
Another Day, Another Hunt

The next morning, I woke up to T'anya kissing my neck as her hand ran across my stomach. I opened my eyes to see her looking at my face with a smile.

"Good morning, Alyssa." She said softly. I leaned over and kissed her. She kissed me back fiercely and then looked at me. "Last night was amazing." She said smiling at me. She hugged my side and kissed me more. As we lay there making out, we must have accidentally woken Misha.

"I can't get over the sheer level you bring." Misha said seeing us. "How do you have any energy to do that?" She leaned over and kissed my neck. "I can't understand how you can take both of us to the edge, and still keep going." She kissed my neck again. I pulled away from T'anya, and kissed Misha. She took the opportunity to slide her tongue inside my mouth. As she moved her tongue around, I enjoyed the experience before I remembered what I was doing here. I pulled away and looked her dead in the eye.

"We have work to do. So, no matter how sexy you look, or how naked you are…" I scanned her body from top to bottom. Her long straight blonde hair and blue eyes were gorgeous. She had a nearly perfect face, and the mole under her right eye only made her sexier. As I looked over her thin neck and ran a finger down her sternum, my eyes glanced at her tits. They weren't enormous, which I didn't like anyway, but they looked amazing. Her lighter skin from living in the north stood out, and she had the outline of a six-pack on her stomach. She clearly defined herself enough to be fit, but not enough to be too muscly. Her arms were toned and free of any kind of scarring, and her hips were perfect. This made her ass pop when she walked or moved and helped her look even more amazing. Not to mention her well defined muscles on her legs that made her every aspect seem even better.

"You okay sexy." Misha pulled my chin to look me in the eye since I pretty much just scoured her every fiber with my eyes.

"Stop distracting her." T'anya said spinning me over to her. I stared at her body and saw the slight differences between their figures. T'anya had wider hips than Misha, but still had a tight tummy and toned arms and legs. Her face was gorgeous, spotted with freckles on either cheek and a few on her nose. Her pink hair would probably be a defining characteristic, but I wasn't about to complain since it was smooth and fine. She had Pink eyes as well which really made me remember I was in another world.

I wrapped my arms around her and just hugged her. Seeing this Misha realized something was up and wrapped her arms around me from behind. We laid like that for about forty minutes when I heard a knock at the door. I looked at both of them and after giving them each a few kisses I stood from the bed and threw my robe over my head.

"What's up?" I said as I pulled the door open. Lynne was there, and she looked over my shoulder. I turned to see T'anya throwing her robe on still.

"Wow, that's what perfection looks like?" She looked back to me.

"NO! You're a minor, and she is mine. She even said so herself." I said putting my arms out.

"Sorry, she distracted me. Are you coming for breakfast? It only goes till nine and its already eight-thirty." She informed me.

"Sorry, I was having a bit of a mental breakdown and they were comforting me." I said.

"I'm sure they were." Lynne said chuckling.

"Okay smartass lets go." I looked back and Misha and T'anya came and after putting my Hunters pendant on me we made for the dining hall.

"Oh? Reds here this morning as well?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was the one you kept up till one or two in the morning with all the shouting and moaning."

She said grumpy. "This is an inn not a brothel, if you want to make that kind of noise do it somewhere else."

"Sorry, it's the first time we were able to be together in a bed since we started this." T'anya said blushing so red I thought she may explode.

"Our mage has a sleep spell. If you have a time you can nap you should talk to Niko." I said smiling. After she shot me a look I apologized. We ordered some food and it came out pretty quickly. After eating we decided to head to the Guild first, and then the seamstress since it was already so late.

When we entered the Hunters' Guild, I was excited. It was crowded, and we saw a bunch of people turn to stare us down. Normally this is where the main character in books gets messed with by a weaker but higher ranked member. As I looked around no one approached us, and no one even tried anything. I decided to go straight to the stone ranked board to speed up the ranking process. As we approached, finally, a man called out to us.

"If you plan on doing a Stone ranked mission, you better be careful. It could be troublesome to pick up your corpses cutie." He shouted as he chuckled to himself. I felt T'anya tighten her grip on my arm but ignored him. After looking through the requests we found another repeatable quest for Mithril from a monster that lives to the north of town, and fangs from a second-tier cat-type monster to the east. I decided to go for the Mithril, since we already knew the Blacksmith Jel'Roche, so it would make life easier. After checking to see the rough estimate of where they appear, we headed to 'Pins and Needles.'

