T'anya's order next. When I looked at her, she smiled.

"We heard about you guys being enslaved by Dems. It's not much more than usual mind you, but we wanted to let you know not every dem is awful." I looked and realized she had two long fangs in her mouth.

"I'm sorry, I don't want you thinking we are looking for special treatment or anything." I said to her.

"It's fine. Your pal Niko said you guys were actually brought here by Le'ur and Ra'kun. They are two of the sweetest folks I've ever seen. I just thought it was nice to see you guys staying in a dem inn." She answered as she kept the serving tray on her hip.

"Well to be fair, I didn't even realize this was a dem inn." I said smiling at her. "But as long as no one means us harm, we won't mean them any." I said as I looked to my plate.

"I'll leave you to the food. Holler if you need more drinks or food." She said as she walked over to the counter.

"Ready to eat ladies?" I asked. They both nodded, and we dug in. The fish was pretty good, but dry, and the steak was delicious, but salty. When I looked over the meals, I realized that they weren't using any seasonings. I looked to Misha and she noticed it as well. After we had our fill of food and drink, I waved the waitress over to settle the tab, and ask about the seasonings.

"What's up love?" She asked when she got to the table.

"The food was great, but is there a reason you guys didn't use any seasonings?" I asked.

"What's that?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

"Are you asking what seasoning is?" Misha asked.

"I don't recognize that word either." T'anya replied.

"Oh fuck. We have so much work to do in this country." I said quietly. "Never mind Red. If I get a better idea, I'll let you know. What do I owe ya? We did have quite a bit to drink." I said thinking about the five beers Misha downed in thirty minutes.

"That'll be eight silvers and twenty-five coppers." She said. I gave her nine silvers, and when she turned slowly, I stopped her.

"Is it customary to tip in this country?" I asked. She nodded so I gave her another silver. "Sorry and thanks. Since you know our story, If I do something weird could you let me know." I said as I dropped another silver into her hand.

"You got it Love." She said smiling and walking back to the counter.

I stood up and felt a hand grab both of mine quickly. "Yeah, yeah. I know what we're doing next." I smiled and when Niko looked at me, I raised an eyebrow, but she just smiled. "Next time huh?" I said to her.

As soon as we made it into our room, our robes and pendants all landed in the corner of the room. The bed was plenty big enough for all of us. I kissed Misha first and then T'anya. As we turned our bodies, I laid my head between T'anya's legs and gently kissed her lips. As I did this, she rested her head on the pillow and Misha lifted my leg, so she could get her face between my legs. I continued to gently kiss T'anya's folds, and she started to moan when I was flicking my tongue periodically. I lifted my tongue onto her folds as Misha put a finger inside of me. As I flicked another time, I felt a second finger slip inside of me, and my stomach lit up. I slid a finger into the folds and raised my face to lick her clit. I continued flicking it around with my tongue and prodded and pulsed my finger. She was moaning and had one hand pushing lightly on my head while the other was covering her mouth. I looked up and her chest was already red, and I reached up with my other hand and took hold of her breast. I fondled her tit with my left hand, my right hand was sliding three fingers repeatedly right along the back of her clit, and I was licking the front. Her body shivered from coming, and I didn't stop. I could feel Misha with two fingers inside me and her tongue playing with my folds. I felt her tongue enter me right as I came. Having been pushing them well past their limits, I'm not sure if it was their kind of revenge or not, but she started to move quicker. She flicked her tongue faster and faster, even though I was doing the same to T'anya, I got annoyed. I checked our stats and decided that now was a good time. I waited for her next orgasm, and then stopped eating her out. She looked at me and I, between climaxes, looked over at Misha. T'anya slid from the bed and laid right on the floor under Misha's crotch.

"She's already soaked." I heard her say quietly. I reached down and stopped Misha and then pulled her into the bed fully. Annoyed, T'anya climbed up too. I kissed T'anya and then Misha. After I kissed her, I pulled her waist to me, and wrapped our legs together. T'anya sat next to us and started taking turns kissing us. As I rubbed my clit against Misha's I was still sensitive and came quickly. I kissed T'anya hard as I did this and continued to gyrate my hips, so our clits wouldn't stop rubbing. Before long I felt Misha's body shudder and sped up my gyration. I felt our clits touching and slid my hips around more and more. As I did this, T'anya reached down and slowly at first, fondled our pussies. She slid a finger around into Misha and this was it. Every time I gyrated, Misha's back arched until she finally let out a loud, long moan. As she fell back, she was panting heavily, as was I, but I immediately went back to work with T'anya. She wasted no time, as she pushed me back and laid with her ass in the air, so she could start nibbling on my pussy. Her pink hair tickled as she tried to flick it out of the way, and it landed on my leg. She buried her face into my folds, and I came almost instantly. As I arched my back, I grabbed hold of her ass and pulled myself into position to put my nose in her folds and licked her clit. The juices kept seeping out onto my face as I licked and lapped. I flicked her clit with my tongue, while my nose kept slipping in and out. I lifted a hand and put a single finger inside to help get both sides. As I went, I flicked my tongue and pulsated my finger, I felt her body stiffen again and again. I couldn't be sure how many times either of us came, but eventually we were both out of energy. After what almost felt like a battle, we both stopped, and she fell to the side and slowly turned so our faces were right in front of each other. She made a small smile as she leaned forward to kiss me. I smirked back as she pulled away and pulled at her ass, so our fronts were touching. We were both exhausted but, after eating pussy, making out was my favorite thing. I kissed her and ran my tongue along the inside of her mouth and felt her tongue come to war with mine. I ran my tongue along the ridge in her mouth and then felt a third hand on my face. I opened my eyes, and Misha was smiling and trying to get my attention. I pulled away from T'anya, and Misha buried her tongue in my mouth. She explored my mouth with her tongue, and after a few minutes of this, she pulled away, and then went back to my crotch. I was low on energy to be sure, but so was she. She put her mouth up to my folds, and slowly, and methodically kissed me. It made my body warm, and caused my vision to get blurry, but T'anya came right back, and started making out with me. She learned from me and ran her tongue along the inside of my mouth as I kept feeling Misha tickling me down below. After a few minutes of pure ecstasy, the three of us were exhausted, and we all slipped under the covers. After one more kiss goodnight, we went to sleep.

My plan is a balance of exploring the world and the characters exploring each other. Let me know if it seems like i am pushing either side too hard.

Anonismcreators' thoughts