"Oh, back already? What can I do for you today?" A different girl that looked similar to the one from yesterday asked.

"Oh? Do you work with your sister?" I asked. Her eyes bugged, and she ran over to shush me.

"The Mistress doesn't know so shhh…" She looked back and forth. "My sister and I trade so neither of us has to work too much, and she thinks we work all the time. How could you even tell we weren't the same?" She looked at me.

"I mean, your sister has a lighter green to her eyes, and you are a bit bigger in the chest." I said like it was plain as day.

"You, are you actually a letch?" Misha said looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

"I mean, you know my story, I think it would make it pretty obvious that I pretty much lodge every person into memory." I said back. "Sorry sweetheart, I'll stop talking." I said as I felt a look from both women on my sides. I decided to ignore both of them. "Could you get your boss? I brought the thread I promised, and some designs." I said as I continued to ignore them both.

"I'll be right back." She said as she walked into the back.

"I never thought I would see twins playing the 'we are the same people' card." I said looking to Misha. She was still eyeing me up, so I just looked back and prayed for the seamstress to hurry. Luckily, I had the dimensional bag over my shoulder, so when she finally arrived, I could start pulling out the thread.

"There is so much here!" She shouted. "Why do you have it split up into different spools?" She asked after she noticed.

"We recently discovered a Monster type that uses an elastic type of string to give its prey a false sense of safety." I lifted the thread and gave it a few tugs to show that it would expand. "This gave me an idea for a new undergarment, that would be easy to put on and take off. I drew up a few different ideas and could make a pair if I had the equipment available." I said as I pulled my sketches out. "Of course, if you decide to make the items, you can't try to hold propriety, and I would actually prefer some form of kickback if you understand?" I held out the sketch but didn't give it to her. "What do you think?"

"Of course. A new material to work with and designs for it. Come with me right now." She didn't try to grab any of the sketches, but instead grabbed my arm and tugged me into the back of her office.

When I entered the back, she had four slaves working on looms. Some were humans, and others were Demi's. She led me straight to a slightly bigger machine and as soon as I looked at it, I realized it was a magic powered weaving machine.

"This is where I try to make new fabrics. Could you show me how to use the elastic? As you called it." She sat me down and placed some of the threads to hang where spools could just as easily go.

"Sure, but could you show me how to adjust for size? I want long strips, instead of just a whole piece. No one likes spandex." I said chuckling.

"Span, dex?" She looked at me. "Well if no one likes it, you adjust this knob for length and this for width." She explained. I quickly made a strip of elastic for a pair of panties. As I started to stitch the ends together, I got an idea and took her measurements.

"I want you to understand why we use this back home." I explained. I switched the threads to standard for the fabric, and while being watched heavily, I made the bottom half of her panties. As I ran a seam between the elastic and the rest, she kept asking questions about my home. I said I don't actually know but I was training in this for a few years before I was captured and made a slave by Demi's. She apologized, but when I explained my escape and how I'm a hunter now, she got excited.

"If you are a hunter now, I want you to bring any new threads and fabrics you find to me." She said. "Would that be okay?" She asked.

"Sure, I was thinking of getting a house, so we could set up a base of operations for us and the other humans." I explained to the woman. After I finished making a simple pair of white panties, I handed them to her and explained. "We wear these under our clothes to keep things in order, men in particular, but with women, it makes it easier to put an old rag or some absorbent material inside when it's time for our period." She looked at me and smiled.

"These will sell like crazy. To think, no one even thought of making these yet. I just tied a rag down there when it was that time of the month." She slid the pair on under her dress and walked around. "And now I don't have to worry about exposing myself to anyone if I wear shorter dresses." She basically pushed me out of the chair and started lining up some more of the elastic thread. "I'm going to try to get used to the elastic. If you could come back in a few hours, I will look over the rest of the designs." She started to work before I even replied.

"Alright, see ya later." I said as I turned and walked away. As soon as I made it back into the store, I saw T'anya pouting and Misha had an arm over her shoulder.

"She does not like being separated from you." Misha explained. I took T'anya's hand and kissed it.

"You okay Pinkie?" I looked at her.

"She wouldn't let us in with you. I should have just killed her, but you said you might like to live in this town, so I didn't." She was still sniffling, so I brought her into a hug.

"It's not good if we can't be separated Hun." I whispered in her ear. "Every once in a while, we may have to just to work. So even though I am really happy you like me this much, you have to get used to the idea that we won't be together every second." I explained.

"I know this Alyssa. I can handle it if I prepare myself, but you just got dragged away." She pouted while she hugged me. Misha was running a hand up and down her back. I gave T'anya a quick peck, and then we left the shop.

We headed North after getting an idea of where the Mithril Monster was located. I distributed the 'Agility' to everyone, so we could make good time. After about an hour of running we made it to the zone. After taking back my 'Agility', we started to explore. It was a series of caves, and the dwarf, Jel'roche, was asking for 'Mithril Kiss' corpses. The 'Mithril Kiss' was a flying, bat-type, monster that was made out of mithril. It would bite and absorb energy directly from its victims. After exploring for ten minutes I found our first one. It was only about a foot in wingspan, and eight to nine inches from head to toe. It saw us and squeaked. I quickly checked its info and stole the skill 'Leech' and a lot of 'Agility'.

"Watch how quick you move girls. I am going to be bumping up your 'Agility', these monsters almost only have that stat." I said as I dumped half into each. We continued dumping the corpses into Misha's 'Infinite Storage', and after about an hour we had well more than enough.

"Alyssa? Can we keep exploring? I keep feeling something, and I think it may be a 'Deformed'." T'anya asked me.

"What's that?" I asked.

"A 'Deformed' is a monster from a geyser, that doesn't match the rest of the group. They are usually overwhelmingly powerful, and also, there is an open bounty on their corpses of ten royal gold." She explained. "Mind you they are so rare my husband never even heard of one being seen in the year we were together." She finished.

I used my ability to 'Analyze' the area and noticed a non-bat creature. "Let's go Pinkie." I grabbed her hand, and with all of our agility significantly higher, we were there in no time. It was a long pulsing worm-like creature. As I looked over its info again, I noticed it was 'Lv 136' and all of its stats were well over one hundred. Before anyone did anything I asked, "Can I syphon this guy, or does it need it's stats for the money?"

"Go ahead Alyssa. It's not common for someone to be able to do that, so they will just assume we got a lucky weak one." T'anya answered. I quickly drained all of its stats, and found a skill called 'Sense Life' and a spell called 'Refresh' after analyzing both of them, I would now always be able to feel if a living creature was around me, and 'Refresh' was a stamina regeneration spell. I brought all of its stats down to one point and then Misha cut it before storing it away.

"Can we go? These monsters are gross. Bats, bugs, now worms? I want more wolves. I knew I should have pushed for the cat monsters." She complained so I walked over and placed a kiss on her cheek. T'anya grabbed my hand on the other side, so when Misha looked at me, I kissed her much more aggressively. After making out with the both of them for a few minutes each we headed back to town.

When we headed back through the town gates the guard looked at us and smiled. He was huge with hair all over his body, and I was pretty sure he was a Bear. I looked at his long snout that was smiling somehow and waved with a grin. We went straight to Jel-roche's shop, and he was in the back again. However, this time a short and stout, but beautiful woman was manning the counter.

"'ow kin a 'alp ya gals?" She asked when we entered. Her accent was just as think as the mans, and now I realized it sounded like a Scottish accent.

"We have some 'Mithril Kiss' corpses for sale." I said to the woman.

"Ah, That 'usbind a mine. Gimme a sec' luv." She climbed the stairs and went into the smithy. After a few seconds I heard her yelling but couldn't understand a word, and then Jel'roche came running into the room and climbed the stairs.

"You three 'gain? I kin do six orders. That'd be six gold'n a that." He said looking at Alyssa. She popped eighteen corpses onto the counter and his eyes lit up. He quickly gathered a few forms and stamped them, and then threw six gold on the counter. Before he could leave, I asked to see his stock for weapons and a new shield for Pzymon. I grabbed a short sword for myself, and a pair of battle gauntlets for Misha. T'anya took a Heavy Battle Axe, and I grabbed a wand for Niko and a new shield for Pzymon. The total was about three gold since they were low tier weapons, but since we were technically low tier Hunters, it made sense. We crossed the street back to the Hunters' guild and handed over our forms. I saw Niko sitting with some people from this world and waved. She quickly ran over.

"Did you do a quest without me?" She said pouting.

"Yeah, we took out a bunch of 'Mithril Kiss' monsters. Why?" I looked at her.

"That's what I want to know. You know I was looking forward to the guild and hunting monsters." She leaned forward and got in my face. "Or do I have to sleep with you to be in your group?"

"I figured you had a clique already, since you only talk to me when you need something." I said with a bit of malice in my voice.

"Oh, so that's it!" She yelled turned around and left.

"She seems mad." T'anya said ever so quick on the uptake. We turned in our slips and got promoted to stone. A few Hunters noticed this and nodded their heads at us. Afterwards I leaned forward and asked for a private room to talk with the Guild Master.

"You needed to speak to me?" A fit older guy with only one arm asked. We had been brought into a small room with a couch across from a chair with a small table between.

"Yes. We were out hunting 'Mithril Kiss' today and came across a 'Deformed.'" I had Misha pull out the corpse and the man looked at it.

"Never seen one of these. What is it?" He looked to me. I knew it was called an 'Energetic Worm', but I wasn't sure if I was supposed to. T'anya nodded when I looked at her, so I told him.

"So, it could cast energy regen on itself? That must have been quite the sight." He smiled at me like he was waiting for the battle report.

"With the three of us, I used my speed to get behind it and when I got close it dug into the ground." I started lying to give the old man a good time. "While it shifted underground, it would lunge out at us with its mouth open. I got an idea, and we hung to the stalactites on the ceiling. After waiting a minute or two in silence, it lunged out of the ground and I got it right here with my blade." I pointed to the edge of the monster where Misha stabbed it for show.

"Ho, ho, ho!" He leaned back laughing holding his stomach. "To think you would be that quick a thinker at Stone rank. Well, let me just go ahead and hand ya this." He leaned forward with a small box of wood. "Inside is the reward, and also a card that will let you talk to any Hunters Guild Master in any town." He said as I took the box. I opened it and sure enough there were ten, almost platinum coins each slotted into individual slots, with a small card in a recess on the right side of the box.

"Thank you." I said as I gave it to Misha for storage. After going over information about where we found it, and what the surrounding area looked like we left.

"I'm going to go talk to Niko. Can you keep her company?" I asked Misha to look over T'anya.

"Of course. She is my second favorite after all." She put a hand on T'anya's shoulder and gave a light squeeze. I leaned over and gave her a big kiss and then followed suit with Misha. After this I went to the Inn.

"Hey Red?" I asked when I saw her. "Is Niko in? We had a bit of a fight."

"Yeah, she's in her room. She looked really upset so take it easy on her. Remember you guys were slaves until a few days ago." She explained to me.

"I was there. I remember." I laughed and went to Niko's room. I knocked on the door, and when she saw me, she just went back into her room and plopped into her bed leaving the door open for me.

"You okay gorgeous?" I asked.

"Yes and no." She said covering her eyes with her arm. "I'm not okay because I was raped as soon as I got to this world, but I am okay because I've wanted to come to a world like this my whole life. You even got me a super overpowered ability and everything." She laid there so I sat on the edge of the bed next to her. Her ability 'MP Regeneration' caused her magic to regenerate near instantly. It meant that she could continuously cast spells until she was dead.

"Well, talk to me. Yell at me. Tell me whatever you need to say." I decided to let her get all of the stress from the last few days out.

"See, that's the fucking problem!" She yelled at the ceiling, still not moving. "You show up and start fucking everything, but then you do sweet shit like bringing someone who was just starting to be treated like a sex slave to us. You save those other slaves just because, and then you even make a point to use your ability to help, not hurt. I hate that you seem to be able to just adjust to whatever is going on around you." She finished so I laid back and took her right hand with mine.

"Wanna know a secret?" I turned to her and she moved her hand and looked back at me. After looking into my eyes for a bit she nodded. "I was finally seeing a therapist back on earth for almost a year when I got summoned. My therapists jaw hit the ground when I started to tell him my life story." She realized what I was going to be telling her, so she rolled onto my arm and was laying so our faces were almost touching. "My parents died when I was eight. I went to live with my uncle, he was a good guy, just poor, and when one of his neighbors called protective services I was placed into foster care. After staying at an orphanage where I was bullied by the older kids, and the younger kids hid on me, I was sent to a foster home at ten. After living there for a month my foster brother and sister came into my room around midnight. They were both naked and looked at me. They tore my clothes from me and she sat on my face. All I could hear her say was 'I'm not leaving till you make me cum.' Over and over. As my brother didn't even lube me up or get me wet, he just jammed his dick inside me. After he thrusted for a while, I realized how to make her 'cum' as she put it and started to move my lips and tongue all over." I wasn't crying or even fazed right now by retelling this story for the umpteenth time, but Niko was definitely upset. I felt the hand she was holding get squeezed tighter and tighter as I went on.

"That's awful." She sniffed her nose.

"Well, after they finished, they both left the room, and my foster father came in about twenty minutes later. He looked at me and called me a slut before he rammed himself into me. Luckily, he wasn't as big as my brother, so it didn't hurt as much. That went on for about a month until one day they came in with straps, whips, and toys. The three of them together tied me up and hung me in a position they could see and access everything. They even had a special muzzle for my mouth, so the guys could still get blowjobs if they wanted. They whipped me and fucked me for years like that. I pretended I was used to it, and then, one day, I stole five hundred bucks and ran away. I was used by them for five years, so five hundred bucks was more than fair. Unfortunately, I didn't really understand finances, and since I was a runaway I couldn't work. I started out with stealing things before I stepped up to selling myself. I needed money to live and people were willing to pay up to three hundred for a night with me. I used that money to stay alive and saved up almost all of it. At eighteen I went to a fertility clinic and sold my eggs. They went for almost three hundred thousand dollars in all. This paid for my GED and then I went to college. The college wasn't ultra-expensive, but since I wanted to be a fashion designer, the materials were. I was just finishing my schooling when I went to a therapist for the first time. Then a few days ago, when I had mostly healed and started to get back to a good spot mentally, I was summoned to be a sex slave." I looked at her and she was crying. There wasn't pity in her eyes like normal people, but she was crying. I leaned into her and touched our foreheads together.

"I'm sorry you had such terrible stuff happen to you." She said in a whisper.

"Me too." I replied. "The reason I told you that wasn't to get you to cry for me though." I said. She looked at me confused. "I wanted you to understand that I have never really had a choice in most things. My parents died, my uncle was poor, my foster family was evil, all of it was just stuff I had to accept. Hell being summoned here, Presea was kneeling and apologizing to me when I got summoned. She didn't know what to do but didn't want me to suffer so she bought me some time to come up with a plan." I stopped talking and kept looking into Niko's eyes. "I didn't choose to adjust, I had to." She nodded her head, but since our heads were touching, she didn't move much which made me smile. She smiled back and then moved her head to give me a light kiss. When I went for another, she didn't stop me, so I kissed her harder and slid my tongue into her mouth. After a few minutes of that I pulled away. "Is it okay?" I asked her. She pulled her robe off over her head and looked at me with her perfect teeth shining. She had lighter skin for a Japanese person, but it made her look stunning. Free of freckles and perfect skin, her stomach even had the outline under her ribs and over her hips.

"Come here." She said as I lifted my robe off and kicked my shoes off. I leaned into her body and kissed her again and again. I traced my lips across her cheek and softly bit her ear. Next, I kissed her shoulder and her collar bone. I cupped her breasts as I licked her right nipple first and then the left. She moaned as I ran my teeth over them one and the other. She placed her hand at my crotch as I continued to play with her perky nipples. I could see goosebumps forming on them as I licked and bit playfully. She ran a finger inside of me and started to play it up and down. I kept kissing her. Her face, her chest, her breasts. As I was about to finish, I dug my teeth into her shoulder and she sped up until I came. I pulled back and pushed her head onto her pillow softly. I placed my head between her legs and kissed her pussy. I slowly and methodically got to know each fold and ran my tongue over her clit from time to time. She arched her back lightly each time. She was extremely sensitive, and I was extremely excited. I slowly slipped a finger inside her and slowly moved it in and out. She had grabbed a pillow, so she could silence herself. I kept kissing and licking as I ran a finger in and out until she sprayed my face. I looked at her and her chest was red, and her breathing was ragged. Normally I push forward, but I figured with her sensitivity she would die if I kept going. I pulled away hesitantly, since she smelled and tasted so good, and went up and stuck my face under the pillow with her and kissed her gently. She moved the pillow and after seeing her juices on my face, grabbed a towel and wiped my face. She kissed me after every wipe.

That makes three

